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angiehanime, angieanime, and buny luvr28
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Japan. i wish ^-^
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soilder princess
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longer than you can imagine!
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every anime
read all the mangas and watch all the animes in the world. i haven't gotten very far cause there is soooo many! but i hope that i can ^o^
anything fun
that's for me to know ^-^
Saturday, March 11, 2006
i took a test on thursday, and a grammar: dependent clause quiz. yesterday i got my dependent clause quiz back O.o i did horrible, i got an F a.k.a. 58% i hate dependent clause i just don't get it!!!well that made me really depressed. then i told my friend to go online to talk and all but she didn't come on!!! i finished my book, and i have to read a nonfiction book for my bookreport but i have to turn in on monday O.o i guess i'll have to read it today even tho it's extremely boring -_- i'm trying to make it to all your sites and all but it's kinda hard. well i hope you all's day is good. i'm gonna ask a question everyday and put up a picture now :P if i can i'll try and find a few anime quotes.
~question of the day~
if you could, what element would you pick and why?
*wind: i could fly and for once in my life i would feel free*

"There's three things in this universe I hate. Animals, children, and women with attitudes, why is it we have all three conviently located on our ship?"
Spike Spiegal from cowboy bebop
*modified at 11:03pm*
i took some quizzes :P
The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who have a split personality - cold as ice on the outside but hot as fire in the heart.
In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved.
You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.
Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.
In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily.
You Are The Star

You represent the ultimate in truth and purity.
Insightful and illuminating, you provide guidance for others.
You also demonstrate unselfish, unconditional love.
You posses many spiritual gifts, including the ability to heal.
Your fortune:
Your future is looking brighter by the day.
The near future will be a time of both hope and healing.
Luck is about to come your way, perhaps the best luck you have ever seen.
Life is about to get a lot easier and much better!
Your Inner Blood Type is AB!

Your personality is hard to define - you're very unconventional.
And even if your personality could be defined, it would be completely different next week!
Outgoing and shy, sensitive and thoughtless, you tend to have a very split personality.
This makes you unpredictable. You can be a total angel - and a total devil.
You are most compatible with: everyone!
Famous Type AB's: Jackie Chan and Marilyn Monroe
What Your Face Says

At first glance, people see you as warm and well-balanced.
Overall, your true self is moody and dynamic.
With friends, you seem dramatic, lively, and quick to react.
In love, you seem mysterious and interesting.
In stressful situations, you seem sad and helpless.
You Are 26% Evil

A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well.
In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil.
You Are 40% Weird

Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it!
Your World View
You are a moralist with conventional ideas, which some people would call old-fashioned.
You probably think that most of the world falls badly below your standards.
Your inhibitions and sense of guilt are in the way of your happiness.
You think that people tend to use sex for evil, as a weapon.
Your parents probably played a big part in the formation of such a guilt complex as yours.
Your mind is in chains, and it's time you did something to free it.
Your Personality Is
Idealist (NF)
You are a passionate, caring, and unique person.
You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals.
You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily.
Your heart tends to rule you. You can't make decisions without considering feelings.
You seek out other empathetic people to befriend.
Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships.
In love, you give everything you have to relationships. You fall in love easily.
At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career.
With others, you communicate well. You can spend all night talking with someone.
As far as your looks go, you've likely taken the time to develop your own personal style.
On weekends, you like to be with others. Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours.
i hate charity work but the rest is true
You Are Likely A Forth Born

At your darkest moments, you feel angry.
At work and school, you do best when your analyzing.
When you love someone, you tend to be very giving.
In friendship, you don't take the initiative in reaching out.
Your ideal jobs are: factory jobs, comedy, and dentistry.
You will leave your mark on the world with your own personal philosophy.
Your Inner Child Is Angry

You're not an angry person.
But when you don't get your way, watch out.
Like a very manipulative kid, you will get what you want.
Even if it takes a little kicking and screaming.
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