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Monday, November 28, 2005
A new character and thought.
I have a new story in my head. Things in my life has been turning to a dark pit and this story and character has been on my head all day today. Or at least a month any way.
And I illustrated him the best that I could picture. His hair was something I find difficult, I don't know why. Actually, everytime I choose a a hair for a character, it's always the hardest thing, then it's the clothing. And oh yeah, he's not wearing much but THAT doesn't mean he's naked. (^-^
It seemed appropriate when I was drawing him naked and then add what. Cause it doesn't make sense to me to draw him not naked first. That includes female characters.
()_) '
Yep, that is an interesting thing...
Anyway, please check it out and tell me what you think. It'll be very helpful for me to know.
Thankyou. (^_^
And here is the Ino and the guy picture in eyes that move!!
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Sunday, November 27, 2005
A question 4 u!
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Which Night elf hero are you?
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Saturday, November 26, 2005
The test of angelic thingy.
 Air Angel.Like a gentle breeze, or a tornado. Your always changing. Yet, your still always there, especially for your friends.
What Element Angel Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Element which I doubted to be.
Your Element Is Air |

You dislike conflict, and you've been able to rise above the angst of the world.
And when things don't go your way, you know they'll blow over quickly.
Easygoing, you tend to find joy from the simple things in life.
You roll with the punches, and as a result, your life is light and cheerful.
You find it easy to adapt to most situations, and you're an open person.
With you, what you see is what you get... and people love that!
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A welcome thing
Hello, hello, friends among friends.
Yesterday I was so sick I barely did anything thoughtful, a part from drawing mindlessly. That was a simple task I could only achieve and plus, I had to do something about my flu like symptoms. I want to get rid of it.
I have also my RPg maker 2000 to do. I want to use my own drawings in it and make it INTERESTING to look at. Though... I haven't much time and so.
This post is for Blueangel4!!
There is a drawing for you up l8er.
And how things are going to you all? (-_o?
Come to think... I might to draw everyone I know as elves... if I know you well enough to gather a pitcure.
That might be fun. (^#^
Okay, l8er, friends. I might rest for my illness.
*sore throat* (X-x
~Life is cold
inside I am warm~
Ps. warm inside now, cause of my flu.
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Friday, November 25, 2005
Thanksgiving to you all!!
Though I have never had one, I must say.
Oh well.
My internet is back on, yeah!!
Was it even broken??
I have no idea but yeah! I have done two more pages of Project: Random Charm. And so the crappy art will be up!
ANyway, how are you, friends doing in life?
Give me an outline of your happiness or your sadness. (-_-
Lalala... I like listening to Anastasia: not the new album but the one which is like. . . (-#-
called Anastasia Anastasia.
I know!! I'm TOTALLY SAD!!
(^D^ *ehhh...?*
(=-= Trying to work her words and the meaning of the song in more depth.
(8_8 I'm T-O- T-A-L- L-Y SAD!!
ANyway, Ihave only now time to go on but maybe l8er. I don't know.
Maybe I'll do a poem for Friday. About something in the sky and me.
Anyway, take care, friends.
Happy Thanksgiving.
~Life is cold
inside I am warm~
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Thursday, November 24, 2005
Believe it or not
Friends! Believe it or not, the 'safe' network of Bt online is broken down again. And so... I am at college on one of the mucky, greesey keyboard, typing you an explaination that I have no internet, *again*.
Oh... well, at least I have put some of my art up. The story counts and so my art is a little undefined but it'll improve if I keep a work on it. And I'll try and do more of my poemtic things.
And anyway, excuse me being off now. I have college day and I have no internet. So, be patient. I have homework to do, report )>o<(
[Bold]*NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO*[in slow motion]
anyway, I think is telling me I should do this painful, anony report I refuse to accept. But... yes.
Goodbye and take care.
Peace be with you.
