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Saturday, February 4, 2006
BBQ Potato Chips!
Well, the layout has been changed. Now it's .HACK//SIGN. Mostly Subaru based. Hope you like it. Not much to do, waiting for Adult Swim. Plus the Super Bowl is tomorrow *disgusted groan*. I guess I'll say that the Steelers will win, though the Seahawks have put up a pretty good fight. I used to watch it for the commercials but since the Bud frogs are gone, I feel it's kinda useless. Well, I don't think I'll update Quizilla till tomorrow. That way, I'll have two quizzes up instead of one. Plus, my website was given a facelift. It isn't complete but it is my Full Metal Alchemist surprise. The layout is a beautiful FMA setup. One of the few nice premade ones. Well, enough chatting, time to fix, change and update some more! How has your weekend going so far?
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Thursday, February 2, 2006
Grilled Cheese Sandwiches!
I decided to play Kingdom Hearts last night but fired my eyes. Word of advice: Do not play a game with lots of graphics on an itty bitty screen. I'm going to have to hook it up to the big TV so that I can actually tell what the hell I'm doing. Well, we're closer to Friday. YAY! Though, I have no clue what I'll be doing for the weekend. Probably be lazy, maybe hit the mall and arcade. Who knows? Anyway, do you have any plans for the weekend?
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Wednesday, February 1, 2006
Haha! I got....an acorn? Okay. Anywho, my day went well. I went through most of my craft stuff and threw away pieces that I can't use and other things. Now I just need to go through all the paper and file that stuff away. And does anyone know nay good sites that deal with CSS? I'm not going to explain it but if you already know what I'm talking about good for you, maybe you can help me. I should be able to update my story within the weekend. That should make the fans of Quizilla happy. And I should have my FMA surprise ready by then as well. *evil squee* Well, I got to go work on some things and wait for Mythbusters and CSI: New York to start. Hope your day was good!
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Monday, January 30, 2006
Not much is going on. Changed the water in the fish tank, fish and snail are happy. I'm going through alot of old stuff that I have and deciding wether or not to throw things away. I haven't played any games in a while so I need to get back and finish Kingdom Hearts and that. I also am working on a couple of other things. Some greetings, maybe some fan art and the like. Anywho, how was your Monday?
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Sunday, January 29, 2006
The Hounds of Baskerville
Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I was up to no good. And if you think I'll tell, haha, you wish. Let's just say that it's something that Full Metal Alchemist fans will like. *evil grin* Anywho, I have a miriad of things that I have messing around. I have two new stories that I'm messing with and a few other little tidbits and that. Also, *looks up at video* that's one of the few Beatles songs that I like besides Yellow Submarine and Eleanor Rigby. So, I'm off to go visit some sites. I hope you like the new Cowboy Bebop layout. Byebye!
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Friday, January 27, 2006
I made some livejournal icons! Mwhahahahaha! I have become one step closer to being evil. So that make my LJ icon count up to.....3. Hey, running a website and story are hard! I can't have like thousands of icons made!
The Hughes icon has the kanji 'end' on it. The Elric icon has the kanji 'silver' and 'iron' on it. So there we go. You guys can use them if you want but if I dare see someone claiming them as theirs, I swear that I will carve your heart out with a wooden spoon! Anywho, I made these with boring old paint. Hope you like. How did your Friday treat you?
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Thursday, January 26, 2006
The rant of the day!
I usually don't share what I do on other sites but I felt that you guys deserved to see my rant of the day! So here's the link. It's relative being that it deals with videogames and I know most of you play. Of course, my rant is the one with the username anguisel and the icon of House saying 'Yeah, and monkeys might fly outta my butt!' Also, I need some story ideas. My well is running dry.
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Wednesday, January 25, 2006
This is for Highwind Phoenix and anyone who wants to do this.
Is it just me or is my background not showing up? Anywho...
First off, copy and paste this code into WordPad or NotePad. Here's the code:
div style="width:HERE; height:HERE; overflow: auto;
background-color: #COLOR;
border-style: BORDERTYPE;
border-top-width: 1px;
border-right-width: 1px;
border-bottom-width: 1px;
border-left-width: 1px;
scrollbar-face-color: #COLOR;
scrollbar-shadow-color: #COLOR;
scrollbar-3dlight-color: #COLOR;
scrollbar-arrow-color: #COLOR;
scrollbar-track-color: #COLOR;
scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #COLOR;
scrollbar-base-color: #COLOR;">
Your text goes here!
Now that you have that, let's go to Post Styles. In Post Styles, there's the box that has $body$ in it. That's where you place this code. Replace "Your text goes here!" with $body$. Now, at the beginning of the code, div, there needs to be a <. It should look like < div with no space. That signifies the start of the code. Width and height can be chosen. The size I have for my post box is width: 450 and height: 350. Now you see the next line, background image. You can add an image but then you'll have to tweak the colors to make it easy to read. Unless you have a transparent or faded image, I recommend not using it. The next line is background color. Here you can choose the color of the background. Rememer the Hex codes that pop up when you go into Edit Styles? That's what you use everytime you see #COLOR. Now down to Border Type. You can go with dashed, dotted, ridge, or solid. Choose whichever one you want. Border Top, Right, Bottom, Left are the size of the line around the box, the higher the number, the thicker the line. Now we reach the Scrollbar coloring. I don't have what each one means memorized, this tutorial has a guide on what means what. The explanation is in the middle of the page. Now we're nearly finished. The last thing to do is close the code. That means the little alligator mouths around /div. And there you have it! You're own custom text box. Being that the code is in Post Styles, you'll never have to mess with it again. That is of course, you want to change the colors each time you change the theme. There you have it, hope it was straightforward and easy to follow. Any questions, feel free to comment or PM.
Credits: Code found at www.Soup-Faerie.com
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Wild and Crazy
Not up to much. Just waiting for things. I did find out something about Kingdom Hearts 2 that will make all us girls happy. Jack Sparrow is in the game! *squee for authentic voiceovers* Hopefully they'll have William Turner as well. Anywho, I've got the wild hair up my ass to start another Quizilla story. Being that there's an overload of freaking vampire stories and I'm not one who likes to make fanfics, anyone have any ideas? Maybe a werewolf or demon story? I'll take any suggestions you have and flesh them into a first chapter, then you could comment on which one you like the best. So start throwing ideas! And get other people to come here and throw in their ideas too! I'd love to make a story based on someone else's idea.
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
As the world falls down...
I'm doing the old typing and watching TV at the same time so excuse any errors. I've been wandering around the web looking for kanji. I've found some that will work with my story. It's not part of my Quizilla story, just a side thing I'm working on. Being that I'm not that good drawing, I've been thinking of hitting up my bro to help me with it. The one thing I'd like to do would be to go to Ross and see if they have any more blank books. They're so much cheaper there than anywhere else. I just find using those a better way of keeping things in order than using notebooks. Anyway, I'm rattling on so I'm going to go through and visit some of you guys.
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