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myOtaku.com: angelservant010

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

   I'm kinda sad



I feel hurt today. Why? Hmm...
because. I don't know why I would explain it without using their names and where they are. (=-= ;

I'm kinda sad... but that's okay. I mean, it's only a little sensitive old me. (;_;||

I guess, are just people. We sometimes get hurt without people knowing it. Where there isn't anything to blame about but I find it a bit annoying that fact that I don't belong anywhere. Not in a group or with people nor my family. Even my friends. (=,=||

It's... quite negative.

Oh well, here it is, I poem I just typed up.

And also, my classmate, Andy sweared very loudly which kinda sounded like it was from a violent movie or something.

The Little World

My light in the world
has no survivor's place
I wish and wonder
why am I skinned this face
I ache to breathe
I ache to achieve
there isn't a light
near my sight
why how hard
my eyes are blind
why my soul so far
my mind unfined
where is my saviour
I longed to reach
cramped in this earth
nowhere to breathe
where is my saviour
only a bitter release
where my pain aches
for those of around me
says we're friends
but an empty shell around me
says they're poisons
I am caught in a battle
where the likes of evil
delights in fear and shadow
Now, where do I belong?

May your day be a nice one. (-_-


~If I could fly with wings that belong not to me, I'll use them anyway~

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