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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

   Afro Samurai!

Afro Samurai

On my comcast OnDemand, I wanted to see what Comis Con had in it. So I selected it and saw a 2 min. video and on there was Afro Samurai. Samual L. Jackson is the voice of Afro! (Hopefully that's not the dudes real name.) The art reminded me of The Boondocks, but after seeing Afro's swordmanship, It reminded me of Jin and Mugen from Samurai Champloo. The dudes Afro is Hella Huge and Moves wild in the wind! There's a manga for it too I think. ^^ Afro Samurai is from FUNimation and is said to air on Spike. I heard Spike, but I won't guarantee it...

~What is up with DeviantART? I don't know why so many ppl have the account. It's weird. But because of that, I got me an account on deviantARt's so now it won't bother me. But I'm still upset, cuz I have Teen AOL, which means I can't get to Deviant and even though I asked my mom to get me permission for it, I can't access all the links! >:( Me so Very Mad!
Back to Afro Samurai

Well, there's nothing really to this Come Back. Just that I really wanna see Afro Samurai. ^-^

Is "Butt" the abriviation for "Buttocks"?
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnie Guru says "Yes. Now stop asking more questioning questions"...

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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

   YAY the snow is still up a little, and...

~YAYs! There was no skool today. ^^ I got to sleep in sorta... ^^ The snow is still up from last night just a little bit... I was wondering what would happen is I walked in my socks in the snow, and it wasn't that cold, but there were peices of snow on my sock, so when I put my shoe back on, and walked a little, my foot felt like a headache. which is weird but w/e. *sigh* I wanna draw twins...

( )_( )
(")_(") If happiness were anything, it would be Milk Chocolate...

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Monday, November 27, 2006

   Yay! It snowed a little, and other stuff... hehe... White and Nerdy... ^-^'

~~Hey! Hey! It snowed this morning! XD!! But as a result, we stayed out in the cold at the bus stop for about 30+ minutes! DX !! By the time I got in the Bus, My toes were numb and My hands hella cold. DX! Around Lunch time, the snow melted almost completely. At around 4:40-5:30, It was snowing again. At that Time I took Shadow out and the snow kept getting in my face and eyes... Total annoyence! But the snow was Beautiful (Like Haku... Poor Haku... Reminds me of Haiku).
I hope it snows heavier tomorrow or a little later, so much that school gets closed in my district. >.< Luck ppl who didn't go to skool today... dammit.
~I noticed something just now. Vari. in Variable means differ (vary) and variable means to change. I remembered that there are 3 shows that I know of that have characters that look like chicks but are actually dudes...
1 is Haku from Naruto. I thought he was a girl with the face and the nails... >.< total confusion!!!
Another is from Narutaru. I don't remeber his name, but he has brown or redish hair with a head band and little bangs, I guess. Anywho, I say him in the ending animation and later in the show, to find that he was a He. >.<
Well, the third is the opposite of what I noticed... There's A girl from Maze who likes this King and gets jealous when he flirts with Maze. I thought she was gay at first but later found out that she was just a girl with no chest.. -.-' I am a very confused person...
I can't remeber anymore that relate to this... PLA's peoples!

( )_( )
(")_(") We wanna watch Brigadoon, but the Comcast will not work accordingly!...

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Saturday, November 25, 2006

   An Egyptian Riddle's answer... -.-' Oogie Boogie

~~What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?
The Answer?~~
In the Morning, A baby crawls on all fours.
At Noon, an Adult walks on two legs.
In the Evening, the Adult gets old and walks on both two legs and a cane.

~~I like riddles like that... So confusing in a good way ^^

I should take a nap so that when It's Naruto-Trinity-Blood-Bleach-Eureka-Seven-And-any-other-anime-Time, I won't be totally sleepy... Well I might, but I don't know. Mmm... Egg Roll looking Rolls...

