myO Still <3's You
Saturday, July 2, 2005
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since i'm in colorado right now, i am officially ungrounded! yay! i'm staying at my cousin's house, and its HUMUNGOUS! its a little scary on the first and second floor becuz the fish tanks are always flowing water so its like a mini waterfall. the basement is awesome too! its like another house in the basement.
Kyo: just as it was getting good without you, you hafta come stick your nose back in. whatever. the 15 hour trip here from arizona wasn't all that fabulous. i got nauseous for the first couple hours then i drank 3 cans of iced tea and felt better. omg, we went to KFC for the first time and i swear, i will never go back there again unless i have to. Uo: Don't you dare eat my Kureno's zodiac animal! um...ok, i just won't eat him. what else? i'm trying to figure out how to put in a picture in my blogs. so far, i'm actually getting somewhere. ^^ i'm usually very clueless when it comes to html. i'll put up the code in a couple days when i finish it. Kyo: the idiot has learned something. it is indeed a cold day in hell today on earth. the rest of relatives are watching a movie...i think its gladiator or troy or something rated R. i'll go watch later, the music sounds really cool from the study room. oh yes! i created an account on i'm posting up a story i'm writing. i'll give you guys the link as soon as i get it up! Kyo: indeed a frozen day in hell... I can make it one for you if you'd like. | ||
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
haha...i have a problem...
Me: i got my mom ed at me since i didn't feel like getting up and going to swimming on she grounded me for a week.
Hatori: Then why are you on now? Me: uh...hehehe....^^;; i kicked my brother out of his time on the pc. Kyo: ::quietly jumping for joy:: Me: i'll try to visit some sites in the time i have left tho. Oh! and i'll be in Colorado on the 1st of July but i'm staying at my uncle's and aunt's house so i can probably get on then...if they have a computer that is. Kyo: Who doesn't have a computer? Me: um...the kids in africa don't. Kyo: i meant middle class people/ Me: that's a different story. but ignoring that fact. i'm sorry to everyone that i was acting stupid and got grounded! i'm sorry i was being sooooo stupid! Yuki: that's okay. Kyo: THAT'S GREAT! AWESOME! THE BEST NEWS I HAVE HEARD IN MY WHOLE LIFE!!! ::u kno what yuki and i do to him after:: Yuki & Me: DIE! STUPID CAT! ::punches him out:: | ||
Sunday, June 26, 2005
....i don't really kno the subject but....
Me: hi! i'm only here becuz my brother is helping me with a level on my video game so i don't have long!
Kyo: The sooner you leave the better! Me: Shut up! ::whacks him with a frying pan. It sux enough that i got this! ![]() What Fruits Basket Character Are You? Hosted by Anime. Done right. Kyo: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! wait...that's not a good thing. Me: No its not. ::vein starts to twitch:: But be quiet! i have something important to tell everyone. Tokyopop is hosting 4 anime conventions this year! Anime Expo: July 1st-4th: Los Angeles, CA Comic-Con Int'l: July 13th-17th: San Diego, CA WizardWorld Chicago: August 5th-8th: Chicago, IL Otakon: August 19th-21st: Baltmore, MD i COULD go to the one in San Diego becuz that's only around 6 hours away but i don't think my mom would drive me there. that's sux. guess i'll just hafta wait until i can drive! that's 4 years but i don't think anime will just disappear into thin air in that time. Kyo: no duh. thanks for stating the obvious, stupid monkey. Me: you're the stupid cat, dumbass. oh! and i seem to be losing my artistic skills. i can't seem to draw things right anymore. everything seems out of proportion! WAHH!! i'll just try harder! ::gets down to work:: Kyo: You sound like a mix of tohru and momiji. momiji's wah and tohru's face your fears thing. Me: What does face your fears have anything to do with my loss of skill? | ||
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
all of my friends r leaving......
Me: i'm so one's gonna be here starting the upcoming monday...i'll be all lonely. but i won't be too bored! i'm gonna sew some clothes!
