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Thursday, December 14, 2006
also i am currently sick so i hope i get better :P
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Tuesday, December 12, 2006
i seriously think it's get "angie mad week". today in p.e there's this really really geeky kid on my team, and he was bad mouthing just about everyone. and he was talking as if people care what he thinks. not only was i the only one who bothered to listen to him, but i also told him where to go. (he bad mouth some of my friends too -_-;;) well he talked about people sucking at volleyball too, and trust me he shouldn't be talking, he only got the ball over the net once, and by luck. well in one of the last games we were playing i told him to move over, and wtf does he do!!!! he mocks me RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY FACE!!! i don't care if he does it behind my back but don't he dare think he can do it facing me, right after i say it!!!! i swear if there were no rules in school about fighting i would beat the ****ing sh** out of him! i don't can if your my friend and mock me but in the way he did it i won't forgive him. i'm not helping him anymore, and if he wants me to listen to him, i'm am soooo going to tell him to shut the **** up! i don't care about him anymore he can do whatever the **** he wants!!!! well some good news: there's this new boy in my p.e. class he's names anthony and he's from michigan ^-^ well he was all alone outside during lunch time and i tryed getting my friends to come with me to say hi to him, and no one wanted to really come with me, so when i kept telling my friend which he was i gave up asking and was like "Fine! i'll just go talk to him by myself"(or something like that) my other bestfriend whose name is esther y, came with me. (i have 2 bestfriends named esther) he was really shy :P well that's about it. sorry guy i can't really visit sites much anymore, so i gonna hold all my visiting till saturaday or friday. gomenosai T.T
1. any new kids at school?
2. and really geeky kids in your class?
3. do you have 2 best friends with the same name?
quote: "Is there a need for a reason to kill someone?" - Mugen (Samurai Champloo)
[really goes with my mood for some people]
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Monday, December 11, 2006
yet again i'm kinda pissed. what is it with this week. well yesterday my best friend esther,.... well her "friend" jenny made the myspace, but esther gave her the pictures, and she was in on it!!! that pisses me off cause she basically lied to me, i was going to beat the person who did it -_-;; and also today in p.e. were still doing volleyball and i got another team and this obnoxious guy kept hitting the ball and missing and he was jumping over the place. on friday a another dude did that but at least i liked him, cause he tried. this dude just pissed me off. he would cut in front of you, when you can hit the ball, and he would hit it and hit the net. then one time he put his hands up like he was gonna get the ball and i was right behind him, then all of a sudden he puts his hands down and it hit me on the side of the face. there's a point in which i can try but in the middle of the first game it reached that point, so i didn't try for the other games.... well that's about it. well some of you people seem like you don't read my post fully... so you mistake some stuff as if it were me or someone else. O.o well i'm gonna go. no questions and stuff today sorry.
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Saturday, December 9, 2006
k i'm trying to get to all your sites. well those who update before i go. well i'm kinda sad cause one of my friends on myo is having family problems and she's really depressed. her brother attempted suicide, and her sister was in a car crash. and she's kinda doubting herself. her site: juz cuz well i'm getting a bit better at typing without my pinky. todays post is pretty short. bye.
[added message at 12:56]
ok i'm am soooo pissed off right now! i know i was sad before but my best friend just called me and told me that she might go to jail or be fined! see this girl named kayla(a bitch!!!) well someone made a myspace of her, saying she's a bi, and had pictures of her. so she told her mom saying she's abosuletly sure that esther my best friend did it!!! and esther didn't do it! how because esther hated kayla and they were no longer friends and when they finally kinda make up this happens. kayla has not came over to esther's house nor has esther hers. so how the ******* hell is she supposed to get pictures of her. i'm am sooooooo ******* pissed! 
1. well you visit juz cuz???
2. what time do you wake up on saturdays???
3. do you like cardcaptor sakura???
quote:"Now I understand the relieved, I feel very situation..." - Sosuke Sagara (Full Metal Panic? FUMOFFU)

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Friday, December 8, 2006
if you guys don't know i jammed my finger. T.T so it's hard to type. well today we had to play tournaments in gym for volleyball and every time i hit the ball it was a shock of pain, especially when i had to serve T.T so now i don't have to move my finger to have pain T.T i have a splint on it though. well to go along with the volleyball there came bruises so now both of my arms from the hand to the elbow is covered with bruises -_-;; it's very depressing. well i'm happy that it's friday i get to rest up the hours driver's ed took away from me. which i'm done with driver's ed finally!!! but i got a 4 on my checking blind spot score. and a 4 is the lowest you can get T.T basically my life revolves around my finger at the moment so nothings really happening, except we watched the movie "Cars" in art class. that's about it ja ne!!!
1. seen the movie Cars?
2. what's your favorite day of the week???
