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Wednesday, January 3, 2007


Hey... Sparkely Juice ^^...

I'll try and post up that pic I drew. I think I'll redraw the pic once I post it up.

T_T I hate science fair projects.
It'd be nice to sleep in... This morning I was so friggin' tired. Ugh... I have to do my math HW too and get some stupid project done for my language arts teacher. Me no wanna teach the class anything! All I do is draw, watch TV, play my games (though I haven't really), and... maybe sleep. Maybe I can teach my classmates how to stay up really late and then sleep well into the afternoon (like 2 or 3:00 PM). I think I've done that twice. I stayed up to almost 6:00 In the morning and another time I woke up early and went back tp sleep. -.- Me likes sleep sooooo much.

OMG! The Bunnies had a wild time 3 days ago! They ate and drank and ate Carrot Cake. Then 2 days later, they had circles under their eyes, and mumbled a lot! Then they would fall down or start leaning against the walls with their cute little bunnie feet! Doctor! What's the diognosis? "Well I'd say it's a bad case of... 'Hang-Over'" Drunk Bunnies, Hang Overs, Tipsy-Tipsy, Oh My!!
( )_( )
(")_(") We are *slur* snot snipsy. *Mumble* Oog...

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Monday, January 1, 2007

   Happy New Years!

Nerima Daikon Brothers! XD! So funny. It's a Comedy Musical. It's really funny...
Korean Pachinko!!

Happy New Years! I had a pic I drew but me no knows if I'll post it. I wish MyO had a clock settie up thingy so that this post would be up on a correct time... Oh wells... O.o Ooh... Naruto Marathon...

( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies can't wait to see Naruto Episode 151-156 or something close to that...

Gaara is so... Creepy

Happy New Years!!... again

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Saturday, December 30, 2006

   11:53 almost 12 midnight... Friday... FEARLESS Review... -.-'

I just got finished watching Jet Li's FEARLESS. Sure it's got mainly Chinese in it, and little English (because of the people coming in China) and even littler Japanese (The one Hou Y. fought against) and you have to read the captions, but you actually get used to it. Like when watching a Korean Soap Opera (Full House, Winter Sonata, My Lovely Sam-Soon, etc.). FEARLESS is a tear-jerker for me since there were some examples of "catching the reader's attention" and "Making the reader feel a certain way." When I say that, I put it in a way referring to Manga. If FEARLESS were a manga, I would probably like it. Anywho, the tear-jerkers were sences like when Hou Y.'s family (mother and daughter) is killed and when he is poisoned and still continues with the fight.
~FEARLESS is a movie worth watching for those who like action and have yet to see it. Though I doubt that. ^^
~As a viewer (going back to the manga thing now), I was expecting a good movie from what the critics have given FEARLESS. In manga (from me book, Shoujo Manga Techniques: Writing Stories) there are 4 parts to a manga that makes a manga. Introduction, Development, Turn, and Conclusion. I only got to the part where Hou Y. fights like 50 ppl at once. The turn in the movie (to me) was probably when Hou Y. chances his way and Is poisoned when he fights Takana (I think that was his name...). The Conclusion would be (probably) when Hou Y. dies at age 42... >.< and... uhm... yeah, my minds a mess now. Reviews on good movies aren't my specialty as you can see. I don't ever do this kind of thing but I think I should. Me no knows.
Me likes the BG music. XD!! I'ma download it and burn it along with 17 other songs! XD!! So catchy. I should read the manga. Or find out about the anime. ^^
Daia no Hana!

( )_( )
(")_(") Now bunnies know how to fight... BAM! Wushu!!!
12:22 AM

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Thursday, December 28, 2006


~My parents are so silly. ^^ My mom is only into some anime because of me. She watches Inuyasha, Naruto (i think), Samurai Champloo (she likes the ending theme to that show... Shiki no Uta), and some other one I think is Eureka 7... Oh and Bleach and FMA ^^ Anyways, My my had some J-Pop I had downloaded from other sites. She was listening to Asterisk by ORANGE RANGE (XD! I love thier songs!) What was so silly was that she thought she heard them say "skinny n*gga" when it was really "tsuki ni negai." The whole line is "kaze ni omoi wo tsuki ni negai wo" which is "A star carried on the wind, a request from the moon"... tsuki= moon and negai= request... I think. The worst part (but i think that was the worst part) was that she had me listen to it and I heard it too, but I had her look at the lyrics so she knew it wasn't "skinny n*gga..." Me dad heard it too and that was the first time he ever heard that song. They started crackin' up too. T_T... Then he said, "I see a skinny n*gga..." Geez they are so silly yesh they are. I knows they weren't being serious but it was still funny. Mainly cuz I didn't expect something like that since I've heard Asterisk like 50 times... ^^

