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Sunday, November 19, 2006

   Rewrite- ASIAN KUNG FU GENERATION (Full Metal Alchemist) XD!!!

Eek!!! I love this song, and not to mention the anime and also this game goes totally with this so well. Right? Anywho, enjoys! I shall post a Naruto Vid. soon since I watched like 2 today. One with Sasuke and Naruto Fighting mostly (transformed... Naru had the old fox thing goin' on and sasuke totally looked tricked... It waz weird). The other was called Hinata Tribute- Life is like a boat. OKies! Byes until tomorrow!!!

( )_( )

Oogie Boogie...

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   It's Raining- by Rain (Jeong Ji-Hyun *or is it Hun?) XD!!! RAIN!!!

At first I thought this was a group band, but later found out it was a One-Man-Band. ^^ He's also the dude from Full House, a Korean Drama that was really funny to watch. Ji-Hyun played as a movie star who had too many rumors going on in his career to the point where not many movie producers wanted him as an actor. tsk tsk.
~Anywho! The most funny part in this vid is when he starts poppin'. =D Total funniness, but a sweet vid. This is also the first time I've seen the INTER video, since The Bridge tends to cut some videos short. I hate that.
( )_( )
(")_(") Don't we all? Bunnies love Rain too. We must obtain the CD!!!...

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Saturday, November 18, 2006

   -.- Oogie Boogie...

~I got my pics back the the library today. -.- Oh well... You can't have everything. Not even 15 dollas. ^^ But at least I have my drawings back and Don't have to wait in suspense. Oogalie Boogalie!

I did sumthin' and forgot what I did... Grrr....

A Kiss for My Prince is a manga by some korean person... I forgot their name but their last name was Kim. Anywho the pics. were so cute and animatious ^^. I saw another too. I didn't really get to read it, just flip threw it. It's called Peppermint... ^^ i wanna read it now. I also wanna see other Korean Mangas. or Manwha... Or what ever it's called to them... >.<

~I wish I had some Rain CDs. He is so... XD Me no know... I just like his songs alot. Like "I Do" and "It's Raining" and uhm... another one I saw last night that I thought was sad. The guy was taking his friend/girlfriend (I don't know which 1) out for A drive and wound up getting in a car acciedent. The guy (Rain) Lived but his GF/Friend wasn't so lucky... Tsk tsk tsk...

( )_( )
(")_(") The End from your bunnie friends...

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Thursday, November 16, 2006

   The Black Out

~Last night was a black out... ^^ So cool! I sorta like black outs. I don't know y tho. Anywho. My mom was out at the time and I had taken a nap. I only awoke to my celly wen my mom called me and I told her it blacked out here on base. She said she'd get Taco Bell, but they were full. She said she'd make "Mama Ball's" but then I told her that we had no electriciy. I told where the Other Taco Bell was but we descided to just go to Old Country Buffet. Me, My 2 younger bro's, and my mom ate the all-you-can-eat resturaunt, and I really enjoyed the Snicker Doodle. ^^ THE EBD

Just goes to show how much we depend on stuff like that when other countries call actually live w/o it... >.<

( )_( )
(")_(") Fast Food Resturaunts get Huge Bizz when a Black-Out occurs. We Bunnies have moved one step forward in taking over the world. Black-Outs being one of them...
Also, Me and my bro's thought it was the perfest time to tell Scary Stories too...

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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

   ................................................................................. Nintendo Wii and South Park

me is eating burger king, and wants to watch a movie, but the dvd/vhs player wont play it >.< grr... i'll just play the dvd in my ps2... I want a PS3 and I wanna find out how well Nintendo Wii Plays. The first time I heard about Nintendo Wii was on South Park, where Cartman tells Butter's to freeze him and un-freeze him when the Wii comes out. An avalanch occurs over were Cartman was buried and when Butters finds out u could die from freezing urself, he can't find Cartman and he is later found 500 years in the future w/o his Nintendo Wii... I'd tell ya the other parts of South Park were Mr. Garrison is now a Ms. Garrison, but I think sum of u don't really care much, and I don't wanna type any more's... I wish I was back in Fl -.- ....
( )_( )
(")_(") Why? So you can feed us to the Gators?!
Animatious:... No Comment. <<

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Monday, November 13, 2006

   Oogalie Boogalie 2... I was bored... That is my excuse.

HB Person: I saw this really cool AMV with FF VII and the song that went to it was Rewrite! XD
Animatious: Me saws it too! XD Cloud seems like a depressing person >>...
HB Person: No comment...
Animatious: Do you know The Pose?
HB Person: 'THE POSE'?
Animatious: Yes THE POSE. *dose a pose and glitter sparkles*
HB Person: Oh! I know The Pose! *does the same thing*
Animatious: What about that other AMV you saw?
HB Person: What other AMV? I only saw One... Well, I tried seeing Bring Neji and Tenten to Life, but only saw 11 secs. out the 1-3 mins. -.-'
Animatious: I didn't like the way it wasn't matching the song... Anywho, This was a totally new anime I had never seen be4! In fact, it could have been a commercial! *oooh*
HB Person: Let's not get ahead of ourselves now.
Animatious: Anywho, It had Vampires and the Girl who loved this one dude was totally... uhmm... Well, broke her heart I guess is the word.
"...Loving a human only brings suffering"
HB Person: How sad.
Animatious: That's what I said! And another person be4 me. ^^
HB Person: Where can I find it?
Animtious: *hmm....* YouTube.com and search Bring Me to Life... ^^ Totally kewl AMV and you all should view it!!!
HB Person: Why?
Animatious: Because It should be viewed by the WORLD, or spmething like that...
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies will rule and shall start with the ones called "AMVs"...!

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Sunday, November 12, 2006

   A quiz I took... XD It's the dude from Spiral...!!!

How would your anime family look like? (pics) by Princess Sakura
Name/ Usersname:
Favorite Color:

*Huge grin*

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   Oogalie Boogalie...

Mmm... Chicken Flavored Ramen... ^^

There's this Anime/Manga that has sum weird name... I 4got cuz It was so long... >.<
One or 2 characters I remember are Reverie and Selena... The fan art for them is so cute, and nice and *serious*... ^^ I must search more F.A. and learn from their pics.!

I want candy now -.-'
( )_( )
(")_(") Don't get angry, buy a bunnie...

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Saturday, November 11, 2006

   I have a new account... Boredom...

I know it's only like 12PM and in other parts 3PM but I am totally bored and still in my Jammies. I have these Hello Kitty silk capries my mom made and they have Hello Kitty in a pink Kimono and fans and flowers in a black BG. << They gave inspiration to my new site name. Hello Bunny!
I have Bleach's 1st ending song and a bleach BG but no avi but yesterday I looked and downloaded like 5-8 Bleach avi's. Some were really funny like the one were Ichigo's dad is stepping on Ichigo ^^

I don't have much since I just added a new account today but I'll be finding ways to make my site more "Oh My Goddo" like... T_T Maybe...

( )_( )
(")_(") Take us with you Hello Bunny!!!

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Friday, November 10, 2006

   YAY! Anime Music Codes...!!!

I found another Anime Music Code site! ^^ It's also part of Neopets and It has Bleach's Life is Like a Boat... XD YAY!!! There was sum more that I saw too I think... ^^

( )_( )
(")_(") Passion is like a drug, So addictive and hard to get off of...

Bunnies say the strangest things...

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