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Thursday, April 12, 2007

   D Tecno Life~ and some...

XD! God I love this song too!!!! XD! *Bleach ish awesome!* I love the second opening song- D Tecno Life! XD! I got it from Anime Yume.com... Which is like a rotation site... which sumtimes sucks if you want a certain song and its "currupted"... but you could also go to MingLong.org

Yesterday I got the 1st opening to Blood + (plus) and today I got Bleach's "D tecno life". I also got volume one to Peach Girl... Now I know what happens in the beggining... I guess... I dunno if I want volumes 2-7 and volumes 9+ if they have 'em. I might even get Peach Girl: Sae's Story.

I've been looking for some Sailor Moon pics. I have to find some Sailor Jupiter images so that I can draw her for some friends of mine who LOVE Sailor Moon. Requests like that make me want to see animes as old as that again. ... There were so many @.@.... O yeah... I'm lookin in Photobucket.com now, so I might find something... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... yeah

R A W R~ Aozora No Namida X3!!!

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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

   Remembering stuff... yeah

I just remembered that I only went to the Anime Club at my Library once... I forgot the 2nd time and didn't wanna go the 3rd. After that I just didn't care about it. I wonder if I should go back... nah... >.>

I can't remember anything else... but i know this morning I wanted to sleep in... so... tired...

( )_( )
(")_(") That one place...

B O R E D O M . . .

R A W R...

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Sunday, April 8, 2007


O yesh! I have finally found a site that translates japanese to romaji to english! XD! I had this dream that was like an anime show cuz I had it a couple nites ago and last nite i dreamt about it again, sorta like Episode 2. XD! It had to do with a guy named Egg (i guess cuz his head was egg shaped... even tho it wasn't) and some rookie chick on a skateboard in this "secret" arena made just for skatboarding competitions... and another guy names I.V.N. (or Ivn - pronounced sorta like 'even'). U spell it out and his real name is putting the letters together. anyways... it was an intresting dream.

Yesterday me, my dad, and 2 lil' bros went to EB Games and GameStop (I wish this state had Rhinos too. That game store is really cheap... YAY low prices!). I was lookin for some Xenosaga games. Both EB Games and GameStop had Xenosaga: Episode I, II, and III. My dad said that if it was still there next Pay Day he'd get Episode I. I wanna see why Le Kun likes it so much... Any other games u recommend?

( )_( )
(")_(") R A W R...

aw... SB over already... -.-' back to school...

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Friday, April 6, 2007

   Animatious pics from Photobucket.com

XD! I just feel like putting up some more Xenosaga pics.


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Momo, Shion, and Kos-mos
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

( )_( )
(")_(") R A W R . . .

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Tuesday, April 3, 2007

   Animatious Images... pic from Photobucket.com

I really like angels for some reason... >.>

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

She's pretty.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

This one's cute too. XD!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Kos-Mos images

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

( )_( )
(")_(") R A W R...

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In my mall, they had moved the store Unique Anime, But when me and my mom were heading for Sears (I wanted to go to Suncoast first...) We say it. YAY! But It's storage space is smaller than it's previous location. Anyway, They're Pocky's were cheaper than Suncaost's... I think... That's what my mom said... >.>
Well, I finally got some Pocky! XD! I wonder how many Pocky's they have though... They've got , Strawberry flavored Pocky, Chocolate flavored Pocky's (the one I got XD!), Pocky Men (Mens Chocolate I guess... it said it was "Bitter"), Chocolate Mousse Pocky...

The Pocky actually tastes pretty good. ^^

( )_( )
(")_(") Yam Yam...

R A W R . . .

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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

   No No's!!

Isn't it a type of Plagersim when you copy someones ORGINAL ART (given that they had permission to) and then rename that orginal art of another persons (w/o permission!).

