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Friday, April 8, 2005
Pour your misery down on me
Ah, I'm happy now. I thought I wasn't going to use dark colours (since it seems a lot of peope are/have been using dark colours), but I couldn't help this. Dark just seems to suit me better. Besides, the colours I've used here are wicked. That blue is killer. Don't you think? And to top it off, my graphic! *points up at it* Sexahness..Mmm.
Anyway, I played Literati with the Master today. She kicked my ass, as usual ^_~ But it's okay, she can do that. I just hope she feels better T_T I wuv you, Mimms..You can kick my ass in Literati as many times as you want. Until you feel better that is, because my bum will be pretty sore after a while..
I've been spending a lot of time talking to Raiha. It's pleasant. I haven't seen her around much on the OB, and I am glad that she's starting to show her face some more. She's signed-up for my RPG, and so have Corey and Gavin. It's great, because it will be like old times. Writing together. I have missed writing with those three. Brings back great memories.
Speaking of memories, my thread in the Underground, I've been thinking of going through the Square's archives and finding all of the great RPGs I've written in, and throwing those onto my "In the Underground" thread. Even if I wasn't the creator of the RPG, it'll just be good to see what all I've done in the past 2 years on the OB. Shoot, I've forgotten what RPGs I've done. I think it will inspire; I've been needing some inspiration over the past several months.
Enough of all these "I"s and "my"s and "mine"s...I feel conceited >.< There, that's the last one.
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Thursday, April 7, 2005
I'm only happy when it rains...
Ah, yes. I've changed myO. I'm okay with this theme..for the moment. If I do change it, I'll still stay with Shirley Manson (lead singer for Garbage). I just think she's gorgeous, and has a beautiful voice.
I must--MUST--give Alan and Tony a huge "Thank you!". If it weren't for both of them, I wouldn't have Photoshop ^-^! So, thank you guys; you both rock my socks! If you ever need anything, let me know.
So..what else. Oh, the background. I made it myself. My first home-made background. Now that I've got Photoshop (sneak hugs Tony and Alan), I'll probably work on some graphics for my Leage of Extraordinary Male Strippers ^_~ Keep your eyes open for that, ladies [and men].
Well, turns out that some people forgot about me v_v Laura cleaned her AIM list out, and deleted my name. Of course, this was an accident, so I won't scold her ^-^ The other guy is LostProphet from the OB. I don't know what his excuse is, so I'm going to keep being upset with him for deleting me off of his buddy list.
Oh, Shin can laugh at this one, I received my first "your my idol" and pervert PMs yesterday. Yeah, I don't know whether to be happy I have "fan mail"..or creeped out O_o
Well, I have to get some sleep now. It's 17 minutes past 1 AM. And I have to wake up my bitchy brothers at 6:30. If anything constructive happens during the day, I'll be sure to remember it for tomorrow's update ^_^
EDIT- Well, there it is. The graphic for the League of Extraordinary Male Strippers. What do you think?
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Wednesday, April 6, 2005
Aaahh..finally, some really swell weather here in New York. It is currently 68 degrees, sunny, and no breeze. It's fucking hot ^_^!! I would be outside, but I live in the middle of a commercial district. Therefore, I have no where to go walk or hang out. My car is still dead, thus, leaving me at home. Or, I'd be getting ice cream at the parlor a couple miles away. Would I be out there for just shits and giggles? I would, but unfortunate for me, I have fucking laundry to do. Plus, I have to clean the kitchen.
Consequently, the lovely day is ruined because of my little brother, Shaun. Fucking prick. And yes, I shouldn't talk about my sibling like that..but he fucking deserves it. He's a little cock-sucking bitch. Here I am, being the passive, nice sister when he gets home from school. My father laid out some chore for both bros to do tonight. I begin to explain what they need to do, and the CUM QUAD starts bitching and WALKS AWAY WHILE I'M TALKING! I'm going to go now, before I start in more on yelling and screaming..
Excuse me while I slaughter my brother..
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Tuesday, April 5, 2005
Oh. My. FUCKING. God. (link)
This is just awesome! Last month, I was all upset that I wouldn't have a shot at Wonka Inc. But it turns out, that I do! Whee! I can't explain how happy I am.
James, I love you.
Ahem..Anyway, the link I provided was for James' brilliant RPG adaptation to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory/Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. For months, he's been letting me in on this RPG and showing me some crazy graphics. But the one he chose to use in his sign-up thread is just breath-taking. I had not seen that graphic, and am taken away by it. It's fucking gorgeous. The black and dark green together is just orgasmic. Not to mention, the written out storyline he's got going. So much imagination, and it shows in this RPG. Normally, James' RPGs rock, no matter what; but this is something different from our Site Director. It's dark, morbid, grotesque, and chilling. It's something the OB has yet to experience. Yes, I know, there've been many dark and creepy RPGs to float in; but this is much different. In this RPG, James has given our beloved Mr. Wonka, a chocolate-loving man, a more sinister attribute. Or rather, he's brought that "attribute" into view. Willy Wonka always struck me as an issued man, but the way he's being shown in the RPG is just so...creepy.
