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On the front lines in the battle for honor, purity, and women's rights.
Member Since
Car Detailer by day, Warrior by night.
Real Name
Joshua. Also known as Angelus, Venom, VeNoMtheMighty, Van Helsing.
Working my way through college, aiming for a degree in psychology. I've become quite a good writer over the years, and hope to publish my works soon.
Anime Fan Since
Probably about 10 years old - Digimon was the first anime I truely loved.
Favorite Anime
Ergo Proxy, Black Lagoon, Ghost in the Shell, Hellsing, Burst Angel, and Neon Genesis Evangelion. My favorite Manga is Bleach.
To become a novelist, and find love.
Writing, drawing, reading, video games.
Writing, drawing, physical strength. A great work ethic.
| Angelusvampire
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 05/01/07:
Result Posted on 03/23/07:
It is the Deep Thoughts that drive me....
Result Posted on 01/12/07:
A Warrior's Ballad...
Result Posted on 01/12/07:
Result Posted on 01/12/07:
Kiss me, I'm Scottish!
Result Posted on 01/08/07:
A warrior's ballad...
Result Posted on 12/16/06:
Respect and Honor Women, Forever
Result Posted on 10/13/06:
Walk Down the Right Back Ally in Sin City, and you can find Anything.
Result Posted on 08/03/06:
Damn Straight.
Inuyasha personality test-- which Inuyasha character are you? Revised!
 Hello, Kouga ^_^ Daring, fearless, and intense, you are well known for your persistency. It might be said that you sometimes don't know when to quit! You're impulsive in your judgements, but once you make them, you stubbornly stand by your decision. Your boldness makes you a leader among your friends, and a figure to look up to. Confrontational and quick to argue, you don't like dissension in the ranks, and are prone to bouts of bossiness. This, however, is tempered by your underlying sweet and doting nature. You are resourceful, protective, and beginning to become more conscious of the feelings of those around you. All of this, I imagine, would be a result of the effect that a certain someone is having on you *wink* Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/13/06:
I couldn't have described myself any better.
 Your word is: Brooding. You are a true thinker and often try to figure out the meaning of life, why we are all here etc. You may not be so social, and often think twice before acting but those thoughts you have in your mind never stop flowing in. Sometimes you can be so concentrated you forget about other things that you have to do. Don't change, this world needs deep people.
What Dark Word Represents You? [anime pics] brought to you by Quizilla |
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