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Sunday, November 28, 2004
The girl's mind is clogged
With memories past-
Memories of hate,
Memories of pain.
A hateful mother,
A father who left,
A friendship ended,
A crush pummelled.
She has so much grief-
It's amazing how she goes on.
But on she goes,
Head held high
And eyes full of sparkle.
She won't let her past
Set her future for her,
She won't let her past
Ruin her life.
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Thine eyes are heavy with sleep
As I sit in front of the glow,
Bleached white from the glare.
I longe for death, destruction
To relieve thee of the pressure
Building up around thy heart.
Pills would not satisfy thy thirst
Drowning would not feed the hunger,
Only in blood will I engourge myself.
Take thy blessed dagger in thy palm,
Press ever so gently upon thy smooth skin
And scar thineself forevermore.
Only in death will I relieve myself,
Only blood will satisfy the thirst
Of my overwhelming need for death.
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My heart is restless,
Beating faster in my breast.
My thoughts are twisted,
Thinking thoughts I must confess.
My fingers twitch, eager
To do the things that I must not.
My anger overrules my patience-
Blood will soak the ground today.
My eyes grow red with lust
For death, destruction.
I hunger for the things
That I am not allowed to have.
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old classmates
One of my old classmates, Corey Lagasse, decided to e-mail me today. Tis very weird for he always made fun of me in high school. Oh well. People change. I cannot say that I myself am any better than he was/is. Coincidentally, he goes to college with my brother. I told him not to say anything to my bro about me, for me and my brother do not get along well. Have a good day folks.
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Saturday, November 27, 2004
I love to role play on the internet, especially on yeahoo. So much fun. Half the time, I am an angel/human person, teh other half a wolf/shapeshifter/human/angel thingy. Ah, teh soothing effect role-playing has on me is great. I forget my problems most of teh time.
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Thursday, November 25, 2004
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy thanksgiving, people! I hope you eat tons and tons of turkey and get fat, and have fun! For that is what thanksgiving is all about- that and being with your family. Have fun and keep working on your websites! I enjoy reading them!
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Wednesday, November 24, 2004
hee hee, I just made a neopets site, and I already have 4 pets. It is fun, although it is quite a site for youngsters. Oh well, I do not care. It was fun. I am going to add some poetry in a little bit, so hold ye horses.
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Tuesday, November 23, 2004
 Essence of Peace. You are a perfect blend of all the good things of the others. You are the rarest of the essences. Your element is water, your season Autumn, your animal leopard, colors blue and white, and your gemstone the moonstone.
What is your essence? (for girls) brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, November 21, 2004
The flames flicker around my body,
Scorching the once beautiful cream
That you used to brush softly
With your loving fingertips.
The smell of my flesh is hideous,
I see you wrinkling your nose,
See you grimacing at the stench
Of my burning flesh upon the pole.
You glance in my eyes and I see
My fearful eyes reflected in yours,
My beautiful loving eyes nor fearful,
Yet still holding the love for you.
My hair catches the sparks of the flames,
Crackling and melting at the touch,
Wonderful hair which you once loved,
Hair you used to brush lovingly aside.
I burn on the stake of love I hold
In my heart for you, my love,
Hoping that you will forgive me, save me
From teh misery I put myself through.
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