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soilder princess
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Wednesday, July 27, 2005
sorry if i cant
sorry if i'm not able to check out your sites today. i'm going to the orthidonist. i'm sorry. well bye bye and i'll make it up later today if i am able. if i'm not i'm gonna check your site out tomarrow. ok well bye bye
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
hope you enjoy
yay guys! well i don't really have a chance to go to your sites today so i'll be sure to go tomarrow. ok. well here a picture i drew not too long ago. i just wasn't able to find a way to post it. so tell me if you like it. ^^

well bye bye for now enjoy my pict. i hope i can put it in my fan-art. i'll draw more stuff later.
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Monday, July 25, 2005
yo what's up
damn i hate that i just wrote this huge post and then the thing wouldn't load. f*** this. gosh now i have to write the thing over again. i hope you guys like my new updates of sango. i just visited alot of site. i'm up to Katana77. tomarrow i'll do more. yesterday at church my best friend esther c. brought her friend alex. esther told me that alex thinks i don't like her. alex is pretty smart! i don't like her. atleast i was nice yesterday and on my best behavior. i didn't bite her head off or anything. after everybody left i mean everybody in my church me and my mom were there. my mom had to wash the chorus uniforms because no one wanted to do it. i was all alone. ToT. so i went on the church computer and it so p/o me! i tryed going on the internet but i would log me off. and then popups were everywhere and i tryed to log off of them because i didn't know what they were saying because it was in korean. after everything i went home. i watched pizza my heart and dirty dancing on abc family. they were good. i wish i could dance something like that. we ate pizza for diner. oh and for lunch they had fish and i hate fish so i didn't eat lunch. well byebye for now my brother is growing really inpatient for me being on the computer for so long. lol. so bye bye and i hope that you have a good day.
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Friday, July 22, 2005
my real post is below but i just want to tell ya that i flush 5 centipede's down the toliet. yes i'm evil now read the post below.
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yay p b n j
yesterday i didn't feel like going to check people's sites out or update. but today i got to the end of the E's and i won't be on tomarrow. i'm changing my site to Sango now. my brother is making me a pb n' j sandwich yay!!!!* in a kid voice* ok byebye.
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Wednesday, July 20, 2005
more quizes except this time it's inuyasha quizes hehehehe
>.<' T.T'
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ok yesterday there was a thunderstorm(again!!!)but this time the lights went out around 7:10pm and stay out til 10:51pm. i missed most of dragon ball z which suxed because i wanted to remember all the old dragon ball stuff. we had to go eat ramen too with a fire stove thingy. oh and we found out that 6,200people had no light all thanks to duke power!!! arrrgggghhhh. i had to rest the clocks in my room and stuff but i was blind the whole time except for the 20 or so candles which really didn't help. i tryed reading fruits basket because i couldn't watch tv. but i only got to book 2 chapter 1 of 7 books that i have. so yeah it suxed.
P.S. i was scared of using the bathroom because lately my house has been infested with centipede's and they really like the bathroom. so i was scared.(i hate bugs!!!!)
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Tuesday, July 19, 2005
lots and lots of quizes
gosh what kind of demon is name loki!
yay long hair. animals *does flips*, wolf ears and tail yay koga! sword twice as big as me like sanosukes.hehehehi'm evil mwwahhaahahahahahahahahashort hair>.< what is genki????my eyes are already!!! i'm pretty.i like kaiba and all but what's this about a video arcade! and what the freak "hiya"?thisis the worst. i don't want a damn torch as my weapon.atleast i'm still a girl though. i'm not bitchy i change one thing and i'm bitchy. atleast i'm not pessimatic(i left out the anime part the second time).coolworryful?happy yep and have been insulted for smiling to much before i'm duo maxwell except one thing is wrong here. I'M A GIRL!!!!what the freak this one suxs.i might still a kiss during the macth. hehehehe.damn that sux i died in the last battle. i bet my sensei is hot though even though sidekick doesn't sound that even though this is my second time. i just was safe if i told you my full name. and i got something sucky too.hehehehe.
war hammer? baseball cap?Zeirra? atleast i'm still young.i don't have a lil bro
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going through
i'm sorry if my words are are to hear. also i'm sorry if i was unable to make it to your site today. you see i'm trying to go through all of my freinds site. i only got up to the end of the C's tomarrow i will try to do all of them if i can't i will continue to go through the sites and read your latest comments.
