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Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, March 20, 2006
What is your Final Fantasy (7, 9, 10) love life?
SHIT! That's a lot of kids! Then's Seymour ^-^.
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What kind of "dark" person are you?
This one isn't so bad...
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Your Life In The Fantasy World - girls- (Man I LOVE Fantasy ^_^)
(*Sigh...*)He sounds like a cutie..."SOUNDS LIKE".
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Your Goth Persona...
People still don't know that goth isn't a "persona" but it is a form of art. Really dissapoints me...=.=.
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Your Fantasy Persona...
This isn't so bad...I think.
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What is your Stripper Persona?
I was bored...
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Tuesday, March 14, 2006
(*Per.-3--Government Honors*)I'm sick...
Man, this sucks...I can't even set up my lap top at home so that I can visit you guys, comment on your sites, and update. It looks like the only time that I ever get to go on here and say something is when I am at school and all I have to do is type. I can't even update on pictures for you guys because photobucket's browser "times out", it never loads it up, or it just cuts off part of the picture. I think I should try to upload my pictures on geocites(*lordsesshomaro mentioned it on his Otaku help website that it would be a good idea to store my pictures there*). I don't even know what to do anymore because I don't have a desktop and it is a pain in the ass to set up all of the wiring for a lap top so that it can go online with the connection of "DSL". Thanks for visiting me you guys, sorry that I haven't come by and commented on you guys' sites...haven't really been feeling too well and I haven't had that much energy to do anything...not even my homework. You suck Damion, what's your problem being sick? I come to lazy bum! Hugs to all! (^-^)Lates...
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Friday, March 10, 2006
Short Post...
(*Sigh...*)Sorry that I haven't really been on here. I've been busy with school and catching up on my sleep. It's kinda cold in my auto tech class, I think it's because my teacher won't turn down the air in here and it's already windy outside which makes it cold. My teacher's coming so I'll visit you guys a little later. Love you Damion.
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Thursday, March 9, 2006
New Assingment For Government Honors...=.=*
Man, this sucks so bad. I need to do some stupid Yucca Mountain debate thing. I hate it so much because we have to look up some 60 facts about the topic. 30 in favor of it and 30 against it. Megh, I need to change my password for one of my MSN accounts...and the stupid school server has it all blocked. No worries...I have a proxy that might work but right now I'm not so sure that it will because I keep clicking off the window because my teacher keeps coming near me. Not to mention I'm not having a really good day today. The bell is going to ring now, lates everyone.
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Monday, March 6, 2006
KOS-MOS In Space With Scythe

I love this picture because she is in space with all her equipment decked out and ready to obliterate anything in her path. GO KOS-MOS!
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