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| angelservant010
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Monday, January 21, 2008
Here I am ....
Back to clean stuff and starting to roll some expressive shit.
*rolls around*
I'm gotta get well!!
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Thursday, October 26, 2006
I uploaded a
Dentist today at 11pm and I am SHOULD be sleeping.
So... bed, here i come.
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Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Abandon no way
--- ---
Mighty prayer for your grandfather
who art is in the hand of the Lord oh Great
may your mind rest in the hands and wonders
of the holy Lord and God
King amount the weak, King amount the seekful
he sees our needs and our ways
let him work his love for the law he must stay
Let his hands work, for his heart is true
Love and awe-powering, please stay asleep
Jesus cries for our suffering pain
No need we bear for his truth we must seek
In loneliness and spaced-out halls
call him back, call him truthfully
and he'll seek your sake
Let his words drown your ways
in his pain, he'll find your bays
In the powering oh light, I ask him to glow
in your heart, his spirit flows
Oh well, he dwells, let him be
Oh mighty flow source of all GOOD
justice and love, you are your ways
May your light, oh Jesus, mayth bright
I ask you to rest those who are sleepless in days
Comfort the mourners, comfort the poor in
Your ways speak, I hollow obey
in this time... I abandon you no way
--- ---
Ps. For a special old time friend.
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The chat box here
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Saturday, October 7, 2006
Just poking around and an up-date bad news! *gasps*
Hello, myo friends!
I have not been up-dating because... urm... I'm not sure there is a GOOD enough reason to be said. Um... I supposed I have been busy... you know? hehe. *pokes the reader*
Yeah, I have been busy and things in life has totally taken a new term.
And the seasons on the computer sitting around waiting for someone's comments and votes and points and all the junkies addiction, I have gone off. So... (o_O My art is now at deviantart. *gasps*
And yeah, my dad changed the phoneline thingy and so I won't have internet connection on the 13th and that I'm going to the dentist this friday for blood surgery and I have college on top of that I am trying to do my best this year and I feel coming out exploding my heart and grapping something cute and hugging it till it explodes!!!!
And yes, if you know to have contact with me... there is my email address. (^_^ And if you like poems... well... I could send you some if you like reading how I feel??? :P
But yeah, that is the up-date for now.(=,=
My dad is ill and things seems so dark about this time... so... yeah. 
And my career... there is that to consider... I have no clue but I hope I can get to this site in college... (o_O; Cause in Bebo and in myspace, it can't log on! So... yeah, if you want to know me more a long term friend, give me an email or something. (^_^
Well... that's all!
~There is an emptiness in my heart I need to fill, can you help~
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Monday, July 24, 2006
Just update
Hello, how are you guys today?
The sun is shining and the sky is blue. Though life is a rolercoaster, I really want to finish it. But it's a long way.
Let's see, yes, I am now learning little bits of Japanese from the net and interesting it is!!!
I have an entry for the julycontest. Please, check it out. If you like it, you know what to do.
Hm... just been back from summer break and I see life as bright as ever. I just need that feeling never to fade as it does from where I am.
Um... yes, now for a poem. Very short one!
- - - - - -
From Hong Kong
Life was hot
not only the weather
but the dwellers as well
I felt the same
Like everyone else
Black hair all ecstatic
Family here and there
Rice and noodles fun
My tummy tasting content of full
Beauty and fashion
Placed in vanity
Skinny stick, little, short girls of "SO VAIN"
Manga manga manga
The teen who I saw
All look like from manga stripes
Three weeks away
I loved it much
Goodbye, night city, oyasuminasai, dewa mata!
- - - - - -
See you guys later!
I now have a life! Damn!
~God loves his children~
~But the children ignores God~
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Saturday, July 15, 2006
I've been spending most my day on quizzes and this is one of them...
And so... how are you guys?
I've been in holiday for these few weeks and by the time I get home, I hope to find a part-time job.
If you visited here today, please let me know how you're doing and what you are up to?
And has your dream still stay the same?
~God loves his children~
~But his children ignores him~
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Sunday, July 9, 2006
Hello, myo friends.
I can't remember who I am and who you are.
I'm totally in a dazz right now.
but when I get back. I'll be away from my parent's land... which is Honk Konk!
It's pretty hot and I better smile cause manga guys and girls... do REALLY exist here.
What I mean is... most of the people here do look really beautiful. (=_=; Just like in manga drawings. It's very cute. Everyone here I see are very materialistic. So... it's hard to think properly.
Well, I hope you all the best whatever happens, live good, be good, and think hard.
It's the best way to be but hard to do. Whatever you might think is good might not be good in someone else's eyes. do compromise.(whatever that means).
I hope you do something new everyday!!!
All the best hopes from me!!
~God loves his children~
~But his children ignores him~
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006
(o_O Am I alive?
Yes. . .
I'm fine.
It seems like no body has been here... this is okies... (-_^ ;;
I guess, I can type what I feel...
But yeah...
I'm very confused...
about who's really my friends. . .
I still don't know where I'm going to end up. Am I going to be poor, God? Am I going to be rich, God? Am I going to be a waster, God? Am I a christian, God? Am I going to be a good one, God? Or am I just a dreamer, God?
I'm lost, God.
I'm no prophet... but I'm a christian... though that's just me.
- - - - - -
If I was Jesus
what would I do?
If I could split the skies
and put out the sun
what would you do?
If I was Jesus
would I control myself
and pray that'll I do everything right?
If I could make the sea stand
and animals mad
return your fore-fathers
and have a family party
what would you do?
If I was Jesus
would I tell you good teachings
that profited for my fame?
Would I scum to the world's end
to see my name written
in taplets, in paper,
in Bibles and hearts?
How would one touch a soul
if another can't see his own?
If I was Jesus
why do I tell you the Truths
The Rightness, the goodness
why do I NEED to tell you?
It isn't right to let you die.
It isn't right to let you hide.
It isn't right to let you go.
But I am powerless
to make your own decisions.
If you'll follow me
I'll show you
what you can achieve.
If you'll follow me
I'll show you
what your life can be.
If you'll follow me
I'll show you
what your heart really needs.
If I was Jesus
I would need no help
I would need no salvation
cause I am God.
If I could save people
through a link.
Why shouldn't I die
for others to life?
If I was Jesus
I would be sad that
I would be the only in Heaven
who's sitting there
with nobody I love.
- - - - - -
~Tell me something I don't know~
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Friday, June 2, 2006
Poem: 003
Thought of posting a poem.
- - - - - -
Don't you see the ugly?
A little tight
don't you think
you'll choke before
you can scream
out loud
to the world
that you're unclean
Don't make excuses
you're ugly than
any slime could move
Laugh with your dirt
buried in quake
the SINS that you make
is all a baggage
to heavenly hosts
Can't you see?
Can't you see the dirt?
All the things you do
don't you see?
The dirt and filth
that you carry
don't you see?
It's all so ugly
that you can't
It's not God
who is DUMB
It is you
all who are
too ignorant to see
I am not God
nor I am good
but in all this
I see the it
This ugly dirt
everything is wrong
since the day
Adam and eve
who ate that fruit.
- - - - - -
What do you see?
~The songs that I hear~
~It ain't God~
~It's man~
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