3. have you ever tryed typing without your pinky?? (it's hard)
"Yesterday Kyou-kun picked up Tohru-kun! Kyou-kun is a sex fiend!!" - Shigure (Fruits Basket)
heres a picture:

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Thursday, December 7, 2006
today just seems like a bad day. i'm even having trouble typing T.T well it started out a pretty good day except my best friend melanie wasn't here, but she wasn't here yesterday either and i forgot to change my gym clothes. well life started turning from pretty good to worse, as i went to gym and came to the locker i knew i was going to wear the same clothes as yesterday for gym.... it's not smelly or sweaty or anything but still. well we are doing volleyball and were divided into groups. i was the only girl in my group. and the boys weren't being serious about doing it either -_-;; well we were serving to another team for some practice and this girl serves it.... it's actually more of a spike and i try to catch it!!! i didn't catch it... instead i slightly jammed my finger. thus why i'm having trouble typing. i didn't know exactly if it was jammed or not so i was trying to bend my pinky(the one that's jammed). then the teacher said we were going to play a game then O.o i started to watch if he was coming over and finally he came over and walked away. so right in the middle of the game i ran to the teacher :P (sorry team, my finger was more important) well he was staying it wasn't jammed and when i go to lunch i should get some ice for it -_-;; i went to the nurses office and she say it was slightly jammed. O.o stupid teacher didn't know what he was talking about. now my pinky is the size of my thumb and my pinky knuckly looks like i have a ball stuck in it T.T my hand is ugly!!!! and i has purple black bruises on basically every joint except the top part of the finger T.T and i have drivers ed today and it's my last day!!! how am i supposed to drive!!!!
1. every jammed your finger??
2. how's life??
3. do you like to push on bruised just to feel the pain?? (i do that :P i'm so weird)
"I'm...actually, I'm a super-magical human. I have been hiding this fact for a long time. But I have this precious kingdom to go back to. The reason why us super humans have long hair is that our great king Rubalru had a miracle vision when he was about to die. The person who gave him this vision is called Great Kandora! When Kandora used his super magic power, King Rulbaru's Super-Ultra-Magical-Force was freed like a bird and made him grow Ultra-Strong-Magical white long hair from his head! Just then, what happened was when King Rulbaru was resting, an emeny kingdom suddenly attacked him. He was in such a terrible situation! He thin asked Kandora for power! And then-!" - Ayame Sohma (Fruits Basket)
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Wednesday, December 6, 2006
dang i haven't been here in a while. well i have an excuse!!! ha you can't blame me lol :P well right after school i had to go straight to my homework which they seem to give me a butt load of. :( it took me about 2 hours to do -__-;; well right after that i had to go back to school T.T i have drivers ed. the driving portion. it's from 5:30-8:30pm. well my teachers name is... i think it's mrs. rosie. and it's only 4 days so i have 1 more day of it left. i take turns driving with a senior girl named gabby, who moved to where i live from Florida 3 months ago. well on my first day the teacher was like here go ahead a drive. i never drove in my whole life and here she is expecting me drive!! crazy woman what she want me to do wreck!!! well i think i have well enough cordination that i can drive and i haven't hit anything but the curb yet. so it's all good. today we had to drive in the city O.o and i had to drive on the highway and i was starting to freak out cause i was scared. O.o well that's about it. i'm eating now(time: 9:02).
1. can you drive???
2. how long do you spend on homework???
3. did you miss me while i was gone for 2 days?
quote: "Hiei, I can't accept this. I value our friendship and all we've been through but... I don't like you that way." - Kurama (Yu Yu Hakusho)
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Sunday, December 3, 2006
ok so it's sunday.... nooooo schools tomarrow -__-;; well right now i'm watching this stupid show called the super science loop and they are blowing in hoses -_-;; i didn't pick the channel T.T i'm gonna change it now. (the show is gay). well anyway.... how are you guys doing?? i'm gonna go to church in a couple of minutes, so i can't check out your sites today T.T well i'm wearing stocking which i haven't worn in like... years. lol. it's cold where i live but no snow T.T the weather is a on and off thing o.O ok so here's the major news of the weekend :P i was on the computer when all of a sudden i heard a bang on the window. i was thinking wtf!!! i looked out the window but i couldn't see anything. so i looked out the kitchen door window and there was a bird on the ground it was breathing. i didn't know what to do, so i got my brother. he was like: what do you want me to do about it. i didn't know. my parent's were out, so i had to leave the bird out there T.T i didn't want it to die! and when my dad came home i was telling him that a bird hit the window. he checked on the bird and said it was stunned and that's all. i guess it flew off cause later in the day it wasn't were my dad put it (on the outside picnic table). btw it was a wooden pecker. :P well that's it about my life.
1. do you go to church?
2. has a bird hit your window before?
3. are you into science shows?
naturalrookie13: why'd you have to get 13 teeth pulled out. isn't that a bit much?
demon dragon: my brother is ok, he can walk but he can't bend his knee or left it up
quote: "You try to sound like you think through things, when in fact you're not thinking at all." - Kurama (Yu Yu Hakusho)
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Saturday, December 2, 2006
ok people the condition of my brother.... he now has 8 stictches in his leg. darn dalton! he's the boy that pushed my brother to the ground onto a metal pipe that was in the ground. my brother had to land there didn't he :( well i'm trying to visit sites today :P o and is there any suggestion on what else to do on my site. apparently the snow effect don't like me for the site so i'll just have to add it to my picture background. well i'm bored so i'll start asking questions like alphonse13 does :P
1. what do you want for christmas?
2. have you got stitches before?
3. will you vote for me for the contests i'm in?
i'm in tachikara's and animegirl4ever's contest voting for tachikara's is 12-15-06 thru 12-17-06, animegirl4ever is unknown at the moment
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Friday, December 1, 2006
hey people!!! so heres the deal, i have entered 2 contests at the same time, involving my site. so if you would please please please vote for me!!!! my prides at stake here. as you see it is a christmas layout. omg my bro just came home from playing football with some boys in my neighborhood, and he gots a cut below the knee O.o it look sooooooo nasty!!! theres stuff coming out,he says it ligaments. it's open wide but it's not deep. >______________-; well i hope he gets better. and please please please vote for me!
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