DO you know that when a product says "8%Less fat" or whatever 'less fat', it means... less added fat but more sugar that makes it tastes better which literially means it's around about the same fat as the one made before it. So, realistically, it doesn't mean more healthly but more tricking you to buy it heathly. (O_O'
That was shocking when I found out. (=_=' Damn! They tricked me!
But... then again... chocolate biscult are not healthy for you either fat or less fat. Now, I'm starting to read the back info. Which is interesting to look at which has the highest sum.
I can't read the *real* meaning yet... but... it's interesting comparing different biscult with other ones. I would like to know if it's fat or what. Cause I'm always calling myself fat. And Damn! My friends say I'm not... I'm sure I'm skinny but I know I push to say I'm fat. cause I am.!! Gah!!
ANd yeah... I'm eating a bowl of cereals by the tiger guy. you know forsty thingy. Choosing none Nestle stuff is SO difficult. Why?! They're EVERYWHERE!! Gah!!
( =<= *help*
BUt yeah... pretty early 5.28 in the morning. Damn! And today's morning special... I have a photo of me... being... cool. *HAhahahaaha* That sounds so unnature... :P ( =<= Nooo don't release it!! But... yeah... I think should. And this way I could helped what to think. (^-^
Here I am...
Please... what do you think?

I need to know
*shifty eyes*
I know what am I... I need a little helping opinion. I have a poem but... I think I'll delay it for tomorrow or something.
I apologize for my bad english... I got plenty of sleep to catch up.
By yeah< I want to see my characters in a better veiw and here is something I'm just gonna inprovise.(right spelling?) (=O=?
Just a random day.
In a library, Ino walks into the centre. There was a staircase in front of her that splits into two other ones as it reaches to the mid-range of the wall. On her left she could hear the footsteps of people in a large hallway. In her right there was a large spacing of desks and infomation centers. The colour of the surrounding atmosphere was brown wood. The library stairs made her look small as they ascended higher and higher than the windows themselves even though they are double the size of an average man. "Hey!!" someone shouted.
Ino: Huh?
She looks around in quickness like a rabbit who was being hunted by man creatures.
A hand slowly reached out. It felt like something of an old ghost landing on her shoulder.
Ino shivered. She turns around super quick to jump the person who touched her... but... there wasn't anyone there.
"Hey, Inoca!!"
She looks up.
D: C'mon, up! What you doing?!?!
Ino: Oh... hmm...
She slowly turns to the staircase but as she did... she saw something on the wall near the front door. There was something white and gasly about it... Suddenly it howled a light wisp call. It then disappeared. There people moving about walking, talking just daily event to study. No one seemed to see that 'thing'. D runs down the stairs to Inoca.
D: Hey, what's wrong?
Ino: Hm... I-I'm not sure... I thought... maybe... it's nothing.
D:You alright? You seem a little a faint.
Ino: I am fine. I think I just...
D:Da's alright. C'mon. I got ta show you the comics I love!!
They walk up the stairs.
This is a bit of a long post but...I hope anyone reading this is interesting. (^_^' Maybe I should do a story book illustration? *Hehehahah* As I was typing it down I felt quite scared. (=_= It was another worldly feel. Enjoy and I hope you have a nice day.
~I thought a being of the spirit world touched my leg as I writing the part I've written here, freaky~