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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

   Yesh... Chocolate...

~ XD! Oh how I love the things that come with Holidays such as... this. ^^ I had a Heart-shaped box thingy with Kisses in it. XD! Yummy chocolate. I gave like, 5 away and finished the last one on the bus. XD! Yummy. But I am craving for more! =D *sniff* cold...
~ I sent some people letties. ^^ But to anyone who reads: Happy Valentine's...

~ Now I am of to search for pics!... -.-'

( )_( )
(")_(") My mom got a Huge stuff bear and I got a bear with a jacket that said "Hugs" on it... So cute... and Soft... chocolate...

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Saturday, February 10, 2007


Do any of you like and/or have a TOKYOPOP account? Me just signed up on it today. I think it's harder than theO to navigate in... not really.. just getting somethings done. It's not anymore difficult than DeviantART... DeviantART is the most difficult to get for me cuz of the submission in art. >.< Oh wells. My name is an ori. so it'll be the same as this one. Animatious on tokyopop... X3 yummy...
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies just watched a documentary about Anna... *cries* how sad...

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Thursday, February 8, 2007

   Oh... How sad...

~Did you guys hear? Anna Nicole Smith passed away today. It's funny you know (Not a "ha ha" funny but a weird feeling funny)? Celebs seem almost invincible to us common folk... like we see them as someone we can look up to etc., but they seem like they would stay on the planet forever (well, they will but I'm talking about immortality). An example is Steve Erwin (right? It's Erwin right? -.-' the Croc. Hunter). When He died, it was a shock, because everyone knows him. I think the main reason why people seem to have a sort of "this isn't true right?" type of feeling is because it's unexpected.
Anna Nicole Smith


Me doesn't really know alot about her or anything at all, but it's no different a feeling that you feel from Steve or a loved one... That feeling is "OMG..." -.-' Oogie... In later news:
I have no news... Just that one. ^^
( )_( )
(")_(") Bye Bye Annie...

I also think it's because we live are lives so unknowingly that one day death becomes... real... or BS like that... it saounds better in me head...

Hmmm... me wonders...

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Friday, February 2, 2007

   Don't you just hate it when...

... When you see so many original anime's that look really (i mean REALLY) pretty, beautiful and/or cute and you want to comment on them ALL and have 'em as a Fave...? I hate that... It's torture... -.- ookie...
Don't you just hate it when:
... When you are watching TV and all of a sudden the TV goes off for NO REASON WHAT SO EVER!?... The Remotes FAR away from my butt and/or hands...
... When you're playing your favourite VG and are almost done with it (you've been playing for about 8 hours+ all day) and your dog, younger sibling, or for some other annoyig reason, messes up the game, or knocks on it so that then you HAVE to start ALL OVER AGAIN?... Me hates that. especially when you've practically finished the game and ur dog descides to chew on ur memory card... >.<
... When you have that SHORT TERM MEMORY thing going on and you can't find your remote, etc. and you're getting really pissed and you find it next to you? I hate that... T_T... Ookie...
... When you leave for about 5 seconds and all of a sudden you f***ing food "magically" dissappers?...
... When you are limited by time on the interenet and you REALLY want to check out like HUNDREDS more wallies, art, etc. and then your booted off? I REALLY hate that...
Don't you hate it when you just don't know what to hate anymore because you practically hate every thing and everybody subconciously or the total opposite (where you can't love anymore because you've loved to the unltimate limit and your heart is just ready to burt... BOOM!)? I don't know about that last one... ^^

Don't you just LOVE it when you're around the people who love most... yourself...
Oh yeah... family and friends too... << and maybe your BF/GF... << What ever floats your boat...

( )_( )
Love me or Die...
OOH! You just threatened people I don't know! >>

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Sunday, January 28, 2007


Me has another name... ^^ I am so bored obviously. XD! When I posted on Hello Munki (me new name site thingy) I was having trouble with it. I tried fixing it thinkiing it was me that was messin up the post... I went to another site who said they had the same problem with their GB. I didn't feel alone... yay. It turns out that theO was just doing some updating maybe... I went to some porti's and saw some new things in there. Like if you wanted to add a Fan Art as ur favourite. ^^ I like that new feature. ^^
Well, that was about it...

( )_( )
(")_(") Munki Munki Luv...

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Saturday, January 27, 2007

   Dafur Poems- 2 Free Verse 1 Haiku

I'm not big on these kinds of things, but as I said, I'd post up the Poems...

While We...
While we go to work
While we play at school
While we go shopping
While we visit our loved ones
While we enjoy life in this country that seems powerful and invinsible,
There is a region that is suffering:

Genocide- Freeverse
We play football like most children do.
Laughing, Playing, Helping out the village.
But that all changed.
These men came in our village like a vicious storm.
They murdered our people
They burned down our homes
They raped our women
They caused us so much grief.
Who will be our savior?
Who will come and renew our land?
Will anyone stand up for us?
Or will they wait until it's too late?

