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Monday, February 27, 2006
The intro picture is done! What do you think huh? Did I do a good job? *waits to be tossed cookies* I can't wait to get photoshop then I'll be able to make the fancy pictures that you expert wallpaper people make. So that's done. I took the '100 signatures' off because I felt I was adding too much. Don't worry, it'll be back. I'll be making a little scroll box thing so that everything becomes a little nicer. Anywho, the site for the dreamers club is up! All you do is click on the picture and you're there. You do need a livejournal account though but they're free so no need to worry. Other than that, I still need to unload my dresser so that it can be moved and vacuum. I personally hate vacuum cleaners because of how loud they are. Tomorrow will be the big escapade for purchase and assembly of the bed frame. My dad also goes back to Lukeville tomorrow. So there's this big rush today to get everything ready. Shit, I'm going to be tired before Wednesday...Anyway, question time. All of those that remember Dresden? Some? Good. I'm in a battle of where he's from. I'm not going to give too much away but here's his info again.
Name: Dresden
Age: 823
Height: 5'10"
Hair: Black with silver highlights or Silver with black highlights
Eyes: Golden color
Weapon: Broadsword
Element: Fire Magic
Where should he be from? He will be found in the Paris Catacombs. So, anyone want to suggest a place of birth?
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Sunday, February 26, 2006
Hellos my faithful minions!
Sunday, the day we all hate for it means the start of the weekday. So I'm getting my bedframe on Tuesday. So that means I have an extra day to clean!...yeah...Well, Highwind Pheonix asked a question about what anime character's clothes we love and I like Lirin! Being that Saiyuki is still fairly new in the US (Was released in 1990s) here's a picture of Lirin.
Odd I know, but I can't help but like the way she is dressed. Nothing much going on. TV blaring from a race I believe. I am expecting to hear some yelling and screaming going on. Never understood why you well at the TV, they can't hear you. Anyway, my curiousity has been aroused once again so that's what today's question will be based off of. For those of you that I have given advice for, did it help you any?
The reason I'm asking is this. I was going through some old papers and you know how they make you take those job career tests to see where you'd fit the best? The top two on my list are Child Psycologist and Physical Therapist. Then it was an array of journalist, author, cook and a couple of other jobs. Well, see you for now!
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Saturday, February 25, 2006
Quick post for Saturday. I won't be able to visit but I'll be sure to visit everyone that commented yesterday and today on Sunday. My hopes for this evening; That Naruto gets back to kicking ass, One Piece needs some action too, FullMetal Alchemist finally wraps up (taking too long!), and I pass out and actually sleep before 3 o'clock. I'm not sure if that'll be the plan though. Anywho, I have a request for those that frequent this abode. I need some backgrounds for my intro picture. Something that kinda matches with the background on the Saiyuki thing. If any of you can find me a place that I don't have to credit the site or give me some slides from photoshop or paintshop, it'd be much appreciated. So that just leaves the question now. Being that everyone knows Inuyasha, it'll be based around that. Depending on your personality, what guy would be best for you and why?
For me, I'd be stuck with Inuyasha. My personality is more of a match to him than anyone else.
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Friday, February 24, 2006
Hello Friday!
How is everyone? Finally, we're close to the weekend. I hope you guys have something planned. I do. Cleaning -.- Oh well, I've been finding things I thought I've throwing away or broken. Today, I bought the Crossfade CD with the songs Cold and Colors. At least I have some new tunes to listen to while I work with my room rehab. My dad should be coming back from Lukeville sometime tonight. Then he should leave again to go back around Sunday or Monday. I've found out how much money I need to save to get Photoshop. Walmart is selling it for around $80. I need to get a computer solely for pictures and that first. Anyway, I've nearly completed my intro thing. Have all the written stuff down just need to tweak pictures and that. It should be up sometime in the middle of the week or next week. Anywho, question time!
If you had a blank book you could put anything in, what would you stick in there?
I'm already doing this, but I have a collage of my favorite pictures from magazines and that along with articles that I liked and copies of pages from books and that.
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Thursday, February 23, 2006
Sorry that I haven't been on in a couple of days. I've been swamped with stuff I need to do. My room is an absolute mess right now. I'm getting a bed frame that has drawers on the underside and so it's go through everything and figure out what you want and don't want -.- I have a couple of tubs of stuff that need to be gone through and some more of the just sort and throw in a box shit. The thing that I am glad about, though, is that I'll finally be rid of this disgusting dresser that my bro's ex-wife gave to me. I don't know how many times the drawers just simply fell out of it because of the way it is built. Another things I'm hopefully getting rid of is my desk. For a room that is approxmiately 10x12, the desk takes up the most room. I know I'll have to take it apart because it won't fit through the doorway. When I get that all done, I'll be on a search for a new desk. I think I'll get one of those simple little ones that they sell at K-Mart and that. The ones that are only like $60. I'm also adding lighting so that it isn't so dark in my room anymore. My mother already was able to acquire a nice flourecent light that can just be attached to the wall. So I have a lot of room renovations to do. Oh well. The only thing I can't do is paint being that we're renting. So anyway. My mother and I are putting Saiyuki on hold. The video store we've been renting the series from doesn't have #8 and she doesn't want to watch the rest until she can see those episodes. My brother actually called us O.O Haven't heard from him in about 6-7 months. He's been living in California and doesn't like it so my mom's sending him the newspaper so he can find someplace to stay here. I don't know if he'll move back to PV or go to Pheonix. Just wait and see there. Remember that I told you about the guy that scammed $7000 outta people? They caught the blimey bastard! The idiot decided to do that same thing in Pheonix but people had watched the news and called the cops on him. So now he has to stay in the Pheonix prison (scary) and then be transeferred to Prescott (even scarier). Well, at least in Arizona the cons are good guys. The two things they hate the most are people that scam charities and those that mess with kids. In the news as well, some idiot kid killed himself and two other people weaving in and out of traffic on Highway 69 (get your head out of the gutter!) and caused an accident. Now the insurance rates will be even higher. I'm 19 and to get insurance would be killer on me. When I was going to school, the average 18 yr old paid at least $120 a month on car insurance. Even more with the newer models. Sounds cold but at least there is one more idiot off the road. Anywho, this is a long post so I'll get the hell off and put the question up. Here we go:
What kind of car do you want?
