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Thursday, December 1, 2005
AngelKOS-MOS' C-Box...
(*10:11AM 12/01/05. Thursday Auto Tech-Per.4*)
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Tuesday, November 22, 2005
AngelKOS-MOS: Des Vermis Mysteries, page 87
(*7:42AM-7:44AM Las Vegas, Nevada- 89101. 11/22/05. Monday. Composition H.-Period 1*)
----In the coldest of regions of space, the monstruos entities Ogdru Jahad---the Seven Gods of Chaos---slumber in their crystal prison, waiting to reclaim Earth...and burn the heavens.
Des Vermis Mysteries, page 87
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Wednesday, November 16, 2005
AngelKOS-MOS: Sadness and Depression is what lies inside me.
(*11:53AM 11/16/05. Wednesday. Las Vegas, Nevada. 89101 Automotive Technology Period 6*)
Sadness and depression is what lies behind my eyes. Or even so, I can't even tell what lies behind my eyes because they're constantly covered up with tears. I've been hurt, abused, and damned far too much for me to handle it all anymore! No one understands me because they're too scared to get to know the real me. I just want to finally give up; just escape and get rid of all my pain. I want people to understand, I want comfort at all times. I tend to bottle up all of my emotions and problems, hoping that they’ll all go away. But I long to reach out and tell that one special person all of my feelings and troubles. But I never seem to have that person to talk to, or they just don’t want to hear me. I want a normal and happy life. Though that picture is porcelain in my mind; it's not as great as it seems, and most importantly, it's not real. Wish it was though. I always feel this sense of loneliness clouding over my head; isolated though surrounded by several people. None of them know me; none of them see what's wrong with me. I want understanding, I want that friend, I want that special love, and I want that perfect life with the perfect person! I often find isolated places as being my salvation; any place away from “them” is ideal to me. I also love to express myself in many ways; whether it be through my emotions, my words, my art, or even physically. I think no one can relate to me, but I don't know how wrong I am or either how right I just might be. I’m just too scared; too scared to admit that maybe I might be wrong about society. I want company, but at the same time, I’m scared of it, scared of it leaving me. My sanctuary is my room where I can just be alone and try to throw away all of my aching pains. I’m dark and mysterious and people like me for that reason. I am not sure why they do but it happens. Even if I think I’m all by myself in the dark, someone is always there with me. My special someone wants to admit and show their feelings towards me, but they're afraid of how I’ll take it. Maybe it isn't as bad as I portray it to be. Life brings smiles, tears, laughter and memories. The smiles fade, the tears dry, and the laughter eventually dies down. But the memories, those may last me forever. So I am going to try to make my memories, memories that I can cherish. I can only live once, so I’m going to make it the best as possible, even if it is not the greatest right now. I won’t start frowning because it is already too late. Then again I never know who's falling in love with my occasional hidden smile :)
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Tuesday, November 15, 2005
AngelKOS-MOS is Pansexual...
 You are pansexual.
What is your sexual orientation? brought to you by Quizilla
(*9:16PM 11/14/05. Monday. Las Vegas, Nevada. 89101*)
I am not really sure what to say to this but I know that when I love someone, it is something known as true love. My unique, pure love. (*9:18PM*)
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Monday, November 14, 2005
*IMPORTANT NOTICE*: AngelKOS-MOS is now BlackRoseDalia on the Otaku Boards...
