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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
A pill to make you numb, a pill to make you dumb
That's about how I feel right now. Numb. Why? Because of Brad? No, actually, I'm just plain ol' tired.
As you can see, I changed myO again :p A Perfect Circle. I've always wanted to do a theme based around my most favorite band. Maynard (the dude in the avatar) has the sexiest. voice. ever. If you don't know A Perfect Circle, Maynard was the lead singer of his former band, Tool. If you like Tool, you'll like A Perfect Circle. Check them out if you haven't.
Anything interesting happen today? Not really, I don't have anything to say really. Other than, I am hungry. But I won't eat anything because it's after 2 AM for me. And, I have to pee.
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Monday, April 18, 2005
Discovery: Sacreligion...This is a golden age of grotesque.
Thank you all for your advice (and your offers to break kneecaps). I can't begin to show the gratitude I have for your kindness. It's always good to vent, and to get a slap in the face every once in a while.
I had to wake up early today for some fiber optic training. Basically, just relearning how to put together a certain connector. I have to do that tomorrow as well, so I get up early again -_- Oh well, I'm getting paid for being there, so I'm good. Oh, yeah..that reminds me. Remember I was saying something about leaving in May for 3 weeks? Well, I got my orders and flight plans today. I am going to Houston, Texas.
But don't "aww man, do you have to?" or "you just got back!" on me just yet. This time, I'll be in the comfort of a nice hotel. One that business people go to on trips. So you know what that means? Internet connection in the bedrooms, yup. Granted, I won't be online as much. 1) I might have to pay for it, and I don't know how much it'll cost, and 2) I'll be so busy with doing my job, that I'll be dead-ass tired.
But I'll be checking up on the OB if anything. I have a schedule to write sexily with Mimmi, Alan, James, Corey, Sean, and Bio for a while. This is going to be quite interesting. I've never wrote with Mimmi, James, Alan, or Bio. Besides, you've got dirty minds all up in that joint--me, Mimmi, James, and Alan.
Mmm, morbid Oompa Loompas and andrygonous (sp?), eccentric Willy Wonka....Oh, sorry. I got caught up in my dark, dirty thoughts.
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Sunday, April 17, 2005
I've cut off the only thing that was bright
I had a rather strange day yesterday. And it actually wore me down in both the emotions department, and physically. Let's start off on the small glimmer of good. The day was beauti-goddamn-ful. It was really warm, but had that cool, spring breeze. The air was fresh and crisp. It was just gorgeous. Luckily, I got to spend it outside for a few hours on a 4-wheeler. Went on some trails and had the piss scared out of me at one point.
That was the great part of the day. The only good part.
Sadly, I spent the day with the ex. Now, I have nothing against being friends with this guy. In fact, after our ordeal, and I came back from basic training/tech school, I wanted to spend time with him to reconcile our differences..and our mistake. But, every time we scheduled something, it was "Oh, I can't. I have to work, and they won't give me time off." Every single time. THEN, whenever I did see or hear from him, he'd complain we never spend time together....-_- This went on for about three months. Oh, he couldn't take one day out of the month to spend time with me, yet he turned around and went to Daytona, Florida for 2 weeks.
Yeah, imagine my rage.
So, he comes back, and decides now he has the time to get back into my pants. Which is what he had in mind all along, but I wouldn't allow it. And he gets mad at me because he doesn't understand what past actions did to me emotionally.
That is Brad. The douche I spent the day with. Surprisingly, we had a pleasant time.
Now, the bad/weird part: I found myself craving his presence. I wanted to just hold onto him. I got that feeling that it could work out..These were the feelings I had when we were romantic together. These are feelings I know will only cause me more pain than I am already in. Part of me wants him, and the other says "Don't you even think about it."
I don't know why I felt this way yesterday. I am afraid of what it means. To me, it means that I'm really going to have to fight myself. But it's going to take its toll on me; I can already feel it.