I absolutely love it! Go check it out right now!
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Saturday, April 2, 2005
Oh yesh...I nearly forgot. I got to meet Alex in Philadelphia last weekend! The "three" words he mentioned was the Italian place we ate at. It was good; nothing like Mom's spagetti, but it was fun. Alex is Alex. There's no way to describe him, lol. Well..there is. Alex is very nice and caring, and intelligent. It was great to sit down and talk with him. I tried not to debate too much, for fear of letting our dinners get cold :p Plus, Melissa was there, and I wanted to talk with her as well...though, she didn't talk much.
All in all, it was a good couple of hours with teh Alex. And I hope our more extended meeting in May will bring more detail.
Today, was a rather sad day. As most of you all might know by now, Pope John Paul II has passed away. His death was expected, but it was still awing to see the impact this man had made on the people.
He was a great man, and may he rest in comfort and peace.
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Friday, April 1, 2005
And she's back from being lured in by an angelic voice!!! *HUGS EVERYONE!!!! sexes Mimmi*
Wow, a month took for-fucking-ever! Boy, did I miss you all ^-^ School was so boring. It was just a refreshment school..made sure if I knew what I was doing and all that jazz. Pennsylvania sucks balls! There was nothing to do; no net, most importantly! >:o
Hm...what to say about it? There's really nothing to say about it; other than it sucked. I went through that withdrawl....all month long XD There was never one day that I was cursing at someone because I couldn't get online. The cell phone sucked..I mean, I got to talk to people. But it's not the same. Nothing near as close. Some people just don't understand that you have to send one message at a time -_- Otherwise, I'm in the middle of typing (which is really tedious to do) and they'll send me several messages at a time...that really boils my blood.
Well, I'm going to head over to the OB. Questions, comments?
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Monday, February 28, 2005
I wasn't feeling well last night to update sooner, but here I am (and still not feeling too hot).
Since everyone basically said the same thing, I'll just direct this at you all. Thank you very, very much. It's great to see that so many people actually understand what I was getting at--I didn't think I was making sense ^-^ Of course, I shouldn't be too surprised that you all wouldn't know what I was talking about, or going through; you all are the same age or older, and you've been able to go through this. No one who commented is on my Shit List; so no need to worry, Alex ^_~
Oh wait, Kenneth. You [he] is younger than I am, and he was able to see me. I respect you[him] muchly, kiddo. I've never met any younger teen as mature and intelligent as you[him].
Everyone's words really meant alot to me. And this is why I treasure our friendships, or begining new friendships ^-^ I know I can annoy you guys sometimes, but it's only out of my love. Odd? Of course; that's me.
I wish I could have more poetic words to express how grateful I am to have such wonderful friends. But, I'm still not really awake (at 12 pm in the afternoon), and my tummy is still doing a few flips. This started yesterday morning when I woke up. I crawled out of bed feeling like I might toss my cookies, and I never really felt hot all day. In fact, I went to bed early..and it felt good to get alot of sleep. That may have been my problem, or some of it. Whenever I don't get enough sleep for an extended amount of time, I'll get sick.
Another thing that could have contributed to this was the fact that I watched Final Destination 2 on an already weak stomach. Now, the movie was kinda cheesy, but it was much more graphic than the first. I don't mind blood and guts; but in my condition yesterday, the movie didn't help. Some of the deaths were pretty creative, and some were just lame.
Watching these kinds of movies with a bunch of realists is quite horrible, lol. All three of us were just talking throughout the movie on what would be impossible in a particular scene. Normally, I'd get pissed off because I want to watch the movie. But with the way I was feeling, I just didn't care.
So after that movie, we watched this new Showtime TV series. Well, it's fairly new; it's in the begining of its second season. I only got to see two episodes, but I'm in love with it. It's called "The L Word"; no "L" is not for "love"..well, yes and no, I guess. The show is about a group of lesbians, who are best friends/lovers/ex-girlfriends. There are pretty messed up love triangles, and sweet stories of love.
(the home page for the show is linked up there)
It airs Sunday nights at 10 PM (Eastern time). If you wanted to check it out.
That's all for now.
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Sunday, February 27, 2005, I had something to say. But of course, my absent mind just loves to be--absent?
Ah yes, I remember now. One thing that'll probably be eliminated [or cut down] when I return from school will be the sexiness, or all things related so much as to sexiness. Now, this doesn't suggest that I'll be a dried-up prune. I love being sexual, it releases alot of stress and makes for great inside jokes..or blackmail *points at APB and side glances at Shin*
However, there comes a time where I am serious and mature. I've watched the comments come in about doubting my maturity, and I didn't like what I saw. Yes, I'm to blame for this, but it seems whenever I retort and get on a serious topic, I'm not taken seriously. This angers me, because if I ask an opinion on my writing, it's usually commented on how "sexy" or "scandelous" it is, or how the innuendos are well thought out. Yes, it's all good and fun..but there's a darker part to the story that you have to really read for. Some people saw it, and I thank those who picked up on it.