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Monday, July 18, 2005
weekend sry dat it's long i tryed 2 use slang
my weekend:
On Saterday i went 2 a wedding. Da wedding was 4 Lisa n Steven B.(4got da last name).Lisa was wearing a goregous gown as her wedding dress. Mom n me were late 'bout 30 min. b/c we got lossed trying 2 find the church, which by the way was big ass HUGE! Lucky 4 us we made it 2 da reception 2 hear da minister talk. Da church had sooo many ppl in it. i would say 500 ppl or more was dar. Ti was funny when Lisa n Steve(steven) 4got 2 kiss n when they did kiss Steve had 2 bend down far. Lisa is short, while steve is so tall so dat was funny. By da way i was wearing a blackish-gray dress with fowers on it(i hate dresses). After da reception alot o' ppl took lots of pict. n i mean LOTS o' pict. My friend Esther who i was mad @ is my friend again. How u ask(ur not asking r u well i'm gonna tell ya neways)? I made ^ w/ her b/c i 4got wat i was mad @ her 'bout. lol. Neways after da pict. we had 2g2 da banquet thing n eat. outside da church the grownups talked like usually taking (20 mins.) n while they were talking there was a large black dog so i went 2 pet it. @ da banquet, which was a rented out mall!IN THE CITY! we listened 2 ppl, playing instruments. After then came an opra singer. If i looked @ her long enough i would start laughing/chuckling. When dar were da high notes it's like dar was some1 SCREAMING in ur ear. GOSH!!! naomi(girl 4rm church) brought Harry potter jellybeans n i got 4 (blueberry, cinnamon, boogy, n sardin) the sardin 1 made me want 2 barf!+ i hate fish! After waitin we finally g2 eat! yay we waited an waited in like 4 like 40mins. n when we got ^ dar, dar was crackers w/ white cheese, bazil leaf, tomatoes(looked wrinkly and old)n a toasted bread(finger snak) dan rice(got a lot o' dat) samon(fish yuk),steak(2 thinly slice pieces about 1inch thick, 4inches long, n 3inch wide), and that's about it bsides da fruit. it was wat a model eats! n dar was a blood spot on my steak! I like da chocolate boxes da best n i got alot o' ribbins!n chocolate!yay i ate 1/2 o' my wedding cake b/c my mom said we were leaving. i got 3 diet coke 4 my dad. when i got home i missed Zatch Bell! Parinoid Agent wasn't freaky 4 once, just strangly weird b/c 3 ppl(old man, teenage gay boy literally, n a little girl) wanted 2 die n chased little slugger calling 4 him 2 kill them but, he ran away. i was so confused b/c it had an online chat room thing too. yesterday i was @ church we ate @ wendy's 4 lunch n all i had was a milkshake and a small frenchfries n they actually had something good 4 once @ church which really suxed. Esther left early 2g2 da mall w/ stupid alex which she told me she was only going b/c alex was going 2 pay 4 everything. n then david left but i wouldn't want 2 hang out w/ him neway b/c i think he is gay or a pimp. more gay though b/c he acts like a girl n has like 2 friends dat r boys. then esther lee left so all i was left with was eunju n all we did was talk. when every1 left except esther c.'s family i had 2g2 a hair salon n watch saromi and esther's mom get they're hair cut 4 around 2 was so boring then we went 2 a store 2 buy food. boring boring boring boring!!!!!!!!! sry dat it's too long.
this is me!
this is my brothers
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