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My current loaction isn't nesasy *dont turn around* lol :D
Member Since
Serving my God annnd, well I'm almost done with being a high school student! woo! Class of 2010 babayyy!!
Real Name
Ami!! (au-mee)
I passed the 11th grade and I'm a sr now XD
Anime Fan Since
Hah idk it's been too long
Favorite Anime
FMA, Code Geass, Trigun, Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, Bleach, Naruto, Samurai X, Rurouni Kenshin hmmmmm
Serve God, graduate high school, get a job, graduate collage, annd marry the one I'm in love with :)
Spending time with my bf(I guess thats not a hobbie BUT I love to do it :D) Drawing, singing
All of my talents are from God, and I use them all to the best of my ability I draw sing and act
Yoo wuz up?? Haha look me up on the space Much love :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011
been too long, but I dont think i will be using the "myO" just my worlds on theO love and miss you guys :) hope all is well praying for you!
*Matthew 19:26*
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Friday, June 18, 2010
The life, and love, of a Man who suffered
Well it certainly has been quite a while since I posted anything on here. I'm in a writing mood so I decided to post it here. Now even if you don't agree with this please read it till the end, but keep negative comments to yourself, please.
This is a story of a Man who live on this earth only thirty-two years. Many know this Man, many say he is fake, many believe that He is real. Some say He was crazy, others say He was sane. We all have our opinions as to if He is real, fake, sane, or crazy. But there's one thing I know, He's alive. Sure some say that He never lived, but as I said...everyone has an opinion of their own. Many believe that He is coming again to take those who believe in Him again some day, but others say that it's just a myth...I say He will return. But the thing is, He's only returning for those who believe and ask Him to return for them. Many have lost loved ones over the years, months, weeks, days, minutes...what ever the circumstances may be, those that are gone from earth will ONLY be with Him, if they ask, believe, and accept, who He is that He says He is. There are many who will refuse, disbelieve, and reject who He says He is...That's terribly sad. You see those who reject Him will separated from Him, and loved ones that are already gone, who accepted Him for who He says He is, in a horrible place where suffering never ends...for all eternity. Now this seems hard to believe, but all it takes is faith. You may call me crazy, a "dumb Christian", a person who has no fun, someone that doesn't know what their talking about..etc But all that doesn't matter to me, because I know what is truth, and what is lies. No, I am not, nor will I ever ever [U][/U]ever be perfect. But I have faith that Jesus Christ is my Lord, my Savior, and my Deliverer, and that He is returning for me some day, and everyone else who has accepted Him as their Lord and Savior. Jesus loves you no matter how your life style may be. I'm nothing special, I do NOT think I am better then everyone else because I'm a Christian, I have tons of fun, I'm not a "boring Christian" as some say. I'm just a servant of Jesus Christ who deserves absolutely nothing from Him because I'm a sinner, I'm human. Jesus died on the cross for each and every person in this world, and He doesn't want ANYONE to go to hell and burn forever. Sure tragedy happens but that's no reason to blame God for it. If those that are gone believed in Him and if you want to see them again then "ABC" 1) Ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins,and save you from eternal suffering. 2)Believe that Jesus died for you and is coming again and everything He says is true. 3) Confess you're sins to Him, and HE WILL SAVE YOU! All I am is a servant "Feeding His lambs"- John 21:15-17
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