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Friday, December 23, 2005
Blueangel4 post!! Nicked it off her.
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New art
I just up-loaded new art. It's my manga that I have been thinking recievely and going with it. (^_^
The main character is a freak just like his unusual friends. (^_^
A poem (- -
Cowardice: The end road
Coward, I am who runs from life
Coward, I am who hides in dark
So close my blood that drowns the knife
My mind so forbidden I seal it's mark
Bitter worn by fleshness lust
Bound in hate, I feel disgrace
No wound that makes my brain so bust
It sucks me more to meet him face to face
The Creator that plays us, pons that long
One way right, one way wrong
For heavens sake why do we sing songs?
In all my life, I've been told
I can't be a coward who runs from life
I can't be a coward who hides in dark
All I am is just a note
in the Creator's real remote
So tired, so eaten, I fear him to come
So scared, so feasten, I know will he done
The days of hardship should last in time
Forever money will feast our thoughts
Denied from life, perform death's mime
Jesus said "They will cast lots"
The judgement justice
has the final say.
Here's another picture. (O_O
(=>= ' *hee hee hee*
Have a good weekend! It's ALMOST CHRISTMAS!!
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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Chaplain news
In Scotland there churches right?
Well, I have just heard in the news that there are clergys going to the shops where people work and just have a chat hows life. Hmm... it sounds kinda wonderful. (^_^ In another way... it almost seems like the church of Scotland is waking up to the modern times of people where not everything takes place in churches.
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I'm in a quick mood
My friends are gonna be here about 30 minutes late and i haven't had lunch and cooked whatsoever and the time is 15:46. and damn it!! I better do it.
I had the lovest time yesterday with my friends. S, K, B, E, and my brother. It was so good. I'm gonna cry... while listening to Hazel Key1985's background music... Oh yeah I have question what do you use to browse the web?!
I'm using Opera. And so... I wanna find out what everyone uses.
May the Lord's angels watch over you in the Christmas season.
God Bless...
~Whenever the snow falls
within me I want to cry
bliss are those are children
cursed are those who destroy
in peace the world will come
together in love we will blind
brother and sisters will find
the true meaning of home
Merry christmas
and have a nice day~
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Tuesday, December 20, 2005
DO you know?
DO you know that when a product says "8%Less fat" or whatever 'less fat', it means... less added fat but more sugar that makes it tastes better which literially means it's around about the same fat as the one made before it. So, realistically, it doesn't mean more healthly but more tricking you to buy it heathly. (O_O'
That was shocking when I found out. (=_=' Damn! They tricked me!
But... then again... chocolate biscult are not healthy for you either fat or less fat. Now, I'm starting to read the back info. Which is interesting to look at which has the highest sum.
I can't read the *real* meaning yet... but... it's interesting comparing different biscult with other ones. I would like to know if it's fat or what. Cause I'm always calling myself fat. And Damn! My friends say I'm not... I'm sure I'm skinny but I know I push to say I'm fat. cause I am.!! Gah!!
ANd yeah... I'm eating a bowl of cereals by the tiger guy. you know forsty thingy. Choosing none Nestle stuff is SO difficult. Why?! They're EVERYWHERE!! Gah!!
( =<= *help*
BUt yeah... pretty early 5.28 in the morning. Damn! And today's morning special... I have a photo of me... being... cool. *HAhahahaaha* That sounds so unnature... :P ( =<= Nooo don't release it!! But... yeah... I think should. And this way I could helped what to think. (^-^
Here I am...
Please... what do you think?

I need to know
*shifty eyes*
I know what am I... I need a little helping opinion. I have a poem but... I think I'll delay it for tomorrow or something.
I apologize for my bad english... I got plenty of sleep to catch up.
By yeah< I want to see my characters in a better veiw and here is something I'm just gonna inprovise.(right spelling?) (=O=?
Just a random day.
In a library, Ino walks into the centre. There was a staircase in front of her that splits into two other ones as it reaches to the mid-range of the wall. On her left she could hear the footsteps of people in a large hallway. In her right there was a large spacing of desks and infomation centers. The colour of the surrounding atmosphere was brown wood. The library stairs made her look small as they ascended higher and higher than the windows themselves even though they are double the size of an average man. "Hey!!" someone shouted.
Ino: Huh?
She looks around in quickness like a rabbit who was being hunted by man creatures.
A hand slowly reached out. It felt like something of an old ghost landing on her shoulder.
Ino shivered. She turns around super quick to jump the person who touched her... but... there wasn't anyone there.
"Hey, Inoca!!"
She looks up.
D: C'mon, up! What you doing?!?!
Ino: Oh... hmm...
