Its been a while since i've updated. haha! guess i lost track of the time.

well...that's just me for you. hope no one missed me too much (as if anyone would miss me). oh! i got Furuba volume 10 yesterday! its so good! i realized how much yuki loves tohru but he shall never get her since kyo is destined to be with her, in my opinion. and i realized how much the relationship between hiro and kisa is like a miniature version of kyo and tohru. its so cute!
Neways, Kyo went on a vacation for today becuz he didn't want to see my face today so he won't be here!! so he won't be back until the next time i update. heheh! gave him a chance to relax for day! I did a lot of things while i wasn't updating! I got interesting in the mangas: Planet Ladder, Kare Kano, Warcraft: the "something i don't remember" trilogy, Alichino, and that's all. They were all pretty good!
My real opinion (if anyone wants it)
1. Planet Ladder: Its cute and the main character is a bit like tohru honda, but something about how how everything seems so eerie, u get confused as the main character is.
2. Kare Kano: the moment i finished reading the 7th book (no, i don't go in order, this was the lowest volume they had at the library), i fell in love with the series. its cute how the characters treat each other. some things just don't work out the way they're supposed to, i guess!
3. Warcraft: i hope this doesn't offend anyone, but it was pretty boring in my opinion. i flipped through a couple pages and gave up on it and decided that it was a good idea that my mom didn't want to buy it for me. the only part i really liked was when the got the dragon.
4. Alichino: this one was so sad! its like everyone dies and everyone that lives is saved by someone they don't care for. and the savior doesn't really care for them either. It nearly made me cry but i sucked it up and didn't cry in the bookstore.

btw, he's saying thankgod!
And yesterday, we rented a movie called "indigo". it was about this one named Grace whose parents were thrown in jail during a bust but her dad ran away before the cops came so they never caught him. And her grandfather is too protective of her mother and is very impatient and somewhat uncaring. So grace gets sent to a foster home. then suddenly her mother calls her grandfather from jail and asks him to basically kidnap grace from the foster home. u see, when he's there, grace already knew he was coming to get her so she'd already packed her things. slowly its revealed that she's psychic and is one of the indigo children. so her and her grandfather travel to one of his friend's cabin homes to escape from her father who's on the loose and wants the $50000 that disappeared in the bust. but they find that her mother's brother, stewart, has come to the cabin home to find the money too since he was the unknown part of the deal. then, in the end, grace tells them who has the money and its someone most unexplainable has the money. its like a documentary or something, its not in theatres but its really good so if you get a chance to watch it, please do!
I have talked so much! i'm sorry! i keep doing stupid things like that! i hope i didn't take up too much of your time!
Have a great day!