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myOtaku.com: Angels Fox Fire

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

iLoveanime123 (07/13/06)

hey nice site come and see my site alright ^_^
p.s adding ya to firendlist ok
add me to your ^_-
bye, bye see ya later

kiba20097 (11/13/04)

hey nice site angels fox fire...come drop by mine some time k

ayalovesvidel (04/16/04)

thanks for the comment ^o^ im addin u to my friendslist, add me to urs ok?! ^_^ .. please visit my site ^_^..

ur friend,

KamiyaUsagi (03/23/04)

Hello well....um natrauly i would be saying love ur site but sinec u only have one post what the point but i m sure itwill turn out great and well see ya and plese come to my site 9-9 i give u puppy eyes!

Afu Mush (01/15/04)

da sites of to good start!
^^ Inuyasha sounds so cool!! i wanna see!!! ^^

mitsurugi101 (12/30/03)

hey, I'm just going around signing guestbooks at random so please don't feel special, even if may already7 be, hey.

meteoragurl392 (12/17/03)

luv da site hope you dont mind if i add you as a friend

a.k.a tater-salad lol

blackangel (12/11/03)

im not sure what i wana draw. mybe another kenshin pic or a inuyasha pic.

Wolfy (12/02/03)

Hi holly^_^ its me courtney ^_^

I hope that you can make ur site better....I can help you if ya want..tomarrow at scholl remind me and ill tell ya how to do it^_^