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Wednesday, March 2, 2005
ooh! Ron is Soooooo cute!!!!
 Which HP Kid Are You?
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I'm sorry but I just HAVE to add this, man. I love bowling shoes!!!
 The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
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Sunday, February 27, 2005
Oh yeah, by the way, I cut my hair- myself. I tend to cut fine, but I cut it shorter than I had planned on. Oh well- it will grow back.
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Hey, I got back from my father's house today, so that is why I haven't been on. While I was there, I wrote something that I think my ex should here, but i don't know if it will make it into his hands or not. I'll let you all read it, ok? Here you go.
What can I say to make you love me again? I know that words are only words, and that people can say a million of them without meaning a single one, but how else can I prove to you just how much you mean to me? You won’t let me near you enough to provide some meaningful actions. So what can I say? I won’t say I love you because that means nothing to you now. What I will say is I need you, for you are the only one that can make me feel complete. I know I have said this a lot in the recent past, but I never lied about it. I actually need you. You are the only one I can talk to, because around everybody else, I feel like I’m wearing a mask, and when I feel like that, I wish I were with you, so I could take the mask off.
When I left you, I left a lot of things unsaid, and I think that was unfair to you. So now I’m saying them.
I didn’t leave you because I didn’t love you. I left because I was scared. I had grown up growing close to people and then losing them. I didn’t want that. So every time the fear grew strong, I broke up with you. Not that that was right, but I did. Another thing- I didn’t want to hurt you. Yes, I know you laugh or snicker at that, but it’s the truth. I thought that I would hurt you, because I felt I had hurt a lot of people- my mom, dad, step-dad, sister, brother, and friends. I didn’t want that to happen to you. So I broke up with you, thinking you were expecting it and that it would not have done any harm to you- but I was wrong. I was the one expecting things, and I was so caught up in expecting things that I didn’t see that you actually cared for me, and that you wouldn’t leave me. I hurt you and I cannot apologize enough for my actions.
I was lost, Ugo. Lost in my mistakes, fears, and problems. My mind was whirling with the thoughts of me leaving my mom’s house, with moving in with a complete stranger, with my love for you, the fear of hurting you, the fear of being alone, moving every 6-10 months. I was going through changes, finding out things about myself that I never thought possible. My mind wasn’t clear, and maybe that is the only good thing that came out of breaking up with you- I was able to clear my thoughts, deal with my problems, and think of what I really needed and wanted. Because now I’m thinking clearly.
You were a big part of my life, Ugo. You had a big impact on my life, and I thank you. From you I was able to learn that I’m not going to lose everything, as long as I believe in myself and the people involved. I can love again. And I will never stop loving you. How can I when you were there for me when I needed somebody the most? I still remember all the things you’ve done for me. I remember the time we were on The Zipper- the day we started dating- and I was scared out of my mind, but I just had to go on it because you wanted to go on it, and I was so scared and was hyperventilating, and you wrapped your arms around me and comforted me and made me feel safe. I remember the day I wound up in the hospital- I remember that whole weekend. You cared for me at your house before I wound up in the hospital, you called me from Mass. When I was in the hospital, and you stopped by the house to comfort me and check up on me when I got out of the hospital. When I went to my mother’s, and I was scared out of my mind, you came along with me for moral and physical support. Even after I broke up with you for the third time, and then asked for you back, when you said no and I started to cry, you held me close and told me to have hope for the future. Those are just a few of the memorable moments, when you proved to me over and over that you loved me. I was too scared to see the signs then, but now . . . Now I see.
And though the only time I seemed to be there for you was when your uncle died, that wasn’t the only time! I came to a lot of your games for baseball and soccer. I sat out in the rain for them, and caught cold, and I still went. I tried to throw you a surprise birthday party, though you entered the house through the wrong door and found out. When you got hurt by one of the opposing team members, I wanted to go out, kick his rear, and then go to you and comfort you, but I didn’t- though I wanted to.
Look. I’m not asking for you back- I figure if you want me back, if you are willing to give me another chance, one final chance, then you will tell me. I’m just explaining my actions, for it’s not right for you not to know. So how to end this? I guess the only thing left to say is thank you for the good times, and though we will probably never see each other again after high school, I will never forget you.
- Marie Etta Richards
So what do you think?
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Friday, February 25, 2005
Hey. I'm confused. I don't know what to do. I want Ugo back. I want him back so bad. And there are things that I never told him that I think I should. I never told him why I dumped him. He thinks it is because I don't love him anymore. Not the reason. I need to tell him before he goes to Europe for April Vacation. If I don't tell him, and he gets . . . hurt or . . . worse while he is over there, then I will never forgive myself. Please help me- give me courage, or advise, or ideas on how to tell him . . .
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Hey, here's a clip from the 2003 movie called Honey.
Chaz: Besides, I never mess up a kid's head, especially when his mom's in the shop.
Honey: [Chuckles] He's eight. That would have made me 14. I'm not that kind of girl.
Chaz: My bad.
Honey: We just peoples.
Raymond: Yeah, we peoples.
Chaz: You peoples? Playa, playa, how'd you swing that? I've been tryin' to be her peoples for weeks. Ain't had no luck.
Raymond: I got flow.
[All laughing]
Chaz: I got flow too. You don't think I got some flow?
Raymond: Maybe not as much as me.
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Bowling Disaster
Hey. I went bowling with my friends. Abe, Zak, Mark ugo and I. It went alright- I talked to Zak the most. I think he was flirting with me, but oh well. Ugo and Mark didn't talk to me all that much, even though i gave them a ride to and from, and paid for thier things, and invited them. Bastards. Abe was cool until a lot of other people showed up, and then that was when the trouble started. Abe was such a jerk, I snapped and started winging my ball down the alley, and totally ignored him. THe coach even noticed, because he came over and was like, "You don't look like you are having fun today," and I was like "I'm all right." and he walked off. Urgh. I think the problem is I don't do well with lots of people around me. I AM claustrophobic, anyways. Oh well. TTYL.
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Monday, February 21, 2005
Hey, maybe I do have friends after all! My friends Abrahamm, Zakariah, Ugo and I are going to go to the bowling alley two hours earlier, and practice before our game- for fun. Yes! Just the four of us. And don't get me wrong, I'm not hanging out with the guys because I want to date them, though each one has possibilities- I am going to hang out, because I get along better with guys than girls. Go figure.
I finished my pants too. I never told you about them. Around May of last year I had designed these pants- jeans that stopped at the knees and finished to the ground in ties that were sewn together. Well, I got one leg done, but never finished the other, so I was walking around with half-finished pants telling people that htey were finished. Well, tonight I finished them. Yay! Go for me. I sewed everything all by myself. They look SOOOOOO cool.
Well, see y'all around.
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Sunday, February 20, 2005
Hey, I actually held a decent conversation with Ugo today. Thank god! I was wondering if our avoiding each other was going to last forever! Maybe things will turn out all right after all. I am still not gonna make any moves, or hold hope, but for today, at least I can be happy for at least a couple of hours.
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Saturday, February 19, 2005
Vacation. Wee. I'm probably gonna be stuck in the house all week. Well, not all week. I get to go to my nephew's birthday next weekend. He's turning two, the little cutie. Oh well. So life goes.
Anyway, I am bored. I have a bowl-off on Tuesday. Maybe I will be able to round up some friends, if I have some left, and go bowling for an hour or so before the game. Who the hell knows?
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