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Sunday, December 28, 2003
Yes, yes..I skipped a day, so sue me. Well, I had not such a good holiday, as you may have read. But I'm okay..doing somewhat better. I'm not the best a keeping a, here's this: What makes my site so interesting? Really, I don't have any pictures or those fun quiz things, or I don't really write in it, so why's it interesting? People sign my guest book saying "Your site is awesome...Great site.." etc. and I have no idea why. I find it really boring. Hm, so if anyone can answer me that, please comment.
Hm..what else do I have to tell you nosey moochers? Just kidding, I love all...well, not all, but still....Hm, oh yes. If you are a good RPGer, please take a look at Charlie Levoy's and my RPG "Masterminds" in the Recruitment Forum of the Adventure Arena. It's in serious need of people. Also, my other RPG "Lost Hearts (revamped)" could use some more people as well. So if you think you have what it takes, please join.
Until the next time I get my lazy butt over here to update, adios.
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Friday, December 26, 2003
Happy Holidays?
How was everyone's holiday? I hope good, and I am happy for those who had a good one. I on the other hand have had my hand of bad luck for this year's holidays. My father and mother seriously irk me, my brothers are of no help, and I hate New York....oh man do I ever. It seems to me that every holiday, or day for that matter, has sucked. I mean it. Oh,okay, there have been some good pointers of moving up here. But there's just that point when enough is enough.
Example: Christmas Eve, my mother's work was having a dinner and our family was invited to go. So, my father, brothers, and I get ready to go and meet my mother at her work. The Ford needed gas, so we stop at the gas station. Well, turns out that the freakin' gas was diluted with water! Our truck died right in the station! Luckily, there is a mechanic's shop right next door and they agreed to help. They had to pump out the tank, clean it, dry it, flush all of the fuel lines, and replace the fuel filter....Ugh!! The gas station paid for it, damn straight!
My father was livid...He became the Grinch...And my mother was no help to the holiday spirit today..She turned in to Cruella DeVile...*sighs* And no matter what I did, I just got my ass yelled at..Can I say that I severely dislike my family? Because I do..not just for what happened these past, hectic days..there is more under the surface, but that's too personal to put up here..
So if anyone would be willing to share the joy/havoc of their holidays, please share.
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Thursday, November 27, 2003
Your Subject Here
~Miroku's decision~
Chapter 1
It was a time of peace, Narraku defeated, Kagome and Inuyasha are happily together, Shippo found his clan, and Miroku wanders with Sango and Kirara*that's the correct pronounciation*.
The two search for places in the mind, heart, and soul . They search for a place they can call "home", a place to settle down, a place to belong. Sango's village was destroyed by Narraku's deception, Miroku never really stuck to one place.
"Miroku, where will you go?"Sango walked along side of the monk, Kirara at their heels.
"I am not sure, I never really stayed in one place. I have traveled for so many years to seek out Narraku. Now that he is defeated, I can live the rest of my life without the fear of losing myself in my void.*Miroku grabs his right wrist* Now I need not worry about my future generation,"Miroku lifted his head to the sky.
Sango smiled at his gentle and happier face. She took his, now normal, right hand into hers. Miroku looked gleefully at their locked hands. He brought Sango's hand to his mouth and planted a friendly kiss. Sango blushed as Miroku winked at her.
The warm, sweet breeze whisped Sango's dark hair about her face. The aroma of flowers and rain from the night before filled the air and the two wanderers with the sense of renewed faith. Kirara pounces at the butterflies.
"Miroku, you are now free of your curse. Doesn't that mean you can' know..have a woman bear your child?"Sango's voice was solemn and somewhat disappointed.
"Why do you ask, Sango?"Miroku was not understanding why Sango, of all women, would ask him this question.
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~Miroku's Decision~
Chapter 2
"Why do you ask, Sango?"
"Well..I..Oh just forget about it,"Sango threw a silly grin and let go of Miroku's hand.