God damn him, please. He's just fucking with my emotions, and feelings. Why won't he ever go away? No matter who else I've seen between the times...Brad's always there to haunt me..
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Saturday, April 16, 2005
We ain't got much to say.
Here's a flippin' update.
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Friday, April 15, 2005
I've got a lovely pair of coconuts

Now that's a face for radio, and one that only a mother could love.
Turtle head on the left: "What happened? Aren't twins supposed to split up?"
Turtle head on the right: "This is true. However, there are cases where the eggs don't completely separate. Scientists and doctors have called this being 'Siamese Twins'."
Turtle head on the left: "Wait, you lost me. Didn't we hatch from eggs? Separate eggs?"
Turtle head on the right: "....Listen you, it's science. Don't argue with me, I'm smarter."
Turtle head on the left: "Okay, okay. So, in the case of Siamese Twins, does one twin get other characteristics than the other?"
Turtle head on the right: "Obviously."
Turtle head on the left: "Well, what do I have that you don't?"
Turtle head on the right: "You are stupid and good-looking."
Turtle head on the left: "Why, thank you. What do you have?"
Turtle head on the right: "I have the smarts, pimples, and I am anal retentive."
Turtle head on the left: " we share the same anus?"
Turtle head on the right: "I don't know. I never checked."
Turtle head on the left: "Well...I don't have to go to the bathroom."
Turtle head on the right: "I suppose we share one."
Turtle head on the left: "But, I want my own. I want to be anal retentive."
Turtle head on the right: "Being anal retentive isn't about owning your anus."
Turtle head on the left: "Of course it is."
Turtle head on the right: "No, it's not, Turtle head on the left. I've got the intelligence here, so shut the hell up. Quit trying to squeeze pea soup from that pea-sized brain of yours, and let me concentrate on being the brains. Because we both know that the anus is ours, but our brains aren't for both of us."
Turtle head on the left: "That didn't make any sense. But this does: you can't be anal retentive without an anus. That's all I'm saying."
Turtle head on the right: "Touché."
Turtle head on the left: "Bless you."
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Thursday, April 14, 2005
I am giddy, oh so giddy..
That's right. If anyone's IMing me tonight, you'll know that I'm very hyped. I don't really know why though.....
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Yo, ho ho, and a bo'tle o' rum
Alex- That, I cannot wait for. It will be quite the current event.
Yesh...Well, Greg finally updated his myO. It's been nearly three months?! No excuses, my muffins are cold >:o
Well, we ended up getting that Boston Terrior. He's adorable! We named him Winston, and not after the cigarettes. He's got unusual markings. Half of his face is white, the other half is black, and he's got a black spot on the top of his head. Once I find where my dad put his digital camera, I'll get pics to show you all.
What else...Oh, at seven something in the morning, my mom puts Winston in my bed. He's a snuggle monster! Seriously, I couldn't move or he would just snuggle closer to me ^-^ [insert squeal here] But it's good, I'm happy we finally have a pet that I can snuggle with.
*looks at her bed* Awwww..he's giving me those sad eyes. That's it, I've got to go find the digital camera >:D
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Monday, April 11, 2005
Easy on the guns
Current Events for Annie
1.] Taxes, taxes, taxes! Man, there's nothing like waiting 'til the last minute. But hey, if it wasn't for that last minute, nothing would ever get done. At least, in my life. That, I blame on my genetics.
Anyway, taxes are a pain in the ass. Why do we have to do them? Isn't America supposed to be "free"? Shit, I shouldn't complain because there are worse places to live. But it's ridiculous to bust your back/balls (if you're a guy) for America's outrageous economy, then turn around and pay America.
I know, it's a vicious circle of life, but wtf? America's "home of the free" slogan should be changed to: "If you can afford freedom."
2.] The 18th and 19th I go into the ANGB (Air National Guard Base) to do some training that I just got back from PA for.
