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myOtaku.com: animangademon

Thursday, April 7, 2005

I'm only happy when it rains...
Ah, yes. I've changed myO. I'm okay with this theme..for the moment. If I do change it, I'll still stay with Shirley Manson (lead singer for Garbage). I just think she's gorgeous, and has a beautiful voice.

I must--MUST--give Alan and Tony a huge "Thank you!". If it weren't for both of them, I wouldn't have Photoshop ^-^! So, thank you guys; you both rock my socks! If you ever need anything, let me know.

So..what else. Oh, the background. I made it myself. My first home-made background. Now that I've got Photoshop (sneak hugs Tony and Alan), I'll probably work on some graphics for my Leage of Extraordinary Male Strippers ^_~ Keep your eyes open for that, ladies [and men].

Well, turns out that some people forgot about me v_v Laura cleaned her AIM list out, and deleted my name. Of course, this was an accident, so I won't scold her ^-^ The other guy is LostProphet from the OB. I don't know what his excuse is, so I'm going to keep being upset with him for deleting me off of his buddy list.

Oh, Shin can laugh at this one, I received my first "your my idol" and pervert PMs yesterday. Yeah, I don't know whether to be happy I have "fan mail"..or creeped out O_o

Well, I have to get some sleep now. It's 17 minutes past 1 AM. And I have to wake up my bitchy brothers at 6:30. If anything constructive happens during the day, I'll be sure to remember it for tomorrow's update ^_^

EDIT- Well, there it is. The graphic for the League of Extraordinary Male Strippers. What do you think?

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