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soilder princess
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read all the mangas and watch all the animes in the world. i haven't gotten very far cause there is soooo many! but i hope that i can ^o^
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that's for me to know ^-^
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Monday, July 10, 2006
i love kakashi!!!
hi people how are you'll doing??? i'm going to the library to day for volunter work with my brother -_-;; i hope it won't be boring and all. well i don't really have alot of things to do at home it's soooo darn boring, so i read but i can't find any good books on my bookself so i guess i'll get more at the library. Yesterday i met my best friends Esther C.'s crush Zenas he's pretty cool. Esther is soooo obsessed with 3 dudes O.o Zenas, Patrick, and Tony. it gets annoying after a while but i live. well i guess i'll be visiting whoever i can. have a great day!
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Friday, July 7, 2006
hi ya
hey people. haven't updated in a while. well happy 3 day late 4th of july :P i probably could have posted the day after and the others but i was reading basically. well on the last day of june i went to my grandparents house in w.v. and my mom likes glass stuff so we went to the glass making factory and i got a green turtle(only two colors of turtles green and yellowish-orange) i started a 1000 piece puzzle cause i got bored it took me 3 days to finish and it isn't the easy shaped type of puzzle either O.o it was soooo freak'n hard but i managed. i wouldn't let anyone help me on the first day but on the second i was like oh well i won't finish on my own. and on the 3rd day my mom pissed me off so i didn't try to help but i ended up doing it. i learned how to make home-made whipped cream there. i was forced basically by my uncle who is disable(has the mind of a child) into watching a movie called the ends of the spear, pretty good movie but i missed my early morning anime that i was waiting a whole week for T.T i went home on july 4th but on the way we had to stop by a muesum type thing because my mom and i bought 2 heart-shaped stone necklaces(pretty expensive for a stone that had string you can buy at basically any store O.o) ooo i got home to watch the fireworks in the city just in time. they were soooo cool. well basically the rest of the week i read 3 books: The lightning theif(just finished it few minutes ago), montemorency, and montemorency on the rocks(something like that its a squel). they were pretty good if i do say so my self but most of the books i read are pretty good. lol. well i hope you guys have a fun day and i wish you luck with whatever need to have luck. Best of wishes!!!! and here's a few fma icon thingys(i need to get rid of them off my computer ^-^)
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Monday, June 26, 2006
honestly i want to get rid of my site -_-;; but i'll be losing alot of friends. ooo what happened to the good ol' days T______T well nothing happening in life. hope something is for you guys. i'll just be posting pictures most of the time. so ya. here's a few pict.s

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Friday, June 16, 2006
i'm sending out one last wave to vicious_2. he is leaving myotaku for good. best of wishes. you were a great friend.
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i'm kinda sad now because vicious_2 was i think one of the first people i knew on myotaku. what he said was pretty deep. i always wondered when i was going to delete my site, which was a good and a bad thing. but everytime i'm about to do it i always end up being pulled up again. it's very sad. well i'm here i guess and i will be here forever O.o i'm way too soft. and i told myself i wasn't going to update alot. well i guess i lied in a way. so i guess i'll update this summer because i can but i won't update alot during school because i'll be in high school now. and i'll focus on my studies. but i'll just update during the summer when something happens and i'll try getting to you all's sites. ya that's what i'm doing now. so ya. right now i'm trying to get to people's sites starting from the bottom of my list even if they don't update so ya. it's gonna be a while for me to get to the top O.o darn it everybody is quitting this year O.o i'm n suki1401's site and she's thinking about quitting too. i hope she don't! summer is boring but i don't want to go back to school!!!! today is the first time this summer i slept for like the whole day. it was my mommy's fault!!! T___T she decided that she wanted to get in bed with me this morning cause she don't have work until 2 o'clock today. i didn't want to wake her so i slept. and when i oversleep i get sleepy during the day T.T so ya that's about it. have a nice day.
p.s. here's a lil picture for you:

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Thursday, June 15, 2006
i made a myspace. if anyone wants to check it out it's starlit_horizons
hope you like my onepiece updates. i'll try and visit today. plus i'm trying to make my own manga but it's sooooo hard just trying to draw one picture >.< well enjoy your summer, have fun, and go crazy.
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006
hey people i had a great week. on thursday was my last day of school!!!!! yay!!! i didn't go to school on friday because it was going to be boring. on thursday we had an award ceremony thing and i only got 1 award T.T it was for having straight A's the whole entire year. that's pretty good tho. after that i went with my friend Melanie and Kalkidan to Olive Garden with my parents and Melanie's mom. we went shopping for a lil while too! i got 3 things for chanel lol. friday was boring. on saturday it was the last episode of YUGIOH and i missed it!! darn!!! i went rollerblading at KATE'S skating ring. i got a few blisters from it that hurt like crap! and i went really fast toward the end and this person got in my way and to avoid him i went another way and got out of the ring tumbling, so now i have a huge bruise that's like blue and purple on my knee. i went to church on sunday. esther chun slept over. yay! and then on monday we went to carowinds. it was bring a friend free day. melanie, esther y., sarah, alex, esther c., me, and sarah's mom went. we had soooo much fun. i rode the big rides such as borg, vertex, and OMG i was scared at the beginning of the rides saying shit, oh shit, shit but it ended up not being that bad. i got a stuffed animal and a cup from there. when i was at the pool this boy was swimming backwards and bumped into my back and tryed to keep swimming. i was like WTF and then he turned to esther c. and for some reason she said sorry. and he said sorry. then when we were getting out of the pool i was like isn't that the dude that bumped into me and then he came up to esther and was like "hi i'm robert what's your name" it was soooo freaky. he's like "i'm from costa rico it's a beautiful place, but i don't like talking about it since my grandfather died there" i was thinking wtf if you don't like talking about it why are you! and then he started to introduce his family, it was sooooo freaky!!!!! well esther slept over again and it was fun. well that's about it. i won't be updating for a while. i'll put up a lil picture. kk. bye!
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Friday, June 2, 2006
ok i won't be deleting my site but you won't really see me post, and i won't change the avatar everyday(take up too much space on my computer). i might just visit sites and all.
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Friday, May 26, 2006
ok i'm think of deleting my site so ya... sorry ya guys. either that or let it rot or something like that.
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Tuesday, May 23, 2006
last day of naruto theme. say good-bye to it. don't worry guys even if i don't update as much that don't mean i won't stop by your site if your lucky. did reading eog(exam) today, easy. math eog yesterday, easy. life pretty much boring. well have a good day.
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Friday, May 19, 2006
i won't be updating as much anymore because i find that if i stop going on the computer than i will be able to do more stuff with my life. sorry guys. T.T i will update on fridays ok and i will continue to do the theme stuff and chaning my avatar. i'll add more pictures too ^-^
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