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Wednesday, June 8, 2005
no more skool party
no more skool. wooohooo! summer break rox! even if you have nothing to do it's better than skool. first day of freedom rox!yay! ok. that's pretty much all i have to say. lol.
bye bye
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Monday, June 6, 2005
one more day of skool left for me! woo hoo! also i found out that to put up an avatar you have to save the ok well that's all for now. luv yea all. bye bye
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Friday, June 3, 2005
this girl named natashia was talking to me in gym class and ended up getting hit in the butt with a huge i mean huge ball. lol. it was so funny. a boy i think sam kicked it and it hit me in the face. algebra final was easy and i got a 94 on it!yay! 2 more days of skool.also i get to have free lunch on monday from ms. stallard. she's buying me and alex lunch for a contest that we won(partners). yay!
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Monday, May 30, 2005
on friday at skool i screamed my lungs out! i did a potatoe bag race and lost my hairband so as i was coming back i picked it up. Potatoe bag race is harder than it looks! i sliped once. on sunday i went to a korean restuarant with my 2 friends both named esther. i got an expensive dish and they got a cheap dish but for some odd odd reason i got a really really small bowl and they got huge bowls. and they are younger than me it's not fair!!!!!!!! we went out b/c some ppl were smoking. one of the esthers' left leaving me with my bestest friend.this is the first time i was ever flirted with!!!!!!!!! we were talking about anime and gymnastic. yay! but there was this mexican boy wearing a cow boy hat, in the passenger sit of a red truck. what freaked my out was he smacked his lips at me. esther's back was turned so i know he was doing it to me! then i said esther look! she looked and he was licking his lips! she shot the birdy at him!!! yay! i was freaked out. mexican boys scare me now or at least that one does. i think he did it to me because i was wearing really short pants with a cute shirt, and high sandals making me look like a older teenager. he was probably 17. ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
today i have no skool because m. day.
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Saturday, May 28, 2005
My mom is evil
i want to cut my dogs hair instead of her. Why because she always injurys him. well yesterday i started cutting his hair but she has to come in. in the end she cut off a piece of skin on his leg and dog skin is thin so you could see his bone. i hate blood so i was shaking. that's the 4th time she injured him. it makes my want to cry literally. poor poor happy. she is evil i tell you that's why i want to cut his hair and not her. gosh. she is a *****.
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
hi ppl
how's it going. sry i haven't written in a while. today i had my social studies eog(final) yesterday i have my science they were pretty easy except some hard questions that i didn't know. i went swimming on sunday at my friend,esther's house. my mom wants me to learn korean but i don't want to. i don't think i really need to know it. on june 1 i am going to have my algebra final and i think i'm gonna fail it! so worried. i'm doing a science group project in science duh. and that's pretty much it. yay well bye for now. ^^
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Friday, May 20, 2005
hi ya
hi do u think 14 years old (8th grade) is 2 early 2 smoke i think so. y i'm bringing dis up is b/c 2day @ the bus stop in the morning 2 8th grade girl (amanda and cameron) had a cigerette, lit it, then smoked them. not 2 mention i was a foot away. also last nite at 3:23 there was this loud loud thunder that scared the life out of me. gosh. on tuesday i took me math calulator inactive eog(end of grade test a.k.a. finals to some of you) and it was pretty easy. on wenesday i took the calculator active one and that was kinda easy too! on monday i have to take the science, tuesday soc. studies and i don't know what on wensday. boo! also i have 10 i believe days of skool left hurr-ah! i'm so happy so sux alot! kalkidan is now my friend again! yay! also today we did a brain thing to see how much your brain is full of things you like and i learned my brain has air holes in it! cool! holly in my art class got blue paint on my coat! i think it's gonna rain and thunder again today and i am wearing this beautiful shirt today lol. i watched LOST on wenesday and it kinda suxed. Inuyasha the 1st movie is on tomarrow i can't wait!!!!!! gonna watch it! star wars episode 3 i think came out yesterday and a boy named jeff skipped skool to see it and today said that it sux. ok that's all for now. by the way can you hear my background music or is it just me?
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Monday, May 16, 2005
me me me me me
hey ppl. yesterday i went to the park for church. and dang there was a whole lot of goose poop! they must have enjoyed themselves. i did catch tadpole but i left them on a picnic table and when i came back they were gone! let them rest in peace if they died. on saturday my cuz. came over and when that happens my bro is really really mean to me so i hate him i hate him i hate him! I have my eog's today oh no!!!!!!!!!!! i'm gonna fail i'm gonna fail i'm gonna fail!!!!!!!!skool sux!!!!!!!!!!! well i'm gonna go now. bye bye. also those who haven't checked out my site(everybody but 3ppl) pleaz check it out. remember it's at animetime!
bye bye
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Friday, May 13, 2005
stuff this week&day.
Today i ran the mile run booo! and i got 9min 33seconds which is good compared to the other time's in the past. after the mile run we were supposed to do the D.A.R.E graduation but we did a peper ally instead. sry i can't spell it correct but i think you should know what it says. Also sry i haven't writing in a long time. that is because for the last 2 days there have been thunderstorms and i was scared that if it hit the powerline or something that it will mess up the computer and all other electronic. i think there is going to be one today to. sadly. also today i was so random. Random saying for today is Buy an emu.Save the Rainforest(kaitlin conroy made it up and put it on a index card and i wore it yay!) well that all for now. bye bye and TGIF.
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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
help me choose a background
First thing first i'm sry i keep changing the background music it's just so fun to listen to all the different songs. Can i ask you which picture you want as a background? please respond!

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