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Saturday, June 23, 2007

My Gaia thingy

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

My eighth grade graduation

My 8th grade graduation was okay I guess. I got some awards... there was this one kid that I had almost completely forgot about that came to the assembley. When I saw him I was teary eyed because he was in a wheelchair and didnt act the same as he did last school year. I saw his mom too and she was crying because of the words one of the teachers said. Things like "He was brave..." and things like that.
He used to one of those kids without any big problems going on (like being in wheelchair or having neurlogical problems, etc.). Like me... or u... One day he was playing with some of his friends on a half day. I think the story was that the field was either slippery or icy. He slipped and hit his head really hard. His friends asked if he was okay and he said yes. But as he was walking home he collasped. He was in a coma for a while and had some brain damage I think (piecing things together >.>). rehabilitation for him has made him able to talk again and walk certain distances.
When all the Moving-On awards where being passed out, he was the last to be called. When that teacher called his name out, the gymnasim was a-roarin'. It was just real sad though. From being a normal healthy kid to having to learn certain things over again.
It made me teary-eyed cuz he was in my class last school year and even though I didnt really know him, still. If it happened to anyone else I'd feel the same way.

R A W R~ I finally got a Gaia thingy! People kept saying I should go there and so far it seems purdy nice... . . .

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Monday, June 18, 2007

   Happy Birthday!!

...To me friend Katie! Today's her birthday and tomorrows my other friends birthday. My other friend said that she has to have her B-day at Chuck-E-Cheeses. XD! I like their Pizzas.... My B-days exactly one month from Brittany (my other friend)... yeah... I dont kno what i'll do for it...
My guidence councelour sid he'd bring a birthday cake for everyone whose birthday is in June, July (me!), and August. I think I'll have to bring in my ID card (which looks horrid... the first one looked WAY better) so he won't think I'm lying. June 19th he's bringing it in, and mines a exactly a month after.... If I were him I might think thats weird... probably...

R A W R~ Canvas, Rakuen no Tobira, Believe in Heaven, Rewrite, Koibumi, Drivin' through the night, Driver's High, Love Me, Sexy Sexy, Kesenai Tsumi, Battle Cry, I Will, Living inside the shell, Zips, Movin!!, and Himitsu Kichi. . .

My friend Stephanie bought Katie a $120 necklace... in cash... I was like, Jeez! I told my mom I would NEVER spend THAT much money on a frioend no matter how much I loved 'em. I just can't do it... T_T

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Sunday, June 17, 2007

   Happy Father's Day!

I sorta messed up when sayin that to my dad. Instead of saying "Happy Fathers Day" I said "Happy Birthday.." His B-day isnt until next week... I was busy organizing my drawings (this girl saw 'em and wanted me to bring ALL of them in since I said that the ones I had with me was only 1/3 or 1/4 of what I actually have. I actually have another fraction more [1/5 now] if I brought in ALL of my drawings from my beginnings to what I have now...). so yeah...

R A W R~ Gotta burn a CD be4 the end of the skool year... yeah. . .

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Friday, June 15, 2007

   XD! YAY!

We can fave Fan Manga nows! XD! I'm so happy. XD! And now I'm sad... I cant go the sring formal cuz my skool is stupid. They only had the tickets go for sale for 3 days. They extended it today, but only for that morning, which sucked... >:( At least I wont be alone... My other 2 friends arent going either. My mom got 100+ dollars worth of stuff for nuthin... I cant return the dress either cuz we got a discount on it for sumthin defective on it. (It was a dress store with all types of dresses... I might never go there again... ever... -.- yays.... too expensive...) I think my mom'll just sell it on ebay.... yeah...

R A W R~ Twix. Yum. . .

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Saturday, June 9, 2007

   The first and only Japanese movie I've ever seen...

Kamikaze Girls.... It's the second time I'm watching it on AZN. Its hella funny XD! I'd say what it's about but I guess from memory of the summary on Comcast I'd say it about a girl names Momoko who mets a girl in a gang names Ichiko (her real name is Ichigo but she thinks its wimpy). The 2 share their adventures together with finding Happiness and such. It's the first and only Japanese Movie I've seen thats live-action. Another one I've seen that was in Japanese but had also the english caps on AZN was something about Godfathers... It had to do with these 3 homeless people. They have in English too I think. ... I'm missing it! DX! Just wanted to say I liked Kamikaze Girls. But it was rated 2.5 stars. I'd give it 3.5 or 4 stars. ^^

R A W R~ Midnight!. . .

