I must say I feel better, YEAH!
What?! No one to "YEAH" me...
(>O< ' *eeep!*
Well, recently I have been feeling bad and broken and dark and almost the brink of wanting to jump off something high...
But... somehow I didn't... I get I was either too scared off jumping or... I knew God was telling me not to do or I know this might sound a bit 'harsh', but or it could be that I'm a coward. (>O< '
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I guess I am...
But then again, it's also like why should I do it?
Then again, life isn't that important, go and meet God.
But then again, God said in his word that we, saints should live for God, a *good* life.
Then again, it is hard and rough... why would anyone want to do that?
But then again, I know the feeling of *good* and *hardship* and *suffering*, but just not the same extent to some what other christians.
Then again, I am a coward.
But then again, it could be Satan or his work pals doing this to me.
Then again, I could be imagining this too far...
But then again, I know what faith is (and still learning) that I shouldn't give up running.
THat's settings it. Live and face it than run and fear it.
With God... somehow... I'll look more positively out of my eyes than in my life and surroundings.
Sometimes it takes me long enough to understand why I feel so bad and dark and empty...
The despresssion. I'm sure my doctor will say I have no such thing as despression... I wonder how you can ask your doctor this? Hmmm...?
Well, sorry for rambling on my situation but I would like to share my life just stuff that is real and depressing... (Not always,
To be real about things and honesty, is more likely to do more creativity)
FOr me, at least.
To this day, I still have no idea how to live actually 'christiany' but... oh well... I acknowledge truths about Jesus... and I have see missionaries going to other countries... and what am I going to do?
God will have an answer... I want to be a Prayer warrior!!
A pastor on one sunday morning, said
"May was a REAL prayer warrior!!"
And that totally did it for me. (^o^
THat was the coolest words I ever heard in my life!!
Well, I was thinking also recently that... maybe I should put up my characters I have been thinking and developing the last two months on... though I am not sure. Because they are not in a story page yet and I want the comic or manga to be finished at least the title of the story so that I can show that I can finish.
Well it's going to be some loose work and stuff. Recently, I have tried out the media of Pantone pens. Wow! It's a cool type of marker though very costly!
And I forgot to work the colours when I was coloring, cuz I was so excited using them. (kind of sad, getting excited using pens?! Weirdo or what?!)
But anyway, I hope you all who read this, have a lovely time this week.
Might you who believe in the Lord Jesus as saviour be blessed this week with his Words and for those who are yet not seen. Let you be willing. God Bless YOU!