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myOtaku.com: Ani Mae

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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edisshort (02/08/07)

Hiya! I like your avi! Its cool! (Don't worry, you don't have to sign my gb! I'm just a friendly otaku stoppin by cuz I saw your site on searchlight's site!) bye-bye! :p

kittygirl56 (02/08/07)

Nice site!
your sites really nice!
the background is really cool!
I seen your fanart and fan manga they where really good! I like the manga were Garra has a computer...pretty funny stuff...



Searchlight (02/07/07)

Hello!!!!!!!! I really like your site!!!!!!! I like your backround and avi too!!!!!!! Add U!!! See you around!!! TTYL!!! Come sign my GB too if you have time.

littlestar0555 (02/07/07)

♥ i love your site it is so awesome.
sign mines when you have the time. pm me when ever you want to talk or just bored or something.♥


dramaqueenisback (02/06/07)

Iluv the site...um...are u a part of PECHS? Or did u used to. Anyways...i go to that school. *ahem* I luv the site. My two fav colors...well, its red and black. But anywho...i'll add u as a friend. Bye!

Magnus Lensherr (02/06/07)


I saw you ont he site of a friend of mine so i thought i would come here! Plusi just adore the name you have picked here! Its so inventive and brainy! I oculd neve have thought of it lol! As you can tell since you have it and i dont lol!

I love your name as well! Man that has to be unique in the US! Mines way too common and dull ~ Looks green with envy ~

Anyway enough about you lets talk about this ~ Looska t your site ~ Yep this is just amazing as well! The background goes great with the brown coloours and i really liek the way yove laid out the posts and everything!

Fantastic work! And to boot you seem like a truly awesome individual! As thus i hope that we can be friends and exchange comments! Id really liek that!

Oh well ill leave you in peace now i think this is way too long ~ Cougsh ~ Gomen!


Only Darkness Will Live On For Eternity

Shinigami shinobi (02/03/07)

hi its me, Mysticwolf1591, one of your friends. anyway my old site got messed so i made this new one hope that you will stop by and readd me and sign my gb again. im going to add u as a friend again so see ya

~ shinigami ~

redmoonchick (01/29/07)


i like the site and you have such a cute username! (i almost named my cat that before). i'm gonna add you as a friend because you seem nice and you also seem to like alot of the same things i do. (like bleach) and omg you have that song on your site i friggen love that song! i hope you stop by and visit me sometime!

silver star rose (01/29/07)

cool sight you got here!!
lol..i'm gonna add you if that's ok??
ja ne!! xx

SolemnSerpent (01/28/07)

I love your site! It's just so... Orange...XD

The Bleach theme is cool too, it works well on your site.

I also like how ordely your site is, not a picture out of place!^^

Well, keep up the great work and see you around MyO!^^


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