Yuki: just don't things shamelessly like ayame. Me: Of course not. i'm making clothes for myself so i'm gonna use myself as a . Duh. Kyo: wow...u actually have a talent? Me: Yes, infact i do, u stupid cat. i just don't show it. Kyo: DON"T CALL ME STUPID CAT, U STUPID MONKEY! Me: or capricorn. techinically i'm not ritsu, so u can't call me monkey. Yuki: Just shut up, stupid cat. that's ur name from now on so live with it. so what are you making? Me: you're talking to me? ::yuki nods:: i'm making a tank top. the cloth is really pretty with all the seashells on it so i think it'll turn out great! after i'm done with that, i will post up a pic of it! ^^ and continue onto making halter or something. Yuki: how far are you? Me: ... i'm hemming the front with lace and when that's done, i just hafta sew the back onto it and add the jean straps. i spent forever to sew together the front. it was harder than i thought! Kyo: you took the straps off of jeans? Me: No. my mom took them off and i took them from her and used them since she didn't. and if u have a problem with it, live with it and move on. Kyo: um...ok. what else are you gonna do to occupy urself? Me: make wallpapers! and swim! and draw! both bring up very good things i need to tell everyone! Yuki: swimming first ::smirks at kyo:: ::kyo glares:: Me: i'm gonna go to the Grand Canyon State Games this saturday!!! ^^ i'm gonna compete with everyone around the state to see where i place. Kyo: good swimmer. a lot better than tohru who thinks its smart to jump in and hold her breath. Me: .... u shouldn't make fun of your friend. its not nice. Yuki: what does wallpapers bring up? ::shuts up kyo:: Me: oh that! i made two new wallpaper! one's naruto. it has sasuke on it! i kno he's cute but he's not my type so i like KAKASHI da best! ^^ the other one is furuba and has kyo on it! Here's the links if anyone wants it: Uchiha Sasuke Wallpaper or Sohma Kyo Wallpaper Kyo: It's me....NO! I'm blushing! that's embarrassing! take it off! Me: Not on ur life! ^^ the kyo one's not doing well but i like it so i hope more ppl will download it soon! the sasuke one is doing really good! 40 downloads and i submitted it yesterday at ten or something! Yuki: In your face, stupid cat. Kyo: You wanna take this outside? ::yuki nods:: ::both run outside and start to fight:: Me: i better break up the fight before it gets Kyo gets beat and ed again! so sayonara everyone! have good day! Kyo: ::from outside:: What did u say, damn monkey???? | ||
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
it's so hot!
Me: this sucks. its like 60 billion degrees in Arizona! its hell!
Yuki: actually its 109 outside and 87 in the house. Me: :: off:: did i ask for your opinion, Yuki-chan? Kyo: GO ANGEL! good job on kicking his ego! he can't hit a so he'll just hafta sulk ::laughs as yuki sulks:: Me: I'm sorry, Yuki-kun! the heat gets to me bad. I didn't mean anything by it! Kyo: He's mad, that makes me happy therefore u shouldn't care. Me: But he's my Yuki-kun! i wuvs him! And shouldn't you be going to get the ice cream for us? Kyo: No. You said you would do that. Me: FREEZER! ::takes out all the ice:: ^^ pistachio almond! yummy. this flavor reminds me of baskin robbins for some reason... Yuki: you should have gone with ur mom and brother to the YMCA so afterwards you coulda gone 2 water and ice for Hawaiian shaved ice or more ice cream. Me: Shoulda but didn't. If i went, i wouldn't be with Kyo-kun or Yuki-kun! And i wouldn't be here either! Kyo: You're only here to find new ppl to ask for help on html since ur so clueless. Me: makes me feel bad if i ask the same person twice about html, like i'm bugging them. And i only kno the basics so it doesn't help much. but i'm trying to make a little scroll box on the top of my site for my misc. stuff! Yuki: how far are you? Me: Nowhere....IT'S SO FRICKIN' HOT IN HERE! I MUST GO TURN ON THE AIR CONDITIONING BUT MY MOM WON'T LET ME BECUZ SHE IS OUT OF HER MIND!!! Shigure: ::poke:: works on all monkeys! ::grins stupidly:: Yuki & Kyo: ::thinking:: i'm tired. | ||
Monday, June 20, 2005
Ooo! I Joined A Contest!
Me: Today I have done something with my life! I went to Gameboy's site and joined his best site contest!
