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Tuesday, October 18, 2005
me and my lame life
hi there ppl. sry i didn't post yesterday. i wasn't on da internet so how could i? i was only on 4 lik 2 min. n dat was 2 change da icon. well i'm use'n slang 2daii n all kk. yesterdaii i went 2 a basketball game. we g2 eat chick'n nuggets 4rm da lunchables chick'n dunk'rs 4 those who ate it no wat it taste lik. as 4 those who didn't i have great advice: don't eat it!!!!!! da chik'n had bubbles on it, they were cold 4 us, o n they tasted like RUBBER CHIK'N!!!!!!!!!!! da juice even tasted bad. da ketchup was drippy. n i ended ^ get'n a headache. da only good part o' da basketball game was when it was part time. some people did flips on a bounce mat dang n shot da ball in da hoop. sometimes they missed tho. >.< n the dancers were good. we didn't get 2 c da whole game. when we left the score was like 52 to 48 n we were winning. ok on saturaday esther chun slept over n we stayed ^ til 3 in da morn'n. she went 2 sleep 1st. her cell phone rang and i was so scared and freaked out i didn't want 2 wake up my parents. and ya. well i went to this calvary church place we had 2 wait in da chapel we were sooooo bored in there. dat's about it. so i'm gonna let ya all go n read my book. o and i got a book report again today we have to read 2 books this time and compare and contrast them >.<
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Friday, October 14, 2005
hi ya's ppl. nothing much to say. going on a field trip to watch basket ball monday @ skool. so ya. feel like playing video games so i'm gonna go do tat soon. found out i'm invisible today. atleast people in my classes at skool. darn. i don't want to be loud like fat-ass neil!!! i'm more of the quiet type around people that aren't really friends with me. which is everybody that i sit around in class. my friends are like on the other side of the room >.< i just go through school being quiet until 9th block with my friend esther yim until last block which is the next class around 9th. i was really hyper today too. i'm was wild and hopping up and down. LMAO. and then i got a 92 on my geometry test not bad but i wanted an A. and in language arts my hyperness went completely gone because we had a quiz that was big. it was on grammar T.T and i missed 14 things stupid predicate nouns and adjectives and direct objects >.< i got a 72. but that is better than some other people. wait it was better than alot of other people. proof that i'm stoopid!!!!!!!!!!WWWWAaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!! welk that's my day. o and i talked to my bro's friend blake while my bro was studying. i'm so bad. we talked behind his bak. hehehehehehe.
p.s. i might change up my site a bit. it seems to load a bit slow now that i put some stuff on it that i really didn't need. a.k.a the sparkly surrounding.
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Thursday, October 13, 2005
hi people. no skool today for me!! yay!!!! so ya. well there nothing really going on in my life so it's pretty much boring here. well bye bye
p.s. sorry it's short but if there was something going on i would tell you guys.
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Monday, October 10, 2005
manga's i got from the library that i read this weekend are:
sand land: , kare kano volume 7: , kare kano volume 13:
, kare kano volume 17: sry this one's small
Please Save my Earth 1-3 (really good manga you should read it)and

yep. also today i went on a field trip to the discovery place. we learned about hormones and stuff then left. what fun! j/k as always. so that's about all my life.
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Saturday, October 8, 2005
~~~~~my day~~~~~
hi ya people. well today i went to alot of stores trying to find a geometry book that will help me in geometry(of course). my teacher mr.rosiak doesn't teach us how to put them in problem or what were supposed to do with the postulate and theorems. ok i went to the bread shop with my mom and then they didn't have the bread that we usually buy so we didn't buy any. then we went to this place call learning world that has school books and stuff. it turned out that that place went out of business. so we went to another learning world place and this time they didn't have any geometry books. so we went to barnes and nobles to see if they had any but they didn't!!!! i was trying to look at the manga but my mom was like lets go. i wanted to see the fruits basket 9th book but it has a calendar in it so i couldn't read it. dang that must of came out at the beginning of the year >.< i'm sooooo behind. so i found chobits volume 3 and started reading. i only got to 3 pages >.< then we went to the public library and lucky for me i found a geometry book it's called: The complete idiot's guide to geometry. or something like that. i'm a complete idiot >.< i got 8 mangas from there. i read sandland. question for you people. how many sandland volumes are there??? it seem like 1. well i found out that at my church the rev. ben whom i dispise and hate quit!!! yay!!!! but, who's going to be our teacher???!!! i don't want to go through different people. i might as well go to my dad's church >.< well that's about it of my life. going to read another manga^^. bye bye. o and i can't change my avatar today because it turns out the my naraku avatars weren't in gif or jpg format so i have to find some.