Kirara pounced at Sango's heels. Miroku stood dumbfounded in a mound of ants.
"Ack!! They're bitting me!!!"Miroku started to run and kick his feet.
The sight made Sango laugh and grab her stomach. Kirara sat at Sango's feet and followed Miroku's dance with her eyes. Miroku lifted his robes and ran towards a small creek. He let out a breath of relief.
"Are you alright, Miroku?"Sango spoke through laughter.
"Yes, I will be fine,"Miroku crawled up to the bank and sat with his hands propping him up.
Sango walked to him and sat beside the poor monk with red feet. Sango reached into her pouch and pulled out a wrapped leaf. Inside was a orangish substance. Sango scooped up a small amount on her index and middle fingers, and rubbed it on Miroku's ankles.
"This may sting, but it will get rid of the burning from the ant's venom,"Sango's delicate hands grazed Miroku's hot skin.
"Thank you,"Miroku touched Sango's hand.
"There, all better!"Sango stood up and began to walk,"Well, are you coming or not? We need to make as much time as we can before sunset. There still is the possibility of demons lurking in the forrests. Even though Narraku is dead, I feel an evil presence in this area."
Miroku jogged to catch up to her, the rings on his staff jingled. They walked side by side, Kirara at Sango's feet. The breeze danced through the trees, Kirara stops.
"Kirara? What is wrong?"Miroku looked over his shoulder.
A sudden movement, from the corner of his eye, caught his attention. Miroku froze, Sango noticed he wasn't beside her and she looked to see where Miroku was staring.
"Miroku.."Sango whispered.
"Sshh, there is something in the bushes,"Miroku's face was hard and unwavering.
Sshwwwiiiissh, the forrest whispered then went quiet. Miroku, Sango, and Kirara were silent for a few seconds and then began to walk. The noise returned, only this time, a tiger-like demon jumped out at the two wanderers.
"Kirara!"Sango called out as the demon chased after the little cat demon.
"Rrraooooww!"Kirara burst into flames and transformed into her much bigger self.
The tiger demon stood on all fours growling, Kirara as well. The two were the same in size. Miroku grasped his staff, Sango held her slaying weapon(I don't know how to spell the name, and I have nothing at hand to show me how).
"Sango, what demon is this?"Miroku started to tighten his grip around his staff.
"It is a scavenging demon. But if it's a scavenger, why would it attack us?"Sango was confused.
"Either way, it is a threat."
The demon pounced at Kirara and the two engaged in a paw-to-paw combat. They wrestled around and a single yelp was heard. Kirara lay on the ground and transformed back into her miniature size.
"Kirara!"Sango ran up to the fallen demon.
The scavenger demon spun around and charged at Sango.
Sango twirled around and stood up to run, but she was too late. The tiger demon pounced and chomped at Sango. Luckily, the tiger only bit a part of Sango's clothing. The demon pulled back and ripped Sango's clothes, sending her down a small hill and hitting her head on a tree stump.
Miroku charged spinning the staff. He reached into his robes and pulled out a paper(once again, I can't remember the name). The tiger jumped at Miroku, but he lept into the air. As the tiger passed, Miroku slapped the paper on the tiger's head.
Miroku landed on one knee and saw the tiger running towards him. Miroku stood up and raised his staff. The tiger jumped and Miroku brought his staff down onto the tiger's forehead. The tiger fell to the ground.
Miroku ran over to the unconcious Sango and scooped her into his arms. He stood up with Sango's limp body and walked over to a clearing in the forrest. Kirara transformed into her demon form and lay on the ground. Miroku propped Sango on Kirara's side.
"Sango, Sango, wake up,"Miroku gently tapped her cheek.
"Uh..Mir-Miroku?....What happened?"Sango's eyes flickered open and she tried to sit up.
"Lie back down, you took a big hit to the head. You should be fine after some rest,"Miroku brushed Sango's bangs from her eyes.