She slowly turns to the staircase but as she did... she saw something on the wall near the front door. There was something white and gasly about it... Suddenly it howled a light wisp call. It then disappeared. There people moving about walking, talking just daily event to study. No one seemed to see that 'thing'. D runs down the stairs to Inoca.
D: Hey, what's wrong?
Ino: Hm... I-I'm not sure... I thought... maybe... it's nothing.
D:You alright? You seem a little a faint.
Ino: I am fine. I think I just...
D:Da's alright. C'mon. I got ta show you the comics I love!!
They walk up the stairs.
This is a bit of a long post but...I hope anyone reading this is interesting. (^_^' Maybe I should do a story book illustration? *Hehehahah* As I was typing it down I felt quite scared. (=_= It was another worldly feel. Enjoy and I hope you have a nice day.
~I thought a being of the spirit world touched my leg as I writing the part I've written here, freaky~
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Sunday, December 18, 2005
I heard something about Hong Kong.
I heard a riot broke out in Hong Kong and some police people got hurt. I also heard in the channel 4 news that there were Korea farmers in the centre of Hong Kong there protesting. (-_o'
Yep, short post.
~Holidays are here and hearts of christmas is coming, advertising is the big "must does" is booming, dammit people stop buying things that make people rich~
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Saturday, December 17, 2005
Poll no.7
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Friday, December 16, 2005
This comic I think is about me and my brother. This way... in a way... I must say truely, makes him special. (^_^ Why? I mean, I'll be like wow!! if someone added me somewhere in their picture or comic even just a little notice, I would feel and know appreciated about that person. And I guess my brother is a little bit there in the cold.
Anastacia: Left outside alone.
I think, he's a little bit like that. (o,o' (-_- Me two.
I had a night out with my classmates and it was intersting. I found the whole experience 'fun' and intruguing. I got a little more open and other people I see a little more of. It was very interesting. That was very enjoyable. People come up with the most unusual ideas to do stuff. I liked it. (=_=
One of my classmate, Christinaya, she was like a total weird doll. She was like in another world. (DoD'
Dj coke was it? She had QUITE a few. And the other guy, Adamya, had like SOOOOOOO (OxO MUCH!! And Minori-san, she had none and those three acted like aliens!! (>_>
I also talked to another classmate who was wise in their brain. He was very intelligent and I'm not at his standards but then again, he's double me age. He's very analysing. People call him G. And that was my night stayed till 12 midnight and my dad called my moby and I didn't answer. Oh well... ( >_>' Christanya and Admaya bombed eachother with insults and I was like... "is that possible to do that to someone?"
It was an odd nightout and that was fun. Plus I say "Merry X-mas" insteading saying "Merry Christmas" I'm so stupid!! (>D<'
But anyway, have a great week PEOPLE!! NO MORE COLLEGE TILL NEXT JAN!!! AHHHHH!!!
~May your life be in loving and wonder, think and question other's ideas, insteading of taking it in like a robot~
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Wednesday, December 14, 2005
This was two days ago. Dying me hair time and oh well...
How is your day today? I went shopping for something interesting and brought some hair styling. Which wasn't too expensive. (-.-'
But yeah, currently I'm reading two different books. One of them is called "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown. It seemed quite interesting I say. Anyone heard of it? (-Oo?
Well, I hope your week will be fine. Take care and be well (^_^
~Winter is coming and for some it is already there, so be safe by being warm and take care of your body~
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Tuesday, December 13, 2005
I'm kinda sad
I feel hurt today. Why? Hmm...
because. I don't know why I would explain it without using their names and where they are. (=-= ;
I'm kinda sad... but that's okay. I mean, it's only a little sensitive old me. (;_;||
I guess, are just people. We sometimes get hurt without people knowing it. Where there isn't anything to blame about but I find it a bit annoying that fact that I don't belong anywhere. Not in a group or with people nor my family. Even my friends. (=,=||
It's... quite negative.
Oh well, here it is, I poem I just typed up.
And also, my classmate, Andy sweared very loudly which kinda sounded like it was from a violent movie or something.
The Little World
My light in the world
has no survivor's place
I wish and wonder
why am I skinned this face
I ache to breathe
I ache to achieve
there isn't a light
near my sight
why how hard
my eyes are blind
why my soul so far
my mind unfined
where is my saviour
I longed to reach
cramped in this earth
nowhere to breathe
where is my saviour
only a bitter release
where my pain aches
for those of around me
says we're friends
but an empty shell around me
says they're poisons
I am caught in a battle
where the likes of evil
delights in fear and shadow
Now, where do I belong?
May your day be a nice one. (-_-
~If I could fly with wings that belong not to me, I'll use them anyway~
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