I let this girl at school take some of my drawings so that she could do yada yada with it. (Copy, etc.). She wants me to draw her and Gaara together (which I have yet to do) and so she gave me her Tracing Paper book thingy as reference. I saw one of my Twins in there that I knew she had already taken. They're my original charcters and their names were Aiko Ota and Marin Ota (the Ota twins). I saw that she had renamed them to "Kira" and "Kiley" and then put "The Sabutoshi Twins."
She had another pic that is actually in my Porti. It's the pic of Emi Uzuhara. Thankfully she didn't rename it. So before she did (if she was going to) I wrote in pen her name and who the artist was.

There was a little note I gave to her in her book thingy. She should take it as a warning (tho i didn't say it was in the note). If she does it a second time I won't take any of her requests again whether it be to just draw Naruto pics (She is REALLY into Naruto) or borrowing my stuff. I don't like it when people take others stuff and claim it as their own or alter the artwork so that anyone who sees might assume that it's theirs.

I gotta draw someone as an anime girl. I said I would redraw it but didn't yesterday cuz of the Homework. I'll just give her the one I didn't really like. T_T I don't have HW now and that's only true for skool but not in the anime world... i'm not even that good (better than from when I started tho. I don't understand how the kids in my 5th and 7th grade class liked my drawings. Looking back now, it's funny. XD!) I don't even wanna draw Gaara and the other girl together. I don't feel like it. Then again, I should start now and get it over with...

( )_( )
(")_(") R A W R!! . . .

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Monday, March 26, 2007


¡Hi! ¿Cualquier persona sabe sobre Photoshop? ¿Como cómo mí puedo conseguir el sistema que corrige para los dibujos y cuánto cuestan? ... ¡Grazias!

Hi! Does anyone know about Photoshop? Like how I can get the editing system for drawings and how much they cost? ... Thanks

La parte española es algo que conseguí de un traductor en línea. Por una cierta razón acabo de sentirme como poner esta materia para arriba.

The spanish part is something I got from an online translator. For some reason I just felt like putting this stuff up.

Hasta Luego!

See ya later! XD!

( )_( )
(")_(") Hmm....

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Thursday, March 22, 2007

   Hotel Rwanda

Have you guys ever seen that movie? My first period class just finished it today and it was a sad movie too.

This hotel manager names Paul is a good man who tries to save thouands of people from the "Hutu" who are trying to kill all the "Tootsies". Paul is a Hutu himself (and smart XD!) and has marryed a Toostie himself as well. I hate the part when the American army comes and lifts the african peoples spirits, but then crushes it when all they came for were the Americans. The only people left to help Paul, his family, and the 100's of Tootsie refugees where some UN. It's sad to see that all those people died and that we didn't do anuthing to help them. Paul had to use his smarts to bribe some Hutu army from killing all the people at the Hotel. (Not all the Tootsie refugees where able to leave to another country- Paul and his family live in Belguim... isn't that in Germany?...)... When the UN were taking the people who could go to another place to a camp there were hundreds of displaced Tootsie. The facte that that's going on today is upsetting, but as the camera man said in the movie (or at least as close to memory as I can get): "people in America will say 'Oh that's horrible' and go right on to living their lives"

It was a good movie too. I ALMOST cried on some parts... but didn't... They were sad, don't get me wrong- but I didn't feel like crying in the morning...

( )_( )
(")_(") The Rwanda genocide ended in 1993, but of course there happens to be another genocide accuring too- Darfur, Sudan. ...

I can see why so many people dislike America so much. We aren't "caring" at all... not really at least. Some people actually have a heart. Of course it is true that the only thing some of us can do now is say "That's horrible" and move on.


Bye Bye!

10:18 PM
Listening to: "Sexy Sexy" by Cascade

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Monday, March 19, 2007

   YAY! Finally!

I got Legend, the Korean Manga (Manhwa). XD! The art is SOOO Beautiful!!! XD! I should be some kind of person that speaks a lot of languages. The main one(s) are Spanish and japanese.... Mainly Spanish... Then overall it's Spanish, Japanese, Korean, and maybe German... no... I don't like that language all that much...
Anywho, I posted up some new pics. and I actually submitted my first drawing on Tokyopop today too. ^^
That's about it. Byes!

( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies hate these time limits. Only 3 hours a day... T_T...

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