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Sunday, December 26, 2004
NYC baby!
Yes, NYC as in New York City. That's where I spent my Christmas. It was awesome. Actually, I was mainly in Manhattan, but anyways. I went with my mom, dad, and one of two little brothers. We mainly just walked around the Rockefeller Center and Time Square.
Yes, I got to see that tree and skate rink from Home Alone 2: Lost in New York. And surprisingly, it is not that big. In fact, it was rather small. But lovely, nonetheless. Time Square is awing. I got to see the MTV building, Paramount Theater, the ABC news broadcasting studio..everything.
It was odd. I mean, you watch movies and see NYC..but it's so unbelievable in real life. It didn't seem real. We didn't go too deep into Manhattan. Didn't get to see Ground Zero or the Empire State. But, it was too flipping cold. A whopping 29 degrees F. Freezing!
Anyways, I have pictures of me! Whee! Here you go:
Me and my little brother in front of NBC studios
Me close-up
Me in front of the ABC studio
That one (ABC) is amazing. That's the actual picture. No visual enhancing or special effects. It looks like my body is cut and pasted onto a background.
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Saturday, December 25, 2004
Syk3- It was called "Boredom takes all." You smarty pants. Yes, it was fun ^_^ Especially, when I got Shin to be my slave.
Shinmaru slave- I'm positive that the GC doesn't need my love and affection when it has guys like you and James ^_^
Merry Christmas! Or Happy Holidays!
That's right, it's that "wonderful" time of the year. Family all around, fussing and fighting. The turkey that's too dry, the ham that's too rough. The mashed potatoes that are not mashed enough. The cat chewing on the twinkling lights. The dog chasing the cat.
Yes, wonderful.
So, what did everyone get? It's two in the morning, so when I get to open my presents, I'll edit. But, I got a scanner a couple days ago..and my love has given me a picture of him ^_^!! SilpheedPilot is his OB name. I love this guy with everything I have. And the best part about it is..he feels the same way! ^_^*********(blushes madly) SO,so far, I've had a nice Christmas.
Merry flipping Christmas, Happy Holidays, and be careful!!
EDIT: Whee, Here's my list:
1) Scanner (duh)
2) 3 squishy pillows
3) Pink Panther pj's and slippers
4) Pink bathrobe
5) A pair of 14k gold earings
6) A fairy figurine
7) A book of Ceres Legend art
8) A book of Asian artists and their styles.
9) A picture of Joe (Silpheed) ^_^!!
10) The inspiration to do away with Shinmaru in the fourth chapter of Bikini Bandits.
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Friday, December 24, 2004
Twas the night before Christmas..
Yes, here in the States it is Christmas eve. I don't have much to say today, except happy holidays and have a safe holiday. If you drive, don't drive under the influence. If you don't drink, be careful for those who will drive drunk.
Oh, last night/morning I started my first chat ^_^ It went on for a good..four hours? I think I got James to really hate me, lol. I don't like the xBox or Game Cube. And Shinmaru is now my slave tee..hee..hee. And Syk3 is my pimp ;) So, I guess you could say things went down, meh.
Good times. I wonder what Des did to Syk3 when he checked his email..
Oh! One more thing. If you guys look at my signature on one page, then go to the next, my banner's change! Whee! Laura (Japan_86) helped me out with that. Thank you so much -huggles Laura-
Laura: heh >_> you are welcome
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Thursday, December 23, 2004
I told some, and now I'm telling all. I got a scanner! w00t. So, for a long await, I'm proud to announce that I have put up some of my art. Yes, hours of frazzling my brain resulted in a devianART account. There you can see my drawings. The link is in my signature on the OB.
Please enjoy.
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Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Now, I've wrote in a variety of RPGs within the past year and four months. I've gone back to some of them and read them over. Some of them I couldn't believe I actually made/joined them. Some, I actually couldn't believe I was a part of that RPG.
And last night, for the first time in a long ass time, I read some of Corey's legacy of RPGs, Black Horizon. The very first of the Black Horizon series. It stunned me on how wonderful the RPG was. Everyone's writing (well those who stayed throughout) in the story was amazing.
I read over posts that I wrote, and was surprised that I could write that way. Lately, I've been feeling that I can't think of anything creative to write. I go to write a post, and I feel it's mediocre. But, I tell you, going back and reading BH was a great help in giving me a boost to write.
Corey felt this way too. I hope re-reading his first BH over gave him the confidence and inspiration that he needs.
While I'm on Corey, I have always wanted to come out with something that would live up to his expectations. I've never been able to fully thank him for allowing me to be a part of his RPG. It was a breakthrough in my writing, and I owe it all to him.
There was another thing I noticed when reading over Black Horizon and the lengthened sequel, Black Horizon: Deimos Rising; I noticed that there was a balance. In the second RPG, it didn't feel like it was stable at all. In fact, it wasn't.