"My ankle hurts the most,"Sango smiled up at Miroku.
"Really? I figured your head would,"Miroku blinked in bewilderment.
That was a hard blow to the head. And she's fine? Hmm, she must have a harder head than I thought.. Miroku tilted his head and cocked an eyebrow.
"Miroku!!"Sango slapped him in the face.
"What?!"Miroku brought his hand to his stinging face.
"I said my 'ankle', not my nipple!!" Sango sat back clutching her breast.
Miroku's face reddened with embarrassment, rather than Sango's hand print.
Your Text Here
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Saturday, November 15, 2003
~The Beautiful~
A vampire's love,
cannot be seen,
A vampire's desire,
cannot be felt,
A vampire's pain,
cannot be heard,
A vampire's hate,
cannot be subdued,
The beautiful pain,
The beautiful hate,
Both of which the vampire
has to live by,
The beautiful love,
The beautiful desire,
Both of which the vampire,
can only hope,
Beauty of the vampire's heart,
Beauty of the vampire's soul,
A soul left to render alone,
the pain and hate
of love and desire,
The beautiful vampire,
left alone in darkness,
Seeking the beauty of love
and desire
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Friday, November 14, 2003
~The Awe of Wonder~
What makes you feed
upon the living?
My lust for blood,
What makes you lust?
My will to live,
What makes you live?
My need for a companion,
What are your desires?
My soul to be set free,
From my torment of
To live in peace
with my soul,
With a love
that I can trust,
To enjoy life
instead of taking it,
To gaze upon the Earth
with mortal eyes,
Why do you wish for these?
I want to stare in awe
at the wonder of life
and death,
Wonder how life will
treat me,
Wonder how death
will greet me,
I wish to stare
in the awe of wonder
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The taste so sweet
from the warmth of the blood,
Blood that we drain for nurishment,
Blood that we need to stay alive,
The taste so sweet
from the kiss of your lips,
Lips on which my lust remains
prominant to our love,
The taste so sweet
of the tears you shed,
Tears of which I kissed away
from cheeks of pain,
Pain of what we were
forced to become,
Vampires we roam the night,
Fate gave no option for us,
Ho, the taste so sweet..
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Monday, November 10, 2003
~The hardest thing~
Happiness is the key,
Love is the lock,
Together they equal
The hardest thing,
Pain is my friend,
Depression is my lover,
Together they equal
The hardest thing,
Time is luxury,
Costs are important,
Together they equal
The hardest thing,
You are my happiness,
You are my love,
You are my pain,
And you are the cost
Of my time,
You have left me to live
In the warm arms of Depression,
You are the hardest thing...
~Dedicated to Brad
I just thought I will start sharing some of my poetry^^. Please share your opinions!
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Saturday, November 1, 2003

Yay!! I am a slut!! Ahahaha, and everything that is says is absolutely true^^..Ah man, 9:50something in the morning and my little brother just gave me a Butterfinger,ehehehe..
Hey, the picture didn't show up:(..It was from guru, what anime stereotype are you? Well, I'm a slut:)
Hmm, it's now 4:17 pm..And I am ready to strangle one of my little brother. I tell them both to clean up their room and one of them just has to be an asshole...(oops, am I allowed to use that language?) Anyways, I am not in the best of my moods today..grr. This is one of those days that I wouldn't mind being in school...
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Friday, October 31, 2003
Uh..I am tired..I have decided to get off my ass and start writing in my journal.
Today I dressed up for Halloween as a vampire. I had over 5 people ask me if I was a Gothic Wonder Woman..:twitch: I was wearing a black sweatband with a red star. Apparently, Wonder Woman wears a star tiarra or something like that. I wouldn't know cuz I don't what those stupid cartoons.
Anyways, everyone liked my outfit. I wore a black pleated skir, fishnet panythose, black combat boots, black spagetti strap, and a huge Gothic trench coat that I borrowed from my friend.
I looked damn right
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