Hey, friends!
How are you today?
I hopey well!!
Yes, I FINALLY got a flu-ly ill cold and I'm quickly updating. And yes, friends, I have read what you have writtn. I've been in on the computer for an hour and my head is about blow off. (=,=' Trulys! I have no art I can put today, why? I have only skecthes I've done recently preparing my characters... so... I havent't got a finalist drawing. Thanks for visiting...
*blows nose*
(X_x Truly, my head is spinning as the minute that I'm typing this. And so... for today I cannot not go to your sites *slaps the head silly* ... but I'll make it up to you, guys... or gals!!! *hehe* I'll visit when I'm feeling well enough to with stand the radiation of the monotar! (I can't spell but you know what I mean, I hope (>_<;)
So, it has finally snowed!!!! Yeah!!! Last year was in febuary. this is March!!!
But yeah, I'll be resting after this post. Good day to you and I'll Pm you as soon as possible if I'm well at all tomorrow... *chokes up blood* (X,X
(an expression what I'm feeling)
[Thought of the day#06]
you know, like a cold should feel
~washing in a silent sea~
~I will pray for comfort~
~in his name, Oh friend~
~What else could I do~
~to make you understand~
~Set me free~
~Just set me free~