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Monday, May 17, 2004
Well, being a mod sure has it's benifets. *thinks, "Is that how it's spelled?...Oh well.."*
Yeah, as I have mentioned in the past, I'm a moderator for a site. I mod the "Newbies" section. Well, recently on this site, we had a person bold enough to post an obscene picture of hentai in the Fan Art section. This, of course, stirred a riot..and this person got banned. Well, there's ALWAYS someone who will protest in defense. They wish to bring this person back -_-. I disagree, but oh well.
Anyways, I, being the mod of the Newbs, I thought it my responsibility to post ^_^ on this disturbing topic, seeing as how the Newbies section is where new members come.
Why I decided to write about it is beyond probably doesn't make much sense, just alot of babbling..
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Saturday, May 15, 2004
*yawns* Well, I'm back in Texas. Yup..good ole Texas. Fortunately, this is the last stop before I go home! I'll be here for about 2-3 months for my final training.
How is Sheppard AFB?
Well, I can't tell you exactly how I feel about it at this moment. I guess you could say I'm indifferent. But that's me, I'm an indecisive person. That's probably why I'm still single IRL ^_^
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Friday, May 7, 2004
Hello everyone! It has been a very long time since I've written here, but I have some very important information for you all.
I am a proud moderator for 2 websites and I need to ask a favor of you..please join! The one important site is (well, they are both in my signature) in my sig under "Killing Time". It is in dire need of people so I can do my modding job. I moderate the Role-playing and Battle Arena..and I can't do the job if there is no one to mod over..There isn't any stories or anything *sobs*
The role-playing forum doesn't have a recruitment area or a set of rules yet (awaiting the seperate forum for recruiting), but you all know how it goes. Go ahead and post the summary and a sign-up, I'll just move it whenever the admin gives me a seperate forum.
So please, join and write! (clickify my signature on the boards)
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Sunday, March 21, 2004
Ahhh, I had forgotten how much I loved myO. So dark and calm..just how I like it. It's good to be back, thanks for the comments and the signing of the guest book, much appreciated. Just wanted to say I'm back..can't really think of anything to say right now..>.>...Laters
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Thursday, January 22, 2004 What NERV Child Are You?
I believe the results are very accurate. Although I may seem like it, but I'm not always happy and cheerful. Some of you may have noticed this. I am actually really kind of complicated. I know everyone has mood swings and what not, but I am a moody person. One minute I'll be the Annie you are accustomed to seeing, then at the drop of a hat, I'm quiet, depressed, angry, solemn, somber, etc.
This side of me has become more prominant in recent weeks due to the fact of my nearing departure.
No happy notes today. School isn't any better. Essays, finals, crying friends, up of stress that no one, let alone myself, should have. Well, one happy note will prove me corrected. I showed my English teacher my poem that I wrote in the Poetry, Fan Fiction, and Literature Forum of the Otaku Public. She loved it and praised me for it..which felt nice to me because I don't write poetry that often, so I'm glad she said she loved it.
*shrugs* Yays for me..
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Tuesday, January 20, 2004
Well, today at school was kind of depressing. First off, it's finals week at school. So I'm running around, making sure all of my grades are fine for me to graduate on Friday. Plus, trying to study for finals >.<..
Next, I have all of my friends wigging out over me. They have threatened to take me hostage, that way I won't go to boot camp. My good friend, Naomi, clung to me all day. Everytime she saw me, she hugged me nearly to death. Which I didn't mind because she's a sweety. She started crying on me! I felt bad, but I felt loved.
*sighs* Well, my grown-up life has to begin sometime, might as well start now, right? It's just so overwhelming to think..
Next Tuesday: Boards the flight to boot camp, aka Hell. I will be getting yelled at for no reason (I'm used to that living at home, but this is constant). I will be restricted from everything that I have taken for granted. I will no longer have a say so in what I do (for 6 weeks anyway). I will be drug through the most rigorous work out that I will ever have in my life. I will be alone, no one that I know. Of course, I will make a couple of friends, but it won't be the same. I'll still be alone in myself.
Seven months later: I come home to no school. I begin plans for college(hopefully in San Diego, CA).
Craziness it is to think that I'm actually going forth. In high school, it feels as if you are going nowhere..when in fact, that's exactly what is happening. I am, however, happy to get out of high school. I am tired of all the drama, all of the immaturity, all of the bull spit that goes on.
So, I leave you for now until I come back to update either tomorrow or the next time I decide to. But I won't leave you completely just yet. I will write a letter to you all before I leave for seven months.
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Sunday, January 18, 2004

Hahahahahahahahaha! I am evil, aren't I?
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As you may have noticed, I have made substantial changes to my site. I would like to sex..I mean thank Des and Charles for their help. Especially, Charles. It took him and me over an hour to try and get that damned picture up. I really owe you one, Charles. So, if you like my new look, please comment. If you don't, then you can leave, now.
Ehem..Gotta pimp my pal.
Lastly..I really don't have much to say....>.>....So, until next time..
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Saturday, January 3, 2004
Good afternoon my fellow OBers,
I come to you today on the behalf of upsetting news. As of the 27th, you will not hear or see from me for 7 months. Some of you may already know, but for those of you who do not, I am going to boot camp and tech school for the Air National Guard for 6 months. I know, I know, I will miss everyone too. But, I may be able to post during my tech school period. So, look out, you may just see me poke my head in the OB. I'm guessing the latest I'll be home is early September, late August the earliest. As soon as am able to be online regularly, I will most definately let you all know.
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Tuesday, December 30, 2003
I have returned..from..I would say insanity, but I think I am still there. Yes, I am most definately still insane. Why? Because I actually mustered the courage to put my hideous pictures on the Your Picture Forum of the Otaku Lounge. Do not ask me why I did. I guess to follow that unrelenting "trend" thing. I do not know.
The question of the day, and probably the rest of the time that thread of mine is active, is..Is that a sock on my arm/wrist/hand? The answer is no. Tis not a sock (<.<..has worn a sock on hand before >.>). It is called..which leads to the next question of the day.
What exactly is it called? I bought the damn thing, now I can't remember what it's called. If anyone knows, please tell me. I'm going...damn, I can't go insane..Just, if you know, please let me know. I'd like to know what I am wearing....>.<
wrist cutter thinks I may have carple tunnel syndrome? Well, not now, but maybe in the future. I draw too much, I type too much, and I do a many other things with my hands. They do cramp up every once in a while. It hurts, if I try to stretch my handle out, my wrist will hurt. That's sometimes though. Well, later.
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