~Bittersweet is life~
Ps. I have no idea how long I'm going be offline but... I be on whenever the connect is fixed could be weeks later. Take care yo!
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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
A poem with a illustration
Hello, hello, my dear friends. (^_^
I thought about showing you something I would like to do. Such for a while. Everything came back, as in the computer internet, printer and things are coming together to work and that I can upload my art(-_- . . . YEAH! (^D^
But anyway, I have just uploaded it now and I hope it'll turn out. Last time it didn't with my other art pieces from before, gah!
I hope it fine. (x_x '
Anyway, how are you today??
I have a poem that goes with the illustration. I'm fine busy this week and probably will be as long as I'm in the college for that illustration course. it's getting busier and gah!!
anyway, read my poem please, and see critise me how poorly I've written it!!
In my faithless words
I express my regrets
things I say are not now me
but of someone I picture in reality.
A portray who I act on outside
dismissing my thoughts battled inside.
Feelings I biuld to whom I love
rejected, violented and withered weak
Wronged and corrected by the skies above
confusion I waver on the tip of a mountain peak.
Cold, alone, fouled in screams
Bitter, shady, bashed into screens.
Literally healthy, body wise
Tangled threads, mind precise.
How weak am I?
How weak am I?
Worthy for nothing
Yes, I am very.
Jesus will always be somewhere
Scientifically or religiously
psychological or mind of faith
I don't care,
he's real. . .
he's real. . .
he's real.
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Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Head crazy, head crazy!
Oh. . . (>,< ~ ~ ~
my head is like a electrical station recieving smoke from everyone else. (<,> oh...
In my computering design class. It's a break right now and everyone's gone and so... I'm here. .. as usual by myself.
I'm too much a lonewlf when it comes to sticking around with classmates.
Oh well... maybe i shouldn't bother. Well, how's everyone today? Where ever you are, I hope the day is gonna be fine. I mean managable, y'know, something just made your day or something. Come to think, everyday I have been thinking, I want today to be easy. And to live as a christian, it's nothing like easy at all. A christian should *really* be challaging one's life. And maybe that's why some christians live a full and awed of God live.
I guess, I try and stuff, but recently I have be thinking quite a lot of disturbing things.
Oh. . . how bother!
I think I might be seeing a counsellor soon though, I truly doubt it. But it would be some help if they can open my mind to explore it for myself.
Do I want to succed in life? Hmm... I don't know. Maybe, but I'm scared of it. Do I want to be a failure? Maybe, I do. And do I want to live a holy and godly life?
I don't know, maybe. I would say yes but... it seems like there isn't much chance since sometimes I don't think I'm worth anything. Even if I was to *feel* worth something... why should I act upon it?
So many things in life that puzzles me and I can't understand it truly if everyone says to do this or to do. The only thing that I can be sure is that *I* have to take the road and journey for myself to see what the world really is!!
But I'm pretty much afraid. Actually, a totally king of cowardice when it comes to life and all.
Sometimes I am wise and other times I'm a total fool. And so, maybe that's why I have to watch what I say. You reap what you sow, as somewhere the Bible says.
If it is true that the Bible is God's words, shouldn't it be more than just a book of text?
I find myself puzzled in concept.
"It's just a book printed by people who have the money to do such a thing. Why does it cost to buy a Bible if God is truly real??"
Oh... my mind. It's blasting a random stuff but anyway, I hope you all have a nice week, cause I know I'm not, not for sure that is.
Yeah, the computer at home is working and the printer thingy is working too, so that means... I'll have some art sometime!!
Anyway, I don't know what I should do with my art that I upload. Real life events? Stories?
Well, I say... the project I'm thinking of doing is
Project: random charm.
and so... my pages will be like that some time when I upload it. And so... maybe some random ones as well.
If there is anything you want to share, go ahead, send my a PM. Or just to let me know how you're doing. Either way it would be great to know you're there or just to drop by.
Arigatou gozaimasu!!
~Life is Bittersweet~
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