Good thing is that I know what I'm doing.
3.] May 1-21 I will most likely be gone on a deployment in Texas. It's in the air right now, but I have a feeling that I will be going.
Bad thing--My RPG, and James' RPG. My RPG, I'll probably leave up to Corey or Gavin to keep the story alive. Gavin most likely because he knows more of what I want to do with it.
As for Wonka Inc., I'm going to ask James if he plans on "offing" the children in order. If so, I'm going to request that my character (IF I get in) could be eliminated first. That way, I don't have to worry about holding up, or putting responsibility, on the RPG.
4.] My dog. She is going nuts. I want to cook her. Actually, no. She'd be nasty.
Speaking of dogs, my mother's just informed me that we are to get another puppy tonight. A smaller dog, thank god, of the breed Boston Terrior. I hope he's worth it.....
The End
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Sunday, April 10, 2005
Okay, so I lied about doing another Shirely Manson theme..She's not here, she's in my avatar on the OB.
I was inspired while googling for pics of Chi. I was on a quest to make a banner and avi for O-Ren, when I came across this adorable pic of Chi eating cherries. I lovesh cherriesh..chocolate-covered, to be specific, but all cherries are delicious. Plus, I love Chi. She's too cute. So, here's the new, lighter side of Annie. I hope you enjoy this as well as I do ^_~
*swoons over Master Mimmi's avi*
And know you like it.
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Saturday, April 9, 2005
I know you can't appreciate it
Master Mimms- I replied in my comments, but I'll do it again here (it deserves more!)
I'm just happy that you were having fun. Not that I wasn't, but it's always fun to please you ^_~
Shin- Yes, I can feel conceited because...I don't know why. *shakes fist*
Kit-Kat Kittiessss- Much happy to oblige..*pulls up skirt and produces a silky leg* Have at it ^_~
Oops, I posted without a post. Anyway, I really don't have much to say at the moment. I'll try and think up something.
All right (is it "alright" or "all right"? I never got that straight), Mimmi's myO avatar. That's something to talk about, eh? Have you seen it? IF not, go to her myO and take a look. Then, come back here and tell me that you [whether or not you are a guy/girl] cannot resist it. I mean, look at it. It's just so...uh, sexy. I enjoy going to her myO to read what she's updated, comfort her, and to see that damned avatar. I swoon every time.
(Mimmi, that undying love decloration swings both ways. Teehee, I told James about the Literati game, and how you've declared your undying love. You should have seen his reaction XD IM me, and I'll show you, lol.)
[caution: a shameless plug may be contained in the following]
My RPG in the Inn, The Shadow of Adventure will be open for sign-ups until Monday. I'm happy with most of the sign-ups so far.
One more thing, my avatar for the OB. Yes, it is Shirely Manson, and from the same pic I used for myO avatar. I've done some colouring work on my OB avi. I think it needs a bit more tweaking, and I'll probably work on it in a little while. Anyway, with the avatar, I had to decide my font. And guess what? I've gone back to the "Annie trademark" (as some people have told me); the indigo font. It's pretty..odd..that I'm known on the OB for my font O_o I was telling Corey last night, I was in a chat once and some member (who was new at the time) was like "Oh, you're Annie. The chick with indigo font."
I guess there are some things you can't escape, lol
But, I'm glad to be back with the indigo. I really love that colour, and I didn't feel the same without it. And, my signature. It lacks a banner, but I didn't feel it should. One, I haven't decided whether to have one. Two,.........there's nothing to really make one out of. Now, I'm the kind of person that has to have a matching banner/avi set. So, the pic I used for the avi has nothing really to make a banner from. So, I'm happy without a banner. For the moment. Besides, did you notice all the pretty colours I put into my sig? ^_^ I have the hot pinkish colour, bright purple, and bright blue. And of course, the indigo font to top it off.
Whee! Colours! I feel like a Crayola box O.o
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