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myOtaku.com: animaiden

Saturday, April 22, 2006

   [G U A R D F U N ! ! !] (go ahead and read for once)
no one checks my blogs except maybe alena but oh well. tonight was so much fun. the dinner was kinda boreing. sometimes it was okay though. I'm not gonna write to much more because no one checks my blogs anyways but here goes. I waited all day long just so the thing we did at the school for our parents would come. the exca-something. I'm not gonna trying and spell it..I can't even say it right. we found out the new captin was and basicly co capton and such. all sophmores. my dad video taped the thing. I don't know how that will come out. my uncle came and it was his birthday present. after. that we went out to eat. which was okay I didn't eat a lot of food. the ride home was the best part. I was having a great time in the care just talking and messing around. brain was all laughing hard. I had to tell him to breath. cause tia and sammi were fighting over the front seet. oh well...next time I get the front so they don't fight again. well I am glad I joined guard. I accualy get to have fun instead of being left out of things. I get left out of so much that its nice to be able to go out somewhere with someone even if it is your team. I don't get that type of thing and it was nice for a change. I have never had that much fun and I wish to do it again. Brian was awsome. lots of fun. we teased him some too. :evil grin: *ahem* we are gonna miss the seniors so shout outs to them below along with brian and everyone on colorguard.
felicia(sp?): you were a good cap
felicia(sp?) such a nice person
sally love you to death and will miss you so
lidia(sp?) you were such a nice cap.
Brian: I'm not even gonno even go here...lol
color guard: LOVE YOU ALL

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