Oogie Boogie, That was something I had to say ya knows. It probably isn't funny to u cuz u weren't there. Maybe it even seems stupid... well... it sorta is. Anyways, I'm bored and now i have to take me dog out.
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies may look cute, but we will find you and kill you as you sleep...
Ooon doggie my friends... Oon Doggie...

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Monday, December 25, 2006

   Hello O! Meri Kurisumasu!!! XD!

~I am so excited now! ^^ I was having an almost Kick-A** dream but then I was awoken by me parents and dog and brother... brothers. ^^ It was like 7:30 AM and now it's 8:33AM. I had to set up me DS be4 comeing on here, because I wanted to try it out. XD! *squeals* I love the Japanese hiragana/katana setting on this thing!!! I have no idea what they say! YAY! Me nickname on the DS is Animatious and Lucky for me, all those words in Animatious fitted... Just barley... ^^ Oh! My nickname could of been Munki!!! DX! me loves monkey's. Anyways. Besides getting a Nintendeo DS, I got a pair of Nike AIR (finally!! I am so tired of Chuck Taylor's >.<), 2 Harajuku purses (I knew I was getting those), that book about Writing a Manga story, uhm... A BLEACH T-Shirt... I hung that up. The Burn Out 3: Takedown for PS2. and... the new BowWow CD. I got a gift for me that was safe and free. All day yesterday I was searching and downloading J-Pop. Now I have an 18 track burned CD! ^^ It has Asterisk, Come, Haruka Kanata, Tobira no Koue, I think I can, LAST DINOSAUR, Life is like a boat, Fukai Mori, Rewrite, READY STEAD GO, and some mores that I won't list cuz it's too many words -.- Put I think something is wrong with the CD cuz on Track 8, Haruka Kanata, it started messin' up. I skipped it to 9 but it just wouldn't play. damit. I was so excited about my own anime CD. AARGH! Technology is so useless sometimes. Oh Wells. ^^ I'm listening to the songs on iTunes. I'll check out my CD when I'm done with this post. ^^

Oogie Munki! What did you guys get? I have to knows cuz me likes Kurisumasu. XD! The nice, tastey, presents. That was mean. Me dad too pickies of me when I was getting up. >:( I hate stuff like that. END Oogie Munki!

Me really can't think of anything else cuz me can't. Not cuz of this holiday excitment... I just can't think of anything right now... O.o

( )_( )
(")_(") Empty space. XD!...

( )_( )
(")_(") Cuteness never dies! Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!...

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Saturday, December 23, 2006

   XD! My love for J-pop... and Rock... and K-Pop/Rock... and...

I love J-Pop. There is so much energy in it. Like, right now I'm listening to Black Cat. It's really a tight song. XD! Sweet-ness. I'll put it up after I'm fed up with Asterisk. XD! Wait. Is Black a Manga and/or Anime? Oh who cares. I love this song now. You can actually go to the site and listen to it. It's the Image Link Below the BIG Image Link. Oogie! It's an animatious song. I can picture the AMV in my head. *sigh* Me so excited now. Now what? -.-' Oh pooh. I lost all sense... Oh! What do ya think of my new BG. The kid Killed SANTA! I thought it was real funny so now it's on here. XD!!
Okies. PLA
( )_( )
(")_(") And then Bunnies go BOOM! Meri Kurisumasu!

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Thursday, December 21, 2006

   YAY It's almost X-mas! Me moms...