Mine is a Subaru Baja. Why? Gas effecient and if I can't fit it in the backseat, I can throw it in the back! Plus, they are purty to me. Well, byebye for now! I'll try to visit you guys but can't guarantee anything.
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Monday, February 20, 2006
The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch
Still working on the intro pic. I have some stuff written down and that but I've been developing a mind freeze. So what should I add to the intro? Most of the usual info is already here with the stuff on the side. Anywho, still searching for some new games to play. Can't wait till Kingdom Hearts 2 comes out and I'm also waiting for Twilight Princess. Tales of Phantasia comes out for the GameBoy Advance on March 28 so that's another game I need to get. Still haven't acquired manga Volume 7 of Saiyuki yet. Right now I'm not reading much, just waiting for Shonen Jump to show up. I'm playing Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones and so far, the controls are slow and most of the moves are the same as the GameCube Sands of Time. I'm still hunting for Devil May Cry. I've been thinking of maybe renting Dragon Warrior VIII being that I've played VII. Well, I have to go help my mom pack up for my dad. He's going to someplace called Lukeville. They need his help with the construction they're doing down there. Anywho, here's the question of the day;
If you could master any martial arts weapon, what would it be? Personally for me, it would be the naginata.
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Saturday, February 18, 2006
Layout Change!
Well, the Full Metal Alchemist layout has been changed to Saiyuki. I'm sorry FMA fans, but I've kind of gotten bored with FMA. I don't know, I didn't even watch the episode last Saturday. It's still on the tape in the VCR, waiting to be watched. Though, I can honestly say that Saiyuki is my favorite manga and anime. Just something about it that really suites me. So, this will stay for as long as I can tolerate it. My intro to my site will be finished pretty soon so I hope that helps. The introduction will become a nifty little thing with all that nice little stuff. I'll try not to overload it though. So the question of the day is; what do you think of the new layout so far? Can't wait to see what picture I use for my intro?
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Friday, February 17, 2006
I haven't been doing much. More or less sitting on my ass and watching anime with my mother. She actually likes Saiyuki. And even more, she likes Hakkai! Though, I have mentioned before that I like Goku and Sanzo. In the news, some guy in my town scammed 7000 dollars off of people. Him and his wife were con artists and they pretended that she was dying of cancer. So people chipped in money to help out. Now they've disappeared and that. Kind of sad, I guess. The weather's droll and cold. The sun is trying to make an appearance but the clouds are blocking it out. On the mousey update, I still haven't caught anything. I guess I might not have one after all. That or I set the trap in the wrong spot ^_^ which is like me. Anywho, I can't think of much so here's the question. It's an argument with my mother. For those that have seen Saiyuki, she keeps telling me I'm like Goku. 'You eat like him, talk like him and are too damn curious.' She's even started calling me stupid monkey -.- From what you know of me, do you think I'm like Goku?
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Thursday, February 16, 2006
Thursday! Rabbit on a Rampage!
Well, closer to the weekend. Closer to the day I change the layout to my site. Yes, some things are being revamped. The only things I'm not touching are the guestbook signatures and the Club banner. The only person that can fit that banner is Ed. Saving up money to get Adobe Photoshop. Once that is out of the way (will probably take me months to acquire that much money), I can get to making real things instead of tinkering with Paint. Then I can make real things instead of these simplistic ones. I need to update my story on Quizilla too. I almost have everything I need for my vampire story. You guys answering the questions helps alot! So the only thing left that I need is a picture of the vamp. If any of you talented artists want to draw me a pic so I can place it on my website (you will be credited of course) here's the specs of the blood sucking hottie.
Name: Dresden
Age: 823
Height: 5'10"
Hair: Black with silver highlights
Silver with black highlights
Eyes: Golden color
Weapon: Broadsword
Element: Fire Magic
There you go. Anywho, I'm going to keep with the random questions. For today, Are guns a cowardly way to kill people? Why or why not?
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Club Club Club
Took a bit of thinking to make it original but there you go! I was finally able to get it to show up in my intro. So, just like it says, PM me to join and I'll give you the html code. Anywho, I finally beat Kingdom Hearts! *squees and dances all over the place* And from the livejournal group I'm in, theory is that Kingdom Hearts 2 will be released on March 28. Let's hope that it won't get moved again! I didn't beat Sephiroth. But that's okay, just seeing his sexiness is enough for me. ^_^ So, I'm glad that some of you like the banner! A simple paint job but it looks okay. Well, nothing much to say 'cept the question. What's hotter, a guy with black hair, red hair, or silver hair? (Speaking of anime, of course.)
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