Kyo: Hmph! That's not saying much. Me: Okay. Yeah, i agree. But i think that's a lot compared to what i've done all summer long, which is nothing of mention so far. Hatori: I've done a lot. Me: I know that. ::looks at Ayame and Shigure:: Shigure: Oh! Aya! Do you feel my pain? Ayame: Of course! One must always know one's lover's feelings. Me: I am not hearing right today. Onward! My mom went shopping today without me...but she got me a lot of clothes. Now i have 3 more pairs of jeans and a soft green tank top.I have new jeans for the first day of school which isn't until august so i have no clue why she bought them now. But she said they had a really good deal on jeans at Old Navy ($5 a piece). She knows me too well. i almost never wear shorts or skirts unless i'm inside my house with my family only so i only wear jeans or khakis out. Oh! And she got me this black and white zebra/cheetah patterned shirt with shiny sequins covering it. Mom likes fact she can't resist to buy things that have sequins on them. Shigure: That's a big change from's school skirt... Kyo: You ! ::punches him into the wall:: Hatori: You shouldn't do that. Now he's gonna take longer to heal. Me: I don't think Kyo-kun could care less, Hatori-sama. Hatori: How long have you been calling me Hatori-sama? Me: Long time. Since i started this talking with Furuba characters thing. Hatori: Isn't sama only used for royalty or someone of high rank? Me: um....i don't know. Yuki: I believe so. Motoko won't stop chasing me and calling me Yuki-sama. Me: oops. but Hatori-san sounds weird to me. So i'll keep calling you Hatori-sama! i should start calling Yuki-kun, Yuki-sama...wait...that sounds stupid. i'll stick with san. Yuki: Good ::sigh of relief:: Me: I don't think Kyo-kun could care less, Hatori-sama. | ||
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Me: haha! i went to bed at 5:30 last night....or should i say afternoon and woke up at 10 this morning! My mom tried to wake me up 3 times but i just went back to sleep. I missed dinner...but i wasn't hungry at all in the morning which was weird.
Hatori; That's not good. You should take better care of yourself. Me: But the site..i had to change.. Kyo: Idiot. ::punches my head:: Me: Oww! That hurt! What was that for? Kyo: Idiot. ::punches me again:: Me: You're so mean, Kyo-kun! WAH! Kyo: Idiot. Don't sound like Momiji. ::punches me:: Me: Then stop punching me!!! Kyo: Idiot. ::starts to punch me and then suddenly flies up into the air and crashes through the ceiling:: Yuki: Now that that's done. What were you saying? Me: uh....Yuki-kun. What about Kyo-kun? Is he ok? Is he alright? Did he die? ::worries frantically:: Yuki: He's fine. continue with your talking. You shouldn't worry about someone who's so mean. Me: ok....i got two more banners up! One leads to my wallpapers and one leads to my fanart! they on the top so u guys don't hafta scroll down to click on the link! It's easier for you guys! Shigure: ::still in casts:: how convenient for poor little me. Me: I'M SORRY, SHIGURE-SAN! I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS U! (if u want to kno what i am talking about, go into my archives and look at the first post there) Hatori: Don't worry. He's fine. And so is Kyo. I believe they are immortal. Me; That's nice. I wish they weren't tho. ::claps hand over mouth!:: i mean! that's the best thing i have ever heard in my life! Next to the laughing my parents did when i fell down in an elevator! Hatori: Fell down in an elevator? Is that even possible? Yuki: obviously, since she just did. Me: I'M SO SORRY ! I'M SORRY FOR DOING SOMETHING SO STUPID! AT LEAST IT WASN'T AS STUPID AS LAUGHING WHILE JUMPING IN MY POOL OR SLIPPING IN THE BATH TUB EVEN WHEN IT HAS THE NON SLIP THING ON THE BOTTOM! OR CRASHING INTO THE DOOR EVEN THO I SEE THAT IT'S THERE OR TRIPPING ON AN ESCALATOR!! I'M SORRY! Hatori: ::blinks:: you can do the impossible. how can u trip on an escalator? you're supposed to stand still. ::smiles a little:: Me: i dunno. i just fell. ::hangs head in shame:: Hatori: Don't worry then. You're immortal too. you were saying something earlier about the site? Me: i did???...i might change my bg if i can find a better one. anyone have any ideas? or should i just keep it the way it is or find another one? speaking of site changes, does anyone have a good idea of a song for da music? the song i have right now is starting