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Friday, October 7, 2005
ok this is the post from yesterday that no one read so i'm putting it up again.
sry for not posting on monday i forgot. well we have a winner for the riddle.
I have thousands of eyes,
yet i live in darkness.
I have thousands of ears,
but only four lobes.
I have no arms or legs, Yet I still rule two hemispheres
What am I????
the answer was :Brain
Winner: DarkWolfDemon
ok on monday i...
i'm just gonna copy and paste what i put on my xanga.
sunday: hi people. yesterday i painted esther chun's room. lol. the only pretty thing on there is my fancy writing of my name which is weird because it is her room. lol. it looks screwed no offense or anything ^^. she put all this handprints and footprints and that made it more screwed then it was. so i decided it wouldn't matter if i screwed it up too. lol. so i ended up messing 3 things up. she made this flower that was ugly so i was trying to make it a rose. it ended up looking like a dead hand >.< and i did make this fuzzy thing and i thought it looked absolutely weird so i made it a huge smiley face and that was strange looking. and i made a dog print but it like ended up being long >.<' . skool was boring as always. nothing really happened. i ate a hoagie today^^. i hate sour pickles and i eat them >.< and yep that's about it for today. i hate the 6th graders on my bus. atleast the ones that sit in the back. i waited 2 years to sit in the damn back so they should too!!!!!!!!!! gosh!!!! i love the saturaday episodes of anime stuff. bobobo-bo bo-bobobo is strange and long. too many bo's >.< hmmm..... dang i was going to say something and i just forgot it >.< well that's about it.yeppers. well bye bye for now.
ok that was on sunday the painting thing. i keep thinking it is wednesday. sry i forgot to post yesterday too >.< god i suck. ok tuesday we had this fire drill thing and it wasn't planned. it turned out that something i blew up or it died. machine thing. ok yesterday... nothing really happened. i took a quiz in geometry it was pretty eaisy but mr. rosiak made it sound hard. today it rained and still is. ummm... i hate this boy on my bus he is soooo annoying. i wish i could kill him. watched a movie in LA. and that's about it.
A magician claimed that he could throw a ping pong ball, have it come to a complete stop, and then come back to him. It wasn't attached to anything nor did it come into contact with anything else; yet he acheived what he said he would do. How did he do it???
fun fact:(about me this time) i am half american and half korean (not really fun but don't want to get the book).
ok i ran out of sesshomaru avatars sadly. a few won't work because they weren't in gif or jpg format >.<. TGIF people. i'm changing my theme today into... i want to do something in the halloween spirt but i haven't been able to find any inuyasha halloween pictures yet >.< *sad* maybe i'll do naraku because halloween is the devil's nite and naraku is like the devil in many ways. so i'll go with him if i can't find any inuyasha halloween pictures.kk
bye bye
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Friday, September 30, 2005
ok i'm getting pissed off here i started writ'n this post 2 times and then something keeps on going wrong!!!!!!!!!!! ok for the riddle
No visible flesh,
Nor bone,
Nor blood,
Within Time,
Will walk alone.