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Thursday, June 7, 2007

   Countin' down the days...

It isn't long before I get out of this hell hole I call Jr. High (my skool sucks, but J.D. Jr. High rocks). For sum, you've already gotten out... T_T... but just 2 more weeks. XD! I have a Spring Formal the day be4 skool lets out and even thought I've already bought the dress, shoes, and accesories, I'm reconsidering since the tickets are 10 bucks. There's a dance today but I couldn't go cuz we didn't have the money. -.- Glad I didn't cuz I'd be all alone... My friends didnt go either. ^^ One of 'em couldn't cuz she got a citation. She shouldn't have though.

We went on this feild trip to a college Monday, and around lunch (I've never seen so many asians in my life... except on Soaps, but those don't count... Not that asians are bad... they rock... yeah...) some black dude (he's African American and also wearing black) comes up to my friend and gives her his MySpace thingy. Now thats bad if a college student is goin' after sum 1 whose only 14, but he probably didn't know... Anywho, she and some of her friends went to the little Student Store the college had (off limits to us I guess) and asked the guy why he gave it to her. One of the techers from our skool came and said that she was showing how "bad" our skool was or making our skool look bad... idk. But that was just retarded that my friend got a citation for something that wasn't her fault. I guess they thought he was some kind of preditor or that she was trying to get his number or sumthin. T_T My friends made a joke saying she was mad cuz she couldn't get hit on. XD! It was funnies! But o so bad...

I've been trying to learn how to play the piano and so far I think it's going okay... I know about the A-G thingies, the Clef's and Sharps and Flats. I was only able to remember those because Piano for Dummies had sum great ways to remember them. All I need now is a keyboard.


My dads gone to Texas again for I think 2 months. And glass is so fun to play with... unless u don't have cutters, pliers, protective glasses (which I seldemly use) and ... Oh! Now I know what I wanted to say! XD!
I wanna go to New York and visit sum ppl and eat NY pizza!!!!! NY PIZZA!!!!! And I have some pics I wanna put up but I can't cuz I can't find the cord to upload the pics to my computer. Makes me wish I could just draw on a pad thingy and it'll show up on the comp. No hassles with finding a cord. ... Yeah...

R A W R~ In Glass Art, I've finished my mirror, my stepping stone and now I'm working on my Tables image. It looks all ocean-y and beach-y ^^ But I don't have a lot of time to finish it. Glad it's the last project for the quarter. XD! I think I have about 60 or more peices to cut and maybe 40+(-) that I need to finish. ^0^

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Friday, May 18, 2007

   .... 1 minute later after posting the last post that was from today....

I wanted to talk about what happened at my friends BBQ, since he didn't have a birthday party on Sunday (Mother's Day!!!). My Mother's Day present is still in progress... I won't be able to give it to my mom until Monday or Tuesday... O3O

I keep updating this web page instead of blue munki's web page thingy... So that is what I am going to do... right now... yeah....

R A W R~ 'Zips' bu T.M. Revolution. . .

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   Hola mis amigos!

Hi! Have you guys tasted the new Pepsi Summer Mix? It tastes like Skittles!!! XD! It's good! It's only for a limited time though which sucks.
-.- It actually tastes pretty good. ^^ If you haven't had it yet, go get some! The Summer of Fruiti-ness is among us ToT... yeah.... Tropical Fruit Flavored Cola... Skittles... yummy...

The bottle looks awesome too. XD!

I drew these little chibis! One is Mo and in her thought bubble it's Momaru. And somewhere on thr drawing I wrote "Thinking of You"... They look so cute! XD! But I colored their skin with crayon because I descided to color it in class... but Now that I'm at home... _._ ~Oh poo...

R A W R~ 'Zips' by T.M.Revolution . . .

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Sunday, May 13, 2007

A pic I thought was really nice...

Eureka and Renton's Kids

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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