I was trying to help someone with a poem, yesterday. The ending went something like this:
"..In search of the love I can't find."
Close to that. I told him I didn't like the way it was worded out, and he told me "because you like sex [insert stupid smiley here]" This pissed me off. There was nothing sexual about his poem, and I had nothing but constructive criticism and maturity to offer him.
I'm not a fucking sex-holic. In fact, IRL if you were to even try to get a feel-up on me, I'd kick your ass. I'm very insecure about my body. I have no confidence in my appearance. I'd have to know you very well to allow a few playful touches. Shit, sometimes saying the wrong thing when I don't know you will get your head chopped off.
YES. I BROUGHT THIS ON MYSELF. Tell me something I didn't know. But that doesn't mean you [people in general] can just talk sex with me all the fucking time, and/or expect me to be sexual with every IM convo. I do like to talk about many other things than sex--er, except politics.
I've played around alot with the word "sex" and all things related. And it's going to change. And I don't need anyone IMing me with "I'm sorry if anything I say is offensive.." or some shit about having to watch what you say around me. Hell, if you want to tell me about your recent sex experience, that's fine. I don't care. A good discussion can come with that, and not be all innuendo-ish.
I'm not making any sense. I'm stopping now, lol. Questions? IM me.
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Saturday, February 26, 2005
 Which deadly sin do you represent? (Angel Sanctuary Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Ooh..I would have guessed I would have been Greed or Wrath..But this works just fine.
There's a bunny! Alan made that for me last night. It's an icon for my deviantArt account ^-^ Isn't so psychotic? Yes, I'll agree Tony, bunnies are useless. All they do is hop around and poop pellets that seem to come from nowhere.
I love Mechanical Animals. The album totally pwns Mudvayne. Yup, Manson is my new love. The music on that album is amazing, and there are back-up singers! Hells yesh. And there is one song on there that I couldn't immediately recognize, "Rock is Dead". I listened to it twice, and for the life of me, I couldn't figure it out. Then, it hit me; The Matrix soundtrack. Yes, one night, a very long night, I watched The Matrix (and Reloaded and Revolutions). The credits rolled to Rage at first, but the further to the end of the credits, that song "Rock is Dead" started playing. Yes, I was relieved to figure that out.
Speaking of Marilyn Manson, I'm saddened to find out that James will be putting up his Wonka RP while I'm gone. I cannot begin to explain my sadness. Though I didn't have much influence into developing the RP, it's just that after many IM convos about his idea, I was so excited and was so looking forward to participating in the story. Now, I won't be able to. I am not upset with James, not at all. I'm pissed off at my decision to join the military. Or they could have scheduled my school in the fall T_T That way, I'd be able to see the v7.5 upgrade and be in Wonka. JJRiddler, bless his heart, tried to give me ideas as to how I could solve the problem..but I'm unconsolable. This would be the first RP that James' has done that I don't doubt my writing capabilities, and would be eager to sign-up. Whereas, in the Kill Adam's, I was so unprepared and self-doubting.
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Friday, February 25, 2005
So I got bored today, and made rounds to random people's myO's. I stopped at Adam's, for no reason, lol. Then I headed to Juu's, jblessing's, DDG's, and Panda's..oh, and Des too. It was a good way to pass the time. I commented on everyone of them..and I'm sure they are all (excluding Panda, she actually signed my GB and DDG) like "Who the hell is this?" And I forgot to sign their GBs..except Panda's. So now, I'm going to do that...But first, I'll continue with the update.
Semjaza is spoiling me ^-^ He sent me a list of all the music he has, and told me to choose what I wanted and he'd send it to me via file transfer. I'm so happy, I've finally got some Manson, Beck, Chili of the moment. I'm getting more stuff, but file transferring all of the albums I asked for will take a while. Thank you so much..for like the umpteenth time, lol.
What else? I think I'm allergic to rabbits. I decided this just about two hours ago. I was in my sister's room and was snuggling her rabbit, Dave. I love the bunny; it's no normal rabbit. I swear to you this rabbit is a small dog or a cat. It has so much personality and attitude for a rabbit. Me and Kellie believe it's because Dave's around humans, and not other animals. That could be it, I suppose. If you're around someone for so long, you tend to pick up on their habits..sometimes. So why wouldn't an animal pick up personality from a human? Anyway, my point. I was snuggling with Dave for about ten minutes. I nearly fell asleep on the floor next to her (yes, Dave's a female..long story). Well, I got up and dusted off her fur from my face. About two or three minutes later, my eyes started to burn and water. They then proceeded to puff up and felt like I hadn't gotten a wink of sleep.
Damned rabbit. That's about it for now.
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