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Healing Empyrean of magical dreams...
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An half angel, just loving her one and only prince...
Real Name
Angiru Hikari, or Angie for short.
No achievements.
Anime Fan Since
Since I was 10.
Favorite Anime
Too many to name onto here..XD
No Goals.
Sleeping, eating, playing computer, drawing, writing, doing nothing, playing video/computer games.
No talents either.
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 10/19/06:
What are you going to do on the night of the new moon?(anime pics!)
Result Posted on 10/19/06:
~How Do You Make The World A Better Place?~ (anime pics)
 You make the world a better place by just being in it. The day you were born, a problem was solved. People feel alot better when you are around. Your prescense is enough to take away a person's problems, even if it is just for a little while. Even though you don't like to admit it, you do make an impact on people's lives. There is just something about you that puts people at ease. You are very loyal, but don't take kindly to betrayal. You would be a great friend, but sadly, many people don't give you a chance. Sometimes, you feel like you don't belong in this world. People have hurt and betrayed you, so why put up with all their bullshit? Creating other worlds in your mind is a great pleasure of yours. And writing is an excellent way of how you vent. But be careful, you could, after time, not know the difference between fantasy and reality... Feel free to rate/message. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 10/19/06:
~How Do You Make The World A Worse Place?~ (must I say it? YES! It has anime pics)
 You make the world a worse place because you are so naive. You are happy and content, and think of life as a fairytale. You have a good outlook on life, which can be good and bad. And you most likely haven't gone through too bad of an experience... YET!!! Either that or you hide whatever it is well... There's more to life than popularity, candy, love, and pure happiness. You need to see that the world is a bad place. So bad, to where you aren't even safe in your own home. Be realistic, and admit the fact that life will soon take a turn for the worst. It always does. You like to have your cake and eat it too. Which is not a valuable trait to have. You can NEVER have both. Life is somewhat wonderful to you, you feel the need to explore it more... But there are places in this world, so dark, that you would never last a minute in. Experiences so vile, that you will never be able to understand if you don't go through them yourself. People admire your sweet personality. But underneath, you will always be just like everyone else. I would love to say that your life will remain stable and perfect your whole life, but I can't, cause then I would just be lieing to you. All good things must come to an end. Feel free to rate/message. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 10/19/06:
~Which of the 5 senses are you most connected to?~ (with... you guessed it! Anime pics.)
 Sight. You are most connected to your sense of sight. You are scared of the unknown... You would much rather know every detail of a story than just the summary. Most likely you are very smart or wise (whichever you prefer). The sense of sight has to be one of the most important ones because it would be hell to have to live without it... You try to distance yourself from people, but don't really succeed at it. People just can't stay away from your mysterious personality. You and I would probably get along nicely. You really should take some of my other quizzes. I can tell you would like them. Feel free to rate/message. Thanx! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 10/19/06:
What Type of Eyes Does Your Soul Have? (girls)(pics)
 Eyes of Despair - Your soul posesses Eyes of Despair. Life is not what it used to be for you and you know it. Somewhere along the line things took a turn for the worst. Whether you made this happen, or others are responsible for this occurance is known only unto you. You have not given up on life just yet, but that light within your soul is slowly fading away. You hold to that hope as best you can but fear that if something good does not happen soon, you will lose it forever. You see the world in a veil of grey. You never know what is right and what is wrong, the two have blurred your vision completely. Chances are, you have very few friends at the moment, and if you do, you push them as far away from you as you can. You are fighting yourself and you don't know how to stop. Someday you will find the answers that you seek, but until then, it seems life will only continue to hurt. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 10/19/06:
..:::What type of girl are you??:::..(with pics and 15results!)
 .::Shy girl::.U are a great person but almost nobody knows because u are too shy even to show it. Sometimes u get as nervous that u act goofy and stupid, but u are smart and u do things allright when ya get to calm down. U are the tipe of person who starts laughing everytime a situation gets over ya (what I said, u get loud when u are nervous). Ok, just try to relax, not thinking that much of what other's will think may help Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 10/19/06:
Which Final Fantasy Girl are you? (FF 7, 8, 9 and 10)
Result Posted on 10/19/06:
How Do You Smile in Anime? (Girls Results) (Guys can take too ^^)
Result Posted on 10/19/06:
What Parfait Tic character are you?
Result Posted on 10/19/06:
Which Bleach Vice-Captain are You?
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