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Saturday, April 29, 2006
almost done
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Friday, April 28, 2006
hey people tgif. last day of edward elric theme so be sure to say good bye to it. i got spirited away from hollywood video because i never watched all of it. it's actually pretty good but not the best. i like whisper of the heart better. *whisper of the heart is made by the creator of spirited away* well my life is boring pretty much.
"With every fiber of your being you truly are a manslayer" ~Jin’eh from Ruroni Kenshin
~time stranger kyoko pg. 51-55~

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Thursday, April 27, 2006
hi people how are ya doing. i'm ok. i got a 72 on my math test T__________T and i tried taking a nap but i was thinking about social studies stuff >.< i have my science end-of-grade on may 1st and social studies on may 2nd -_-;; they are piling homework on us V.V and geometry is getting sooooo much harder. my new theme will be going up on saturaday whether my profile works or not. which i doubt it will, but there is no way i'm gonna delete. i spend too much time on this site to just delete it in a click of a button .... it's practically my diary in a way. well on to pictures ^-^ and stuff....
"That's the weight of the captain. Don't hesitate or falter. You're our support. If you fall, we all fall." - Zoro
~time stranger kyoko page. 46-50~

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Wednesday, April 26, 2006
ok on sunday i went to esther chun's house ^-^ i went to the ymca and lost 300 calories but sadly i ate something and gained it back and more T.T ok i found out that my profile seems to be the only profile that's not working and i didn't even overload it this time or anything -_-;; my new theme goes up in 2 days not counting today too!!!! well that's basically what has been happening. i want a hamster!!!! eunju brought her's to church on sunday!!!!
Scar - "Our names are given to us by God. I have betrayed God, and so I no longer have a name."
~time stranger kyoko page 41-45~

also the recent anime i watched was Vandread which is pretty good so you all should watch it :P
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Saturday, April 22, 2006
ok my profile is really pissing me off now. it won't change!!!! and my new theme goes up in almost a week!!!! how can i put it up if it's not working!!!!! T_______T well that's about it from me.
"in this world is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcedental entity or law? is it like the hand of god hovering above? Perhaps Man has no control even over his own will..."
~time stranger kyoko pg. 36-40~

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Friday, April 21, 2006
wow i'm amazed O.o i visited everyone's site today atleast the ones that updated O.o that's amazing. altho it took me a few HOURS!!! i'm a slow reader and my computer is slow. ok i'll list my life
1. never watch the odyssey movie it sucks
2. had a quiz in science today
3. tgif
4. yay micheal's gonna let me borrow anime on monday
5. currently reading Salad Days
6. and i'm sleepy
"In the name of god, Impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into eternal damnation. Amen." of hellsing
time stranger kyoko page 31-35

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Thursday, April 20, 2006
ok myotaku is really starting to get on my nerves, whether it's my own computer or the system >.< problems that i'm having are:
1. i can't change my profile
2. i deleted some messages that i got and a few days later they return >.<
3. i don't like the new buttons they are putting up because they are pretty much useless and that's all i can think of at the moment.
just so all of you know they call a it navagation so you can get to a different site like guestbook >.< (some people can't find my gb O.o;;)
i don't know why but i'm in a bad mood at the moment T.T has that ever happened to you where you are in a bad mood for no reason -_-;;???
"They say there is no such place as Paradise. Even if you search to the ends of the Earth, there's nothing at all. No matter how far you walk, it's just the same road, it just goes on and on. But in spite of that...Why am I so driven to find it?" ~kiba
~days till new theme~
in like 10 days a new theme will be put up. *Naruto theme*
~time stranger kyoko pages 26-30~

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Wednesday, April 19, 2006
hi there. nothing much to say. i don't think profile is working, atleast not for me O.o
^-^ here's some edward animations:

time stranger kyoko(pg.21-25)

"Hmm how shall I say this... My first impression is... I don't like you guys." kakashi
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Monday, April 17, 2006
sorry people that i'm updating pretty late T.T my bro was on the computer. i think myotaku is really trying to update because they added comment manager which seems pretty useless to me O.o i want the random member button back and that's all. i don't need any comment manager -_-;; i watched lots of movies at my grandma's house ^-^
1. Charlie and the chocolate factory(johnny deep looks too girly o.O NOOOO!!!)
2. Hildago(i love that movie!!!!)
3. Pirate's of the Carribean (HOT DUDES!!!!! johnny deep & orlando bloom)
4. king kong (was ok)
5. the pacifier (awesome and funny)
i almost got to watch narinia lion witch and the wardrow(???) but my uncle is disabled so he acts like a little kid and he was like you want to watch charlie and the chocolate factory T.T
me: no
so ya that's all i did.
Vegeta (To Trunks): "What are you looking at? Haven't you ever seen a pink shirt before?"
(time stranger kyoko pages 16-20)

this is cute!!:
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Wednesday, April 12, 2006
~my comments to comments~
+blu moon: wow i would like to see him O.o i hope he's not like mr. rosiak O.o
hahahahahahaha i have finally finished reading Mekakushi no kuni ^-^ it's really good ^-^ i think i'm gonna start reading Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne tomarrow or so ^-^ i still have to do my homework T.T i have to do 2 things for social studies and write a around 4 page project T.T sad. i got my report card today. it isn't very exciting for me because i always get straight A's -.-;; i don't even try at school either. i thought we were going to watch the odyssey movie today but it ended up being next week V.V i'm going to my grandma's house in west virginia for my day off but i only get to stay there for around 1.5 days >.< not much of a visit. my friend wanted to go to a theme park on sunday with me and her boyfriend but i can't go because my parent's are like YOU CAN'T GO ALONE!!!!! I HEARD THERE WAS A RAPIST THAT STOLE A GIRL >.<
me: but his mom's gonna be there.
mom & dad: no!
me: T.T
getting a nosebleed from chocolate. you're hopeless-junpei's mom in ichigo 100%
~time stranger kyoko(pages 11-15)~

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