( )_( )
(")_(") Peace Love and Anime.
~~~~~~~~~~~~From your more than "Happy" Bunnies...

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Friday, November 24, 2006

   I drew a Sasuke pic.! ^^

=D Waz up? Yesterday was good... Mmm... Fingie Lickie Good... I want to watch this anime that's sim. to Astro Boy, but not exactly (The art is similar, but it does involve robots^^). It's called Brigadoon, and it's a really weird show... What other new Vid did I see...?
Well, anyways, I drew a Sasuke pic with his Sharigan, but I don't know if It came out good. I also drew Shikamaru as a chick, but I don't wanna put that up... >.<

( )_( )
(")_(") ...
I'm gonna eat some more Macaroni and Cheese... Again.

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Thursday, November 23, 2006

   Haooy Thanksgiving!

~Oogie Boogie, It's Thanksgiving!!! So... What did you eat for TG? I don't know what we are relly having... But some of it will be good... >.<
I should of drew a TG pic, but oh well. I drew another Group Pic, and the Newbies are:
~Yasuo Shimura, Chika Asakura, Bowe, and Kitty!
Kitty Is a combination of Perro from Kare Kano and the White Kitty in FLCL... It's from a postrer I have too, but I don't know if FLCL actually had a cat in it (besides Naota's fat cat)... >.< Oogie Boogie!!!
~I am bored... I need to find some pics of Eureka 7, Samurai Champloo, and... Full Metal Alchemist... >.<

( )_( )
(")_(") Thanksgiving? What are we Bunnies thankful for? Hmm...

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   Mmm... Ice Cream... I was gonna take a nap, but Failed to do so.

Ghost stories is the 2nd funniest... or is that GTO... or maybe furi kuri... >.<
Barbra Strisan... haha...

I drew a character from S.C. for the first time! ^^ I drew Fuu. I should draw Jen or Mugen... Or Momo... That squirrels name is Momo right? <<

I saw this new anime on comcast called Guyver: the Bioarmor sumthin'... << It was pretty interesting. Aliens and stuff. I saw Vampire Princess Miyu too. But lost intrest in it. SuperGALS! was funny though. I wonder. Does Shibuya really have an indoor Skiing place? I mean, when it's winter, you can go to Asia sumwhere and go to a beach. The temp. is set, there are artifical waves, but surfable I think. Non-stick Sand... ^^ So maybe that's the same place but in the anime it was summer and it was an Indoor winter thingy.

Oh yeah. Tomorrows Thanksgiving! I can't wait to have Mac and Cheese!!! XD!!! And Ham. And Vanilla Ice Cream, and Apple Pie. Mmm... This will be the first time I don't spend my T.G. with my Grandparents (On my Dads side since we and his fam. lived in FL and We were only about and hour or two away from them). This will also be the 2nd time we don't go to my Dads parents for X-Mas. I don't understand G.Parents. They're too nice, it's sad. I feel bad for mines when I was younger cuz I would sorta take advantage of 'em. Now I hardly know what I want from them, Cuz I don't need anything really.

( )_( )
(")_(") It's Wendsday and 10:02PM. It was a 1/2 day and I think we Bunnies missed Ghost Hunters. We Bunnies don't know...

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Tuesday, November 21, 2006


The Card Trick

The trick
Macheil (I don't know how to spell her name) Did this magic trick and taught it to Patricia.
~You a deck of cards and shuffle them. You tell the person to pick a card and show it to someone (if anyone), and memorize the card. Then you place the card back in the deck and shuffle. You divide the deck into thirds and tell them to pick either A, B, or C. What ever letter or # or stack they picked, you take out. You tell them to pick out another stack and they either take that stack out or the other stack u didn't pick. Then you are told to put ur hand in a side ways fist and they put the stack between your Index and Middle finger and tell you not to hold them too tight ot too lose. They hit the stack and all of a sudden, the card you pick is the one left in your hand...
The "solution"
~This is just a hypothesis, but I think I have an idea for how they performed the trick.
Once you have picked your card and give it back to the performer, they secretly hold onto it sum way. When you have that 1 stack left, they place your card on the bottom and once they hit the cards in your fist, your card is "magically" in your hand. I tried this in 2 ways:
1. The card placed on the top. You don't get the card you had chosen in the beginning.
2. The card is placed on the bottom. The card is "magically" left in your hand.
Exp. Card: Ace of spades
Times I've tried #2: 4+ times
Times I was accurate: 4+ times

I know... It's freaky. Though It's still a hypothesis! ^^
( )_( )
(")_(") Enjoy your Riddle/Magic Card Trick special, no matter how much we bunnies didn't want that...
Animatious: Nobody asked you! Now I shall try Hypo. One more time!

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   An Egyptian Riddle...

I saw this riddle on Type to Learn that we have in my computer class. I was like, on Lesson 13 14 or 15... Or 16... Anyways, I had that class last year and when I came across it again, I didn't know the answer. I do now. ^^ But I forgot how to word the riddle, so I copied it from a web and stuff...
So, here's the riddle for ya!:
What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?
( )_( )
(")_(") Go on. Figure it out...

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Monday, November 20, 2006

   Oogie Boogie... I wanna sleep, so I made a sleepy poem...

It's was raining and when My dogs paws went on the dry pavement, You could see little paw prints (even though my dog isn't little). I thought they looked so cute, just like my doggy XD!!! I think It's funny how Dogs snore... It's makes 'em seem even cutier than they already are. When I get older, I'm gonna get my own place for 1, 2 make sure I have enough money, and 3, get A rotweiler, a pug, a black lab, or a chihuahua!!
Into A Dream... A poem I made since I am bored...

Let's Fall into a dream. Let's sleep all day;
Let's dream for life, Dream our troubles away.
Let's fall into a dream, Just you and I;
Let's dream forever, even after we die.
Let's dream of neither Heaven or Hell.
Let's dream our lives will be well.
Let's dream of neither death or life;
Of sorrow or pain, or stress and strife.
Instead lets dream of rollercaosters and fun,
And eating cake with everyone.
Let's fall into a dream, Just you and I;
Let's dream we're birds who fly real high.
Into a dream we both shall go,
We'll dream until we only have our souls.
Let's go to sleep, Just you and me.
Then we can dream for an eternity.

~I have this little composition book and It has a couple of poems in it... 2 Poems that I have is called Deviness part 1 and 2. In Part 2, there's a pic of Hikari D. and Kiyoshi D., and my friends thought they were nakey (Cuz you could only see their face and parts of their arms. Hikari's hair covered most of her so yea... Then Kiyo was off the paper so I had to make a sleeve somewhere so I would look like a sleeveless T)... They were not nakey!!! But I am getting better at drawing guys ^^...
( )_( )
(")_(") Oogie Boogie! This is what happens when you're bored outta your mind...

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