(*8:05PM 11/14/05. Monday. Las Vegas, Nevada. 89101*)
I have recently registered for the Otaku Boards as BlackRoseDalia. I have not really made any modifications to my new subscribtion. BlackRoseDalia was created today, 11/14/05 Monday, around 11:00AM in my Automotive Technology II class (*WHICH LASTS 3 periods that are each 45 MINUTES LONG...not to mention we do not get to leave in between classes for a small 5 minute break--THAT adds 15 MINUTES for a grand total of...hmm...oh I don't know...150 MINUTES which is 2 hours and 30 minutes*). Oh, I almost forgot. My Auto Tech teacher was kinda grumpy today and well...he was yelling and screaming so that he can show off to some people that he is strict and that he has things under control. TCH'...if only he knew the things that people do behind his back with him in the shadows. I, personally, am not one of them. (*Sigh...*)I know that this is not really an update but more like a...journal entry so that I can relieve my stress. This stress has been building up for, exactly today, 2 months and 2 weeks. Well, I guess I should be logging off right now seeing as I should of been trying to find out if I have any homework left from today's "INTERESTING" school day, wink-wink :). Not to mention my boyfriend over slept and did not show up to school. I think that it was for the best since he was sick. He says that he has some kind of viral infection inside his throat. Who the hell knows what it is, hell not even his own doctor knows what it is. See, this the part where, if it was me, I would start to wonder if my doctor really graduated the honest way. You know, not cheating on any of his/her school exams and all that good stuff. In my case, I don't have a doctor so what the hell do I have to worry about some malpractice. I know that I am going to jinx myself but what the hell. I am healthy and I really have not necessarally had the urgent need for a doctor of any kind. My parents are dentists, so that means that they studied medicine. (*If one of you says that they did not, I will get on your case so bad.*)Any dentist has to study medicine, otherwise, how in the hell are they going to perscribe you your medicine when you need to reduce the pain after they remove your wisdom teeth or something like that. Every patient is different so not every aspirin or pain killer is adecuate for them. I'm going to start heading off of here right now.(*Sigh...*)So tired and I think that I have the munchies, nah...nevermind, I don't know. Rose kisses...(*8:40PM*)
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Sunday, November 6, 2005
AngelKOS-MOS is Seras Victoria...
(*11/05/05. Saturday. 10:25PM Las Vegas, Nevada 89101*)
 What Hellsing Character Are You? Hosted by Anime. Done right.
I never thought that I would be a push over and look at me now...tch-figures I would be one.(*10:26PM*)
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Saturday, October 29, 2005
(*11:30AM 10/29/05. Saturday. Las Vegas, Nevada*)
I am so tired, I haven't had much time to update anything on here as I have wanted to. I am so tired that I am yawning as I am typing this stuff THAT NO ONE READS, COMMENTS ON, OR RESPONDS TO!!! Well, people don't have time for me-sure as fucking hell I don't have time to waste on you either. Damion sure as fucking hell does not respond to me on anything on here, why should anyone else then? YOU ALL SUCK!!!(*11:36AM 10/29/05. Saturday*)
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Tuesday, October 11, 2005
AngelKOS-MOS has updated...
(*10/11/05. Tuesday. 12:44AM*)
Recently, I noticed that my vitals were a little too
"obsessed" about Damion so I decided to change them a bit. Sorry honey, but I am not going to make the first impression to the public as a loving psycho of Damion, I am but not to that extreme extent. Everything is going well except that my Spanish for Spanish Speakers 4 Honors AP(*Advanced Placement*)project on Ancient and Lost Civilizations is due is due at around 12:42PM on 10/11/05. Tuesday, WHICH IS LATER ON TODAY, and me and my Youkai love/lover Damion have not completed anything upon it. We both had an entire week but we, as always, do everything at the last minute yet we get a decent grade. Damion and I should learn how to manage things in a timely maner rather than do them at the last minute and lose sleep over something that we had plenty of time to accomplish it and put it together. We had a week since 09/26/05. Monday but we did not do anything of relation to it because we were to busy playing around, playing on the computer, chating on the computer, and talking over the phone. Well, it seems that it is past the time that I should of fallen asleep to.I think that I should and will get going now. I love you my sweet lover and only love, Youkai Damion.(*1:01AM*)
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Friday, October 7, 2005
AngelKOS-MOS is the "Wicked Game"...
(*8:29PM 10/07/05. Friday*)
 Which HIM song are you? brought to you by Quizilla
"Wicked Game", these are mild words as of which to address me and to describe who I really am and what I really am deep inside.
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AngelKOS-MOS is the Mad Hatter...
(*7:58PM 10/07/05. Friday*)

What Angel Sanctuary Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
I will always be faithful to my master, Damion.
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