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Okinawa, Japan
Member Since
i am in school only in 9th grade
Real Name
Mariah Garlitos
I'm a good artist(better with realistics though) oh and i am pretty smart...
Anime Fan Since
for as long as i can remember
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha,full metal alchemist.rayearth, galaxy angels, trigun, wolfs rain, and cowboy beepbob
to design my own video gameor be a graphic designer
playing DDR,drawing,watching anime,writing,and having fun
drawing(better at realistic drawings though)
| angelwolfire
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Monday, August 8, 2005
please spread the word
if anyone does choose to vote for my site could you please pass the word around to all of your friends asking them to vote for me everyday until friday please....all they have to do is send a PM to jigglyness sayin that they vote for angelwolfire .......please could u guys do that for me? id really appreciate it if you did....thank you...bye bye
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VOTE FOR ME!!!!!PLZ!!!!!
please please please if you like my site please pm jigglyness saying that you vote for my site!!! im begging you! you only have from today to friday!!! please please please i dont wannalook like a loser having no votes! hehe well see yaz....please vote!
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Sunday, August 7, 2005
sorry for all the tests
this is a test to see if this is going to work
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trying again with a test for ths pic
  I adopted jealous Ed! :D Now back off or get your own!
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testing something....sry if it is messed up
 I adopted jealous Ed! :D Now back off or get your own!
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quiz i took
 You, my friend, are a lazy sleeper! As far as you are concerned, sleeping and lounging about are the most incredible things on earth. You love just sitting back and watching everyone buzzing around with their busy lives. Its not that youre stupid or dont care, on the contrary, you are quite intelligent when you want to be. But why waste the effort?
How do you Sleep? (Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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alot goin on
hey good news a friend of mine who had tried to take her life is ok! i also just got a brand new 61 inch big screen projection high definition tv!!! its awesome!! also i got new music with the help of lovealchemist69 i now have the real song instead of just a midi.....the song is one step closer....thanks for helping me.....and if anyone does have a code for a scrolly thingy i would really like to know it!
i have also recently been entered into a theme contest!!! jigglyness added me to the contest and starting monday through friday you can start voting for my site.....only if you like the theme! i know i probably wont win but who cares i was entered! hehe well im not sure how you vote so dont ask if you dont know.....uh.....well.....i guess thats it....see yaz!
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Saturday, August 6, 2005
i finished it!!
hey i just wanted to say that i finished the suggestion on what i should draw from grey wolf(olivia) and it turned out better than i thought....i thought that toboe would be much easier to draw than he was.....hehe i even drew chibi wolves glad you suggested it!! If anyone else out there has any suggestions ill be very glad to take them!
in other news....i changed my song to incomplete.....i no its gay but i like it.....i was goin to change my background but decided not to....well if anyone can suggest anything i can do to make my site aesome id me more than glad to take them.......oh and thanx to everyone who has been commenting on my last few posts.....i appreciate it! well gotta go for now....see yaz!
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Friday, August 5, 2005
hes ok
my friend is ok.....hes in the hospital....he was found dehydrated but he should be ok......hes the biggest idiot i know.....he got beat up for money......he owed someone i guess but oh well.......why do people like to do this to me?
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Thursday, August 4, 2005
OMG!!! he cant be dead is 5:30am here in japan and i just found out that my friend zach(from previous posts) might be dead!!!!! Im so freaked out and scared right now......idk wat to do! wat if he is......he cant be! way is goin to do this to me!!!! i hate him!!!!!
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