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Tuesday, December 6, 2005
ok i now its late but this is what i did for my B-day when i got home some of my friends were there to take me out wow had so much fun ^_^ the took me first to a Karaoke bar and sushi bar great we danced and song it was the best ever!

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Sunday, December 4, 2005
^its my button that i made thanks to Keeeen thak you for your help if you want a button you can pm me or keeeen ^_^ also if you want my button you can pm me and i will give it to you
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My Birthday
YA its my BIRTHDAY!!!! I AM NOW 20 YEARS OLD its great i care wait iam going to go see my family i am really Happy ^_^

from Silvereagle
Thank you i Love it
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Thursday, December 1, 2005
AWW... it that time of the year when everyone is warm and friendly and so it will be MY BIRTHDAY YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!*RUN AROUND MY ROOM* I CANT WAIT I GOING TO BE 2O THE BIG 2-0 (ok will so its not that BIG) will anyway hope everyone is getting there shopping done I know I am ^_^

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Wednesday, November 30, 2005
today I am happy so come and play

ok i didnt know were the "come and play" thing is from
well see ya ^_~
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Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Thank You!
thanks for the Help guys iam sure i will fine a good one i may just mix and match the ones you gave me well work was good today not busy i was talk to one of the girls that have work there for about 2-3 year she said i would get bigger tips if i show a little T&A but i dont think i will i am doing good in the money thing so the T&A thing will be on hold for now hehehe

T & A (tits&ass)
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Monday, November 28, 2005
well work is starting to pick up
this is my working days
off on Sundays&Fridays
mons&weds: 12:00-3:00
tues&thru: 1:00-4:00
sat: 11:00-3:00
this is it for now because i am new but once i get become better i will work a little longer

What sounds better "may i take your order" or "are you ready to order" or is there a better saying?
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Sunday, November 27, 2005
For some reason I cant see other comments people left and I cant got to other peoples site and see theirs comments on their post is something going on with Otaku or what? HELP ME!!! -___- ps please pm any comments you have until this is fixed
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Holiday season time! It also the time of SHOPPING!!!!! YES!!!! For all my loved ones. Thanksgiving has passed and now is time for my favorite holidays season WINTER!!!!!! (My favorite season is summer really but winter is a close second) all my favorite holidays packet into one month I can wait YAY!!!!! Well anyway, I am a Christine but I still love to celebrate all holidays like the Jewish because I love Jewish food YUM! ^_^ and of course I celebrate Christmas!! So what holidays do all of you celebrate?

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Saturday, November 26, 2005
Hi !!!!!!!
Hi guys hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving i did i also have been doing great at my job i had to clean up after all the crazy Thanksgiving

stuff but it wasnt bad i guess most people ate at home that day.
well take care everyone ^_^
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