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myOtaku.com: Animated Girl 2

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

8/5 2007
Well... Today me and Sofia are baby sitting a little whos name is Samantha and guess if she�s making our day even harder then it already is. Well school was ok but now. Oh Samantha. She dragged us in the hair,threw my Evangelion manga books to the floor and wanted me to read all of them for her,dropped a glass full of juice. I know that the thing with the glass was an acceident but I had actually told her to be careful and she didn�t listen to me. After that she touched the computer when I was talking in the phone. Bad I was on here and she had sent a pm to someone. Stupid girl! *sighs* This day is not over yet. I wish her parents could come home but they�re coming home first tomorrow afternoon and I�ve fogotten why and so has Sofia cause we�re so tired of Sam as we call her. I think I�d
go and check what she�s doing so she don�t do anything stupid or get hurt. Hehe she�s just 5 after all.

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