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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Current favorite singer and band
Ellegarden!! ¢¾¢¾¢¾

Nami Tamaki

And....Tribute to Do As Infinity (DAI) Because they disbanded..;_;

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Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Uggggg School again -_-
Before I say anything, visit my sister site!
--->Kimi<--- Kimi is so totally awesome. XD Himiko is too, and you should visit her site too. ^^ (She's the one that drew all the pictures for me..Including one for my sister)
Anyways, last night I went to my auntie's house for a Thanksgiving party! It was really fun, and I got to eat turkey! (YUM XD)
And today...is..School! Ahhhhhhh! XD It was okay, boring as usual. But I was tired as heck, I like yawned 100 times at school...(W00t! World record! LOL Just joking)
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Monday, October 10, 2005
Lately I'm in a "Post Himiko's Drawings up on my site" craze lately, and she drew a another piccy which was for my sister. XD And I'm still in that craze, so...I'm posting it up!

It's self-explanatory of who's my sister and who's Kira. XD
By the way, visit my sister site Kimi! ^^ (Aka Riakou)
Himiko drew another picture of Satoshi and my RP character! Yay! Posting it up also..

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Sunday, October 9, 2005
Pic of RP Characters
Yay! My friend Himiko drew a piccy of Kimi and mine's RP character from our roleplay Star*Healixion. I thought that it would show my great appreciation to Himiko by putting it up on my website. ^^

The one on the left is me, the one on the right is Kimi.
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Saturday, October 1, 2005
Whee Posting again
Today I just finished watching Naruto episode 27 (I'm so behind!) and it was great! They're entering the Forest of Death, seems like things are going to become interesting really fast. Can't wait for episode 28 to finish downloading...Anyways, my favorite couples for Naruto is:
HakuXZabuza (Even if they're both guys,I don't care. XD)
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Monday, September 26, 2005
Yesterday, I found a really cute and romantic picture of Sasuke and Sakura from Naruto! And I liked it so much that I'm putting it up for everyone to enjoy! ^^

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Sunday, September 25, 2005
Roleplay into story...
Wheeee, as you can see, it's a new theme, so fast! And the theme is...Hiwatari Satoshi-kun. ^3^ Moving on...
For two days now, my friend Kimi and I started to roleplay, and it's getting really interesting! It was so inspiring, I couldn't help but think I could write a story out of it. It would even make a great anime/manga! XD
The characters: Angiru (me), Kimi, Satoshi/Satoru, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura.
We used the characters from other previous animes, but I created another inner being for Satoshi, Satoru! But Satoru is ten times way better than Krad, cause I hate Krad, and I hope not the least like Dark, because I don't like him. Why I don't like Dark? I hate the way he toys with girl's emotions. That's the number one reason....
Our roleplay starts off with meeting up with Sasuke and Naruto in the forest, and Kimi and I want to become ninjas! W00t W00t! So that we can become great ninjas that can: Sing duets off-key, be a ninja a lot of people respect, eat cake from the ceiling, and using shining stars (shurikens) to pick locks and steal cars! LOL
(We got those ideas from one of the Myotaku sites I was at, and this had this hilarious Naruto video..)
Anyways, tune in for more info!
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Sorry for not posting for a couple of days, pretty busy but had a lot of fun! Umm, I'm learning how to draw Gundam Seed Destiny characters and it's going pretty well so far.
My dad bought me a sketchbook on sunday, but it was a small one cause all the big ones were out of stock, which really sucked. Today, my goal is trying to draw Stellar. ^.^ Well, bye, going to draw Stellar...or try anyways..So leaving you with some Gundam Seed Destiny pics...
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Sunday, September 18, 2005
I took some quizzes...
XD Whee~! My stalker is Athrun, I'm sooo lucky! LOL.
Oh my, what a weird family...XD
~*Angiru Starlette*~
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Thursday, September 15, 2005
;_; Soo embarassing..
Something happened at school today, and it was so embarassing! I really hoped no one saw...and I'm not going to announce to the whole world what the embarassing moment was. XD I don't want EVERYONE to know.
And I couldn't find Drew or JoJo anywhere, making the day worst. I spent my whole lunch hour walking around aimlessly trying to find them. It was horrible!
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