Yay! I have come home from Colorado! home sweet home! my joints keep ing since i sat in a car for 12 hours, sleeping and eating and listening to my music.
Kyo: u slept most of the time.
yup! did u slipknot and linkin park make me fall asleep? its really weird. i was listening to my slipknot CD and they were screaming really really loud the whole time and i dozed off. same with my linkin park CD. my head kept hitting the window when i dozed off so i kept waking up. the weird thing is that my greenday CD kept me awake.
Kyo: rock music is supposed to keep you awake stupid.
Yea i kno that. My brother was looking at me like this

the whole time then laughing his head off. then i'd punch him and he'd shut up.
Kyo: He probably already shut up when you turned your face around.

DIE! *punches him through the wall* neways, we went to mcdonalds and got an ice cream cone. i started to draw smiley faces on mine. it was pretty funny until my cone ed and the ice cream dripped down my hand. XD but it was good! cold...
Yuki: Doesn't he ever get tired of being punched through the wall?
Kyo? Nope. its his favorite hobby! i think. oooh! guess what? {wait i shouldn't ask that, no one will answer me right away} my aunt and uncle gave me $100 for no apparent reason before we left. they were like here is a gift for u and handed me a hundred dollar bill. O.O i was so surprised i yelled "OH MY F***ING GOD!!!" from the car when i opened it. twice.
Yuki: Weren't u looking for money to spend at that Air Force Base souvenir shop?
Yea, which was pretty ironic. i need money, i don't get it. we leave and get some and can't spend it until i go somewhere. EEK! *mom slams ruler down on table*
ok! ok! i will! i will! *whines like shigure* mom is being scary! that's my cue to go! oh i shall gamble for few moments to tell you that i seem to be getting more comments with the new blog box! yay!