YAY! It's almost time for christmas. ^^
I am on me moms sign in and so I decide to go and check out her MySpace... I saw one of her posts call Family... Uugh!! or sumthing like that. She has issues with her family I guess. But I already knew that. I don't think it's right for my mom to have to say she has to wait for her younger brother and sister to move out of the "nest"... the way it's said is upsetting, becuz everyone has the right to see family and yet hers seem to be a bit lopsided since her Grand Mom died. She said that her Grandma kept everything in place... I knew that my Mom had family issues and that time we went to NY be4 we left for WA was upsetting. It's raining... *Hmph!* Bahumbug!!! This is all a bunch of... crappity crap crap. -.-'
My dads family is a little more better than me moms. Yeah... Thats what I would call it... I just thought of a word for me moms family: Disfunctional
biggy word!!! Not all of her family is Disfunctional... me uncle and antie aren't... at least I hope not... but hopefully me family doesn't become some Drama soap opera. That has happened already with me moms family... Thats what I would say too. The new Soap Opera called: Disfunstional... well, no thats sorta bad... ^^' but in a way, it is like one of those Korean or American soaps. i don't watch american soaps. Korean ones are better, like:
1. Full House
2. Rooftop Cat (or something like that)
3. My Lovely Samsoon
4. Winter Sonata
I think there's another one I like, but me no knows. Anyways... Just thought I'd get that off my chest. *Sighs* Oon boogie -.-
( )_( )
(")_(") Disfuntional Bunnies...

The only time a family or family memeber doesn't have the right to see their family, is when they've done somethin' deep to have a restraning order on 'em.

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Sunday, December 17, 2006

   Do these HTML's work? Me no knows....

This is the Beginning: Hey! This thing moves across like WOOOH! @.@ Me eyes hurt!!! Oh yeahs. This was done on a webby page I'm donin' Hopefully this comes out Right.: And this is THE END
Marguee!!! That's what this is, but me no knows if it will show up or not. Hopefully it will. Oogie!!!
This is a web page on MyOtaku But who is it???!!! O.o oogie?
This is another random site, But it doesn't belong to MyO...
This next one isAnime Cubed.com ^^
*Yawn* okay. That was totally fun but now I am bored. T_T little life... is left... in me...

In this Marquee, I don't have me Bunnies but Instead, a site! It is Adult Swim dot com I just felt like doing these HTML's so...PLA!

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Saturday, December 16, 2006

   XD!!! CRIbS IS ON!!! Me had no school yesterday... yay!

LOLs... they are now in Carlos Mencia's crib. He's a funny comedian. When he answered the door he was like "Say hello to my little crib"... Like Scar Face... Which I have... I think... I also saw Gorillaz crib.. hehe... funniness... but very CONFUSING...
Carlos Mencia
There's a toliet with a sky light... WTF... He like, "When I'm on the toliet, I look up at the heavens for guidence."
He has a lot of Motorcycles... One of them has spinners on it. His "Dragon Rider" Oh yea.. Another with Highdrolics. The yellow one he got from the biker build off ep. Now he has to go with his Holms for some Tacos... Ooh! I had Taco Bell Last Night! ^^ Yumminess.
The bass player? Me no knows but he's the British dude. He has major issues. The black dude on there was like, tricken out a donkey... <.< OooKaay... I want a Chocolate... Maybe a White one or just a Chocolate. Yeah... MP3 player/Celly... Anyways, the little Japanese girl whose like 13, she came in from a... crate? thats weird... and the dude w/blue hair and seems to have no eye balls... freaky dude. Does he even have a brain? Hmmm... They are cartoons, so maybe he doesn't. Anyways:
Uhmm.. me had no skool yesterday, and thanx for that, I got to sleep in. XD! SLEEP!! I made a mini manga that was 1 1/2 pages long or 3 sheets long. It wasn't front an back, but anywho, it took me about an hour and 58 minutes... I was totally bored... Maybe I'll ink it and post it... me no knows. I want some chocolate now... or maybe popcorn... Mmm... why do so many ppl have pianos! Now I want one (an electric one....) Maybe play some Mozart or Beatovin, beatoven, how ever u spell it. >.<
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies...

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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

   Sleepy sleepy...

Me just woke up from a nappy, and me's is still alittle dazed. On dee bus, I sat WAY in the back and me bussy driver keep sayin' "keep ur feet out the aisle..." T_T she so annoying. I didn't wanna cuz i hadn't found a reason as to why i needed 2 move me feets. Until i do, mes will continue to be very upset with hers. *spat* crush her like a bug!! -.- me no like bus... annoyance...

Sleepy Sleepy... Me gots a book yesterdays. it has to do with writing a Manga. ^^ Maybe I should of gotten the one that told ya how to make a manga... -.- me no knows. I could of gotten the FMA pic-ie book (the one that isn't the orig), but I descided to get that instead. >.< Sleepy Sleepy...

( )_( )
(")_(") Oon doggy doggy. We bunnies enjoy a good nap...

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