What are They?
no one got it rite not even me the first time. the answer is an "EGG"
my day(s) ok sry about the last post i wrote it was kinda sucked. blame that on my brother. ok yesterday: in drama i was playing my part. the witch in rapunzel. ok well i was on the stage standing on a one of those foldup chairs. it was supposed to be the castle. and i was on my last line and the teacher said i would hop off the castle. she didn't mean it literally but i didn't know. so i hopped off the chair. then things went bad >.< my foot got stuck in the chair and i tripped >.< wow who would of thought that you can trip in mid-air. well then i feel on my side atleast i think i did. and i crawled behind the curtain because it was an exiting scene. the teacher Mrs. Buckner was like are you ok. so i said i'm ok. and then she said are you sure. and i said i'm ok. and when i pulled up my pants to look at my leg below the knee i had this caved in muscle i think that was deeper than the other side. and so i had to go to the nurse. >.< i had to call my mom. i didn't go home or anything. and now that bruise feels like crap if you touch it kinda lightly yet hardish. also when i got home yesterday the power went out at like 5 or 6 o'clock and didn't come back on until 8:30. today: i have tooo much homework from my language arts teacher mr. mapp. also i had gym today and it sucks. ms.valentine went to another school. mr.cambruzzi is doing all of the health classes. and we are stuck with mr.gresbak or something like that in gym. today we played mattball and it was sooooo boring. and nothing really happened today. also this week something amazing happened. dalton cunningham was actually nice to me.i don't really like him because in 6th grade he was mean and i don't talk on the bus. well that's about it.
the riddle:
I have thousands of eyes,
yet i live in darkness.
I have thousands of ears,
but only four lobes.
I have no arms or legs, Yet I still rule two hemispheres
What am I????
"Fun" Fact:Rain has never been recoreed in some parts of the Atacama Desert in Chile.
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Wednesday, September 28, 2005
picture day was monday. yesterday nothing exciting happened. today a geometry test. if i sound like i'm in a hurry i am my brothers bit*hing to me to get off the damn computer so he can do his homework when he has all day to do it and won't spare me any real time online. i'm trying to win a contest so would you be so generous as to give me your email address.
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Monday, September 26, 2005
hi ya people!!!! guess what i had to do today in health~~~... CPR wooohooo!!! what fun kissing a dumby... lol. so yep i passed that. ok so i was soooo bored yesterday because my brother had to do this SAT practice thing at church yesterday and it took 2 hours and all so me and my best friend esther chun was talking and she told me something that was just plain GROSS/SCARY. i don't thing i should tell you but i might. i should think about it >.< ok so i'll tell you a lil. there this old not too old not too young, probably drunk man... he's naked and not just your no shirt on naked. he's crazy because you would say he would rape you if he caught up to you so would you
A: run for your life (she did)
B: kick him in his nude dick or
C: scream and run
o ya and he's coming after you. Esther if you read this i'm sry >.< i wasn't supposed to tell>.< but i didn't say all of it >.< so yepper that happened. ok i'm sooooo bored now... so you guys have to figure out a riddle. i get these from my language arts class for warm ups so i'll give you 1 of them each time i post^^.
No visual flesh
Nor bone,
Nor blood,
Within Time,
Will walk alone.
What are they???
o and i'm putting in a "fun" fact.
Fun Fact: The Statue of Liberty's index finger is eight feet long.
so yep that's all for now
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hi ya people!!!! guess what i had to do today in health~~~... CPR wooohooo!!! what fun kissing a dumby... lol. so yep i passed that. ok so i was soooo bored yesterday because my brother had to do this SAT practice thing at church yesterday and it took 2 hours and all so me and my best friend esther chun was talking and she told me something that was just plain GROSS/SCARY. i don't thing i should tell you but i might. i should think about it >.< ok so i'll tell you a lil. there this old not too old not too young, probably drunk man... he's naked and not just your no shirt on naked. he's crazy because you would say he would rape you if he caught up to you so would you
A: run for your life (she did)
B: kick him in his nude dick or
C: scream and run
o ya and he's coming after you. Esther if you read this i'm sry >.< i wasn't supposed to tell>.< but i didn't say all of it >.< so yepper that happened. ok i'm sooooo bored now... so you guys have to figure out a riddle. i get these from my language arts class for warm ups so i'll give you 1 of them each time i post^^.
No visual flesh
Nor bone,
Nor blood,
Within Time,
Will walk alone.
What are they???
o and i'm putting in a "fun" fact.
Fun Fact: The Statue of Liberty's index finger is eight feet long.
so yep that's all for now
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