Genocide- Haiku
Gun shots fill the air
Women are screaming, crying
Can no one hear us?

Those were the three poems I made. I didn't really like them. When Mrs. D read them, she made them sound more... stronger than what I thought of them to be, which wasn't much.

( )_( )
(")_(") ♠- Spades ♣- Clubs ♥- Hearts ♦- Diamonds...
Bunnies Go Boom!©

Just some fun codes ↑


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   An OMG moment- Darfur, Sudan- Africa

~I'm finally writing about something quite useful for people. ^-^' I've been upset just a little about an hour ago (right now it's 10:08 PM). The reason for that has nothing to do with Darfur, Sudan- Africa. More about me wanting to go back to Florida... Me so lonely. I have friends, but I don't like calling them my true friends. My true friends and best friends are in Florida... I wish I could of at least finished 7th grade in FL rather then in WA.... Oh wells... Back to something more important!
What's Up in DARFUR

A site that you can go to for some Darfur information (and more if I have failed to give it to you) is here at Save Darfur dot Org.
~My teacher, Mrs. Delainey, is a teacher who is very emotional... -.- She gets too into a situation that may or may not be serious. Ex.: We were making some posters and ribbons for the MLK Assembly (which never happened BTW) and I was drawing. Mrs. Delainey (or was it Delainy...) saw me drawing and said "Are you drawing?" and I responded with a "Yeah"... She had "the look" on her face that was like... "Jeez... You'd think..." anyways, I just don't really like her... She's nice an' all, but...

Oh yeah! While in me 1st per. class, my teacher Mrs. Delainey (I 4got how to spell her name so we'll just say Mrs. D) saw something about Darfur in Africa. What she saw she told us... In a way, it was better than doing all that Holocaust work...

As with the Holocaust and the Genocide that occured, you could say that history is repeating itself. Darfur, Sudan is a target of the Janjuweed who are the ones killing the Darfurians. You know how some enemies will do some weird and desturbing things to their enemy as a means to destroy their society? Well, the Janjuweed (as with others before them such as the ancient Romains) would rape the women of villages as one way of destroying their society. *shudders* eww... rape...

Villages have been burned, peoples lives have been taken. Those who have died had suffered and those who have survived are displaced, might be tortured, or murdered. When women go out to get wood for fire, they MUST be escurted (sry for spelling) for if they do not, they might be targeted and killed or raped.

The fact that the US has yet to do much about this has boggled some peoples minds. We are supposed to be the "Most Powerful" country, but we have yet to do anything. I'm not too big on this whole thing, but I guess there isn't much that I can do about that. I'm sorry for people in Darfur who have suffered, but I am just a kid who was more concerned about other things and that being the last thing on my mind, and it never crossed it either. I just thought that If anyone wanted to they could try and be "heros" for Darfur. That's what Mrs. D wants us to be. "Known for our" sumthin' me forgets... -.- (can I not get serious for even this? jeez...)

I don't wanna make this a hella long post, even though it might be already, but l8r I'll post up 3 of my poems of Darfur that Mrs. D thought were nice. I don't like having to have one specific topic and using what I know to make a poem. I find it... HARD. But I came up with 2 Free Verses and 1 Haiku. I just HAD to do the Haiku... YESH... JAPANAMATIOUS... (Like Animatious w/o the ani... I guess... Japan- Amatious... and adding an "A"... You know what? This is pointless... ForGets it! Me is tireds and wants to go to... Zzzzzzz...)
( )_( )
(")_(") ¿Que?
¥1,000 is equal to... I don't know... Around 8-10 USD... XD!

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Saturday, January 20, 2007

   Snow Days. It's been 10 days since i last posted... I think

I have a couple of pics I'm gonna post. Some pics I've drawn over the week and that Happy New Year's Pic... I finally flt up to it to come on here. Me was just too lazy to do anything, but oh wells. I have lots to say. ^^

2 days ago, Thursday, January 18th, 07 at 11 PM, I watched Afro Samurai. Hehe... I'm madew cuz It first aired on Spike last year, July 17 o6. I find Ninja Ninja to be very funny. He's like that black dude that neva shuts up. I think his name is Ninja Ninja. Thats what the captions said. ^^ I can't beleive that I still remember his. ^^ Afro is the 2nd best Samurai. He looks like some crazy black dude, but maybe thats because of his Afro blowin' in the wind. He doesn't talk much. He's that cool quiet black dude. Afro only usually says "Shut Up" to Ninja Ninja, cuz He's ALWAYS talkin'. Anyways. The episode I saw was about Afro fighting his double who is an android. "Afro-droid." Afro Samurai is really an anime. I wanted to make sure. ^^ I couldn't see that credits to know who that asian peeps were, but at the end it said "Gonzo", like at the end of Eureka 7... I think. Me no remembers. It's a really funny show. XD!