to bug me. Haru: i don't want my ex to go away again ::looks sad:: Me: But that's only your opinion. Kyo: ::out of nowhere:: THEN CHANGE YOUR SONG! IT BUGS ME TOO! Me: EEK! ::slaps him really hard:: Kyo: First Tohru! Now you! What is up with this place? Me: I'm sorry! At least Hatori-sama doesn't have to treat you! Saves him the trouble! Kyo: I'm hurt! And now all you can think of is Hatori. ::looks up at the list of stupid things i've done:: wow! you're even klutzier than tohru! ::cracks up:: Me: i'm sorry. i should be more careful, i kno.::blushes in embarrassment:: Oh! I have to thank Cia-chan for handing me the first aid kits for when i fell down the stairs! ...i have 51 of them now...she's so generous! ^^ she must be a good friend of hatori-sama's to have that many! Yuki: Or she's just always prepared for you to fall and hurt yourself again. Me: that too... Ayame: ::out of the blue:: The princess shouldn't feel bad! Being klutzy can make a man's heart swell with love for you! Me: A YA! (which is ohmigod in chinese or that's how it sounds anyways) ::crashes the table over his head:: Ayame: name is Aya....::falls over unconscious:: Me: I'm so sorry! it's just that you surprised me and i thought you were something else and i panicked so i hit you! and the table was the closet thing i could find! i'm so sorry what can i ever do to make you forgive me? Hatori: well...shigure, you and aya can be beat up together. ::shigure's eyes turn into stars:: Yuki: You coulda killed him and the made the world a better place. besides, he's immortal too. Me: really? but i don't wanna kill anyone one of the Jyunnishi! Yuki: believe me, you do now. Me: um...C ya guys! I hafta go now! Please comment! | ||
Friday, June 17, 2005
Changes r now officially in process!
Yay! i wanna give a big thanks to demonic archangel for giving me the code to make the bg stay in place! stays ::tears stream down face::
Hatori: What's with the water works? Me: ::clenches fist:: It's so beautiful! It's staying like a good dog! Hatori: Yes, a good dog indeed ::glares at Shigure:: Shigure: ::hobbles in covered in casts and bandaids:: It's not my fault i got wacked and almost broke all of my bones! And that you had to fix me up! Me: uhm.....heheheheh. Hatori-sama?... ::sweatdrops:: Haru: ::looks at background:: that person looks familiar... Me: Duh! It's Isuzu-chan, Hatsuharu-kun! She's your friend, i mean, your ex! Haru: Okay.::looks kinda sad:: Me: I didn't mean to make you sad! i'm so sorry! ::bows down:: Kyo: ::snaps over to me and points a fist at my head:: Hey! What happened to the stars i was staring at? Me: I'm sorry, Kyo-kun! I forgot to tell you that I was redoing everything! Please don't hit me! ::puts up hands in defense:: the background full of stars is changing, the music, the avatar..the banner that chibi bishi slaved over making for me... Haru: Slaved over? Me: ::silence:: well...its going out anyhow Kyo: At least the sappy music is going with it. Me: it's not sappy! i like it! ::goes over to scold him but trips and falls onto the floor:: Kyo: erm.....::looks at me on the floor:: Me: ::from the floor:: i forgot to say this last time! i'll say it now! THANKS TO ALL THE PPL THAT TOOK THE TIME TO VOTE ON MY POLL!!!! | ||
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Votings % Results!
okay, it's been a few days since i put up the poll. Now i decide that it's done. Wow! D.N.Angel and Furuba were pretty close! off by one point....the winner is....drumroll please.... FURUBA! Yay! ::throws confetti::
Kyo: Who's gonna be the one on ur background? Or is everyone gonna be there? Me: I'm thinking either Tohru-chan or Isuzu-chan. ::everyone gasps:: Yuki: Are you serious? You're not gonna put me in your background? Me: becuz i couldn't find a good one...well...the one i found was orange which was weird and it was a bit bright. Yuki: ....It had the stupid cat's color on it? Me: ::suddenly realizing something:: um....yeah. Yuki: ::in shock:: Kyo: See? I'm better than you! Yuki: ::walks away dragging Kyo with him:: Me: ::sweatdrop:: Did i say something wrong? Neways, I found two wallpapers that are really good! The one with Tohru is light blue with black feathers. The one with Isuzu is really dark and gothic looking...well...kinda. Shigure: And i wasn't even an option....::sighs:: Me: EEK! WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?? ::whacks him with my bag:: | ||