Not one of the "oldies" from the original RPG really felt right in writing. There was just too much stuff going on with it. So many new people, who brought in a different breeze of writing. They were all over the place with posting. Corey was always chasing down the newcomers and having to correct things, rather than writing his own posts. It was rough, and I'm very proud of Corey for sticking it out and bringing the third and final sequal Smoke and Mirrors.
This sequel I'm begining to feel like we have achieved the balance we once had. In the original, the original RPGers had a sort of chi when it came to posting. Corey, Kane, Raiha, sweetreyes, Baron Samedi, Radaghast, and myself. We all wrote beautifully with eachother. I'm not trying to sound arrogant, but it's the truth. We all knew what each of us meant in a post, we knew what to post next, when to post, and never went off on tangents.
Of course, we placed our characters outside of the circle. But it was done so well, that none of us read the post in the state of "What in the hell is he/she doing?" No, every post we wrote were pieces of a jigsaw puzzle; and they all fit snuggly and perfectly. This chi, this balance was not present in the second sequel.
Now we're in the third..well, last sequel, and we've lost two of the original posters. Baron Samedi, I guess he didn't feel like it. And Radaghast. Now, he was amazing.
I don't know if many of you had the privilege of writing with him, that is a pity. Radaghast was amazing with his writing. His posts may not have been the longest, but he didn't need to have an extended post. Everything he wanted to accomplish was contained in that small post. His few words were powerfully set to make absolute sense. He was the one person whom I could write along side and never be lost. I miss him dearly.
Of course, Kane, Corey, and sweetreyes, I could write with them for a thousand RPGs. We all have a way of understanding eachother. But there are people who click like magic. Corey and Kane have a bond when they write, you can see it plain as day when reading their posts. This is something I'm still searching for..ever since Radaghast left T_T
Well..that's it for now. Take care.
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Monday, December 20, 2004
If you visit the Otaku Lounge often, then you'll be surprised to see me there. I'm not a frequent visiter of this forum. Merely, because no subject there has caught my fancy. Discussions about war, politics, and silly high school crush situations do not appeal to me.
But there is one that has sprung up, and I am most fascinated with; "What religion are you?". Yes, my strange curiousity of religion. I don't know why, but lately, I've been drawn to the subject. Perhaps it is because I'm pining to find where I belong in religion.
The more I read and participate in this thread, the more I'm realizing about my stance. I'm actually thinking into something more than just looking at it. Which is something that the Lounge has never been able to give me; until now, of course ^_^
Appreciative? Yes. I'm finally able to piece together what broken beliefs I have had; and have been wanting to put together for some time. And it feels good. I feel like I have some security with what I am.
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Sunday, December 19, 2004
 Charles Baudelaire: The Flowers of Evil. You are one of the most loved and hated poetic works. Death and decadence are important themes for you, but none should overlook your impressive aesthetics, either. Deep down youre not evil at all, you just like to play the tough guy on the block.
Which literature classic are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Well, that's a book that I'm going to have to read. Has anyone read it? Let me know how it is..
I don't know if I had mentioned this before, but my room is a converted dining room. That means, I practically don't have one wall on the east side of my room..and I don't have a door that leads into the kitchen.
So I hear everything. Now, I am [well, was] a heavy sleeper. But, recently, I've become lighter and lighter. My family doesn't help at all. No, they want to get up way early, come downstairs and start watching tv, talking at the top of their lungs, my brothers are fighting, my puppy is barking at the kittens, and the birds are squawking.
Yeah..this is all before or around eight in the am. I like my sleep.
Anyways, my dad came home last night. He'll be here for two weeks, then he has to go back to Oklahoma for a week or two, and then he's back for good. (He's going to military tech school)
Oh my, early in the morning for me, Josh [Baron Samedi] introduced me to AIM's SantaClaus. If you haven't talked to him, you must do it! It is fucking hilarious. I actually struck up an arguement..with a computer based response. It was so funny ^_^ It's not a real person, but the responses are priceless. So, if you have AOL Instant Messaging, IM "SantaClaus". It's spelled just like that, and it's all one word.
Let me know what happens.
 F:Your Beauty lies
in Contradiction. Controversial, unpredictable, and never what anyone expects.
You appearance and your personality are two opposite things. Even your
appearance sends different signals to different people. To some you may look
innocent and sweet, to others you look mysterious and intimidating at the same
time. No one ever knows what to expect with you. You are a little bit of
everything all mixed together. You can be watching the football game with the
guys one minute and the next out shopping at the mall. You seem to be almost a
different person every time you meet someone, but at the same time you know
exactly who you are and there is always that one thing that makes you you. You
enjoy keeping people guessing and people love how completely unpredictable you
Some Things
That Represent You:
Fire, Water Animal: Chameleon Color: Dark Tones, Light
Tones Song: Everything by Alanis Morriesette Expression:
Opal Mythological Creature: Gryphon, Half-breeds Planet: Mars Hair Color: Red Eye Color:
"Appearances can be deceiving."
Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Original Pictures Are Back! Detailed Results::.. brought to you by Quizilla
Oh if that isn't the closest a quiz has ever come to nailing me on the head.
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Saturday, December 18, 2004
Well, I will say that this whole situation turned out to be opposite of what I was fearing would happen. I called my sister at her other job, very late at night so I would not bother her during work. I told her that I've had it, I am very tired and burnt out, and that I wasn't going back into work.
I thought she was going to come home and give me hell, but she didn't. Instead, my momma told me that my sister had asked her if I hate her T_T
I love my sister as my sister, not as my boss. Frankly, and brutally, she sucks as a manager. So, now my momma's all upset with the thought that I might hate my sister. I told my sister that I'd talk to her about it when she came home, but I fell asleep from exhaustion. She could've woken me up..well, on her own risk ^_^ Don't ever wake Annie when she's only had about two hours of sleep. Not unless it's a dire emergency.
If anything else occurs, I'll come back to edit...I got to clean my house.
EDIT- Well, nothing really exciting happened since this morning. I just cleaned the house. And, a person in whom I wish I had never gotten involved with came over. He's..someone who nearly destroyed my emotions. In fact, he did. And I'm still, slowly but surely, recovering from what happened.
I hate him. I can tolerate his presence to a minimum, but I truely feel that I hate him. And "hate" is a very strong word. Like I said, I can tolerate him, but I can't stand to be with him for a long period of time.
Yeah, this piece of shit really cut me. I'm very sour about this topic, so I'm going to drop it. Besides, none of you want to hear about this.
Hm, now I need a happy note to close this. Well..Oh! I know. I was telling Mimmi this earlier. I found my sin. Yes, I'm 19 years old, and I just now finally found my largest sin.
Chocolate-covered cherries.
They are the devil. They are my downfall. Give me a box of those delicious, sinful, lustful candies, and I'll be your slave forever.
I mean, seriously! They are addictive! I would go into the detail of how I eat the cherries out of the chocolate incasing, and suck out the filling...but, I fear that my pink site might not be able to handle it ^_~
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Friday, December 17, 2004
Oh's absolutely, positively, unbelievably late for me. It's nearly four in the morning. What am I doing up when I'm supposed to be at work by seven in the am? I'm waiting for my sister, who's my manager, to come home. Yes, I am going to tell her that I'm not going back to work..ever. She can kiss my ass. I've dealt with too much bullshit to bend over backwards to help her ass.
As you may have gathered, I'm not in a pleasant mood. No, I'm exhausted and hungry. But I can't eat because it'll upset my stomach. Meh..
I almost, almost walked out of the coffee shop Wed. afternoon. Why didn't I? Because, I was there by myself, and I would have had to close the shop (gate it up and all). But then, if I did that, the company would have gotten fined; and that would come out of my pay check and I may have gotten a charge or something.
I'm tired of the drama in the shop. I'm tired of being used just so she can do as she pleases. I fucking hate that. So, I'm giving her my finger, and that's final.
I already put in my two weeks notice last Thrusday, so it's not like she doesn't know. And I won't give her sympathy. She's still not home, and it's now four am. She'll probably be drunk when she gets home, and then she's going to have to work my shift because I won't go in.
Kudos for her, with arsenic powder.
Oh, by the way. The penguin dances/bounces when you click on her..
EDIT: I just thought I should let you know what happened today.
I ended up getting about two hours of sleep. I woke up thinking that I was supposed to work with someone who doesn't have a key to the shop. SO, I planned on going to the store to open and give the key to the person whom I thought was supposed to be there.
In fact, it wasn't the person I was expecting. No, I was scheduled to work with my District Manager. Now, my DM is awesome. He's very nice, and will do anything to help out. I just couldn't bear the thought of giving him the finger. SO, I played sick...but actually, I didn't really feel good. Would you, after having only two hours of empty-stomach sleeping?
Yeah, you don't feel to spectacular when you arouse from the little hellish nap. So, my DM let me go a day off. But, I'm turning in my key tonight...and my sister better show up tonight.
If not, I'm definately leaving the fucking key on her dresser. I was stupid to go in today..and I'm not going to do that again.
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Thursday, December 16, 2004
Yes, I know I told you all that I would wait until Christmas passed to unvail my new theme. But, who can wait that long, really? And besides, I couldn't hide this amazing theme much longer. I mean, look at it. Isn't it pretty ^_^!
Now, normally, I'm not a pink kind of person. But this is perfect for me. Nabooru is my favorite character from LoZ: OoT (Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time..for those of you who didn't know). I don't know what it is about her, but she's just awesome.
OoT is my all time favorite game, from any console. It's the only game I can actually talk to other gamers about and not be lost. Most of the time, I'm sitting in the wild OB chats just staring blankly because I have no idea as to what everyone is talking about..when it comes to games.
So, I don't know what got me into the mind set to take on this theme. But I'm glad I did.
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