Snow Days
This was my school week:
1/8-9/07- School
1/10/07- No School
1/11/07- School
1/12/07- No School
1/15/07- Holiday (right?... yea)
1/16-17/07- No School
1/18-19/07- School
I hate my skool. If we miss any days of school that isn't planned we have to make it up at the end of the year (instead of June 14 it was June 20 sumthin' that we'd get out of skool, but now it might be later), because "By law you have to have 180 days of school." *sigh* You can't help Nature. I don't think I would of had this problem at my other skool. In Florida I think the reason why I wouldn't have this problem is becuz the only thing that could hold us back from skool is Hurracanes... -.- me can't spell...

It's Korean

I've only learned like 2 or 3 maybe 4 words in Korean just from watching Korean Soap Operas. No, Yes, Hello, Taxi, Hotel... Some new ones I learned are: Keh (dog. I now now dog in 4 languages; Inu, Perro, Dog, and Keh ^^), San (Mountain), and some more I can't type off the top of my head. I know how to recognize some korean characters... I don't think I'll be able to learn Korean, becuz I'm not really into the Korean language, though it would be nice to know what they are saying. I'm too used to the Japanese and Spanish pronounciation...
If "panjee" were a Japanese word (I don't know if it is) it'd be pronounced as pan-jay... But in Korean, "Panjee" is Pan-G (gee). Unlike the English Language, Korean Words are said the way they are spelled. Most of the time. (BTW, "panjee" means "pants" in Korean.) (EX.) The Korean word for "Taxi" is "teksee" and is pronounced tek-shee.

Well, that's all I need to say I guess. I am now bored and so I shall now post up my pic. ^^


( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnie and Cream...

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

   Solty Rei... and others

Has anyone seen that show. Me likes it lots now. It's about Solty Revalnt (or Revalt... Me no knows...) and a man named Roy... He lost his wife and daughter to a disaster called Blast Fall. Many were severly injured and needed RESEMBLES, or what we may call prothsetics. I only saw 4 episodes so I can't give all the details.

When I saw DNA2, I was excited cuz I had been expecting something like that. But then when I saw it, I was sad... It wasn't the show I had been expecting. I think the show I had been expecting was Blue Seed. Anywho, DNA2 is still a really funny show about Junta, who is supposed to become a Mega Playboy. Karin is sent to the past to prevent this from happening, since in the future, the Mega Playboy inpregnated 100 women who in total had 100 kids, who inpregnated 100 more women who gave off 1 kid each to make a total of 100 children, and so on so forth. I thought that was really funny, but scary too. In the future there is a loaw stating that anywho who has more than 2 kids (or was it 1... they could only have one kid) would be sentenced to death. That was because the Earth was over populated because of Junta, or the Mega Playboy. XD! I watch it cuz it's funny how Karin tries to get Junta to understand that he needs to hook up with Ami, a childhood friend of his. By hooking up with Ami, Junta's chance of becoming the Mega Playboy deminishes. ^^

One show besides Solty Rei that I now like, is an anime with a long name and is hard for me to remember: Utawarerumono... ^^
U-Ta-Wa-Re-Ru-Mo-No... I should remember that. ^^
Okies! That's all I have to say... for nows... I'll try to remeber to post more stuff up soons... I also wanna see Chobits. It's an oldie, like GTO (funny), Kare Kano (funny), and DNA2 (funny), but Me has a poster and I keep seeing it! I must know if they'll put it on OnDemand... OKies... Sayonnara!!

( )_( )
(")_(") Hmm... Something isn't right...

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Monday, January 8, 2007


WOWs~ I love JPOP... ^^ U know the ending 2nd theme to BLEACH, Thank You!! by Home Made Kazoku... me really likes. Both TV Size and the Original Song itself. ^^ On my Second CD that I will Burn, I have:
Shiki No Uta (Song of Seasons [?]), Zankoku na Tenshi no these (Cruel Angels Thesis), Daia No Hana, Thank You!!, Aitsu (SuperGALS! Me likes that show... so funny), Gravity (the ending to Wolf's Rain. I really like it.), and Broken Wings (Trinity Blood). I really think that Aitsu is a funny song. I don't really have the translation for it but since the op. to SuperGALS! is funny and so is the show, and the way they sing it, I suppose the song is funny too.
The songs I have yet to find (w/o paying, or having pop-ups saying I can't get to it) are Duvet (Lain~ in english... XD! YAY! there's no way I can say the lyrics wrong! Sung by BoA ^^... Wait, isn't she Korean? She confuzzles me), SOULHEAD's AT THE PARTY, Chemistry ~meets~ m-flo: Now or Never (I must find it!), and many others. I have these papers that I list all the songs I like and in total I have about... 9 times 6 is 54 plus... a total of 61 songs. ^^ YAYs! It's more than that since there are some songs that I can't see in the credits (both op. and ending)... Oh Wells...

One of the movies I am looking forward to is Epic Movie. It seems really funny.

( )_( )
(")_(") Oogie Munki...

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