Hey everyone! I'm sorry i haven't updated in three days. i got grounded for leaving the door open and letting all the air conditioning out and all the evil criminal people a chance to come in. i'm so stupid.
i've started to check everyone's sites but i'm sorry if i didn't get to your site! i'm currently on the usernames that begin with D. i finished all the letters before so u should see a comment on ur site. um...what else?
i have noticed that a lot of ppl that used to be really happy, like Cia-chan and dream_wings, are now completely depressed and down in the dumps. i don't know why! i wanna help but i don't know how!

i feel guilty that i'm the complete opposite. i used to be sorta dark and depressed but now i'm all happy and hyper all the time.
hm...a lot of ppl seem to like darker and more black backgrounds for my site...i'm debating to whether redo my site completely again into a happier place or redo it and still keep it dark...
oh yes! another thing. for all those ppl who don't kno html really well or are too lazy to do things, i'd be happy to make you ppl update blogs with the picture background and stuff.
i'm GOING to post up a fanart probably tomorrow so don't go check it now. its something i drew for an art contest and i'm submitting it on saturday or sunday so i'd thought i'd let you guys enjoy it.

i spent three weeks working on it day and night (maybe not 24/7 but i worked hard on it!). i had three months to work on it but i forgot about it so i had to procrastinate but i think its still pretty good.
ok, i'll shut up now. i'm taking up so much time! Hope everyone has a good day! Bai Bai!