Hello, there, my friends!!
How are you today?!
I wonder what kinda journal I on sometimes. (X-X I have the holloween theme. :P Weee!!
But yeah, I'm totally addicted to the music. XD *crazy*
Ok-ay!! Here's my manga for today.
I thought I might release my through my journal and instead releasing through that submit system which takes so long. And... I'll upload through that system my sketches and stuff. That might be a better way to save my time.
I don't have much scrolling about in everyone else's journal but... I'll visit But I might not say much XP
Excuse me!!
Here is it:
I feel alright... though a bit sick. News Year is COMING!! I heard from the media that Ediburgh is the biggest Hogmanay party is in Ediburgh!! That's where I live!!
But it's kinda crappy. I'll be at home all day. Oh... well... )=-=(
Have a nice day, friends. I love you out there living. (^#^
~Soul out, God in~