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Friday, November 10, 2006

   Life is like a boat... ^^

~I wish I had that song... and Asterick too, or how ever u spell Orange Range's song... I also want Kirikirimai too, but I don't wanna buy the album of the Fantastic 4... >:(
~I am going on a little quest online to find sum Anime Music like the one on my site... Eventually I'll run out of songs to play and I'll need another route. I know what to look for so... The one I am really gonna go for is the 1st ending theme to Samurai Champloo, and maybe the Op. too. Or I'll search for SuperGALS! op. theme... ^^ A really funny op. and op. animation... Then I could look for some Furi Kuri...
I no know... I shouldn't plan ahead. I'm bad at that...
( )_( )
(")_(") Let's play Patty Cake and then eat some...

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   Kaleido Star Theme... >> and some other stuff

~I really like the anime and I don't know if they have a manga... -.-'
~I really love the Op. Of Kaleido Star... Tattoo Kiss... ^^ I have the lyrics and When I get tried of this BG called Memoeries, I'll put on Tattoo Kiss... ^^
~Full Metal Alchemist, Kaleido Star, What's next? ^-^' I have no clue... Oh! Next should be Naruto since Naruto is going through interesting times now, and next will be Inuyasha since I haven't been watching the anime or reading the manga...
Love Me Hate Me

~I am actually taking the time to draw out my manga... The pics. on it don't look like I ruched it... ^^ Anything that comes in my head will be in my manga but I really should make the story first... With all said and done, I bid you a do...
( )_( )
(")_(") We have recovered from our Long and headaching Hangover. No more Tipsy tipsy...

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Thursday, November 9, 2006

   Yes... Another one T_T I just like quizzy's like these ^^ Especially when they have great insperation for me -.-'

What do the boys of Fruits basket and Naruto think of you? (girls only surprise at the end for Tohru haters!!) Thanx for 175 hit by Soji
You look like...
Naruto thinks..."Wow she's stupider than me..."
Sasuke thinks...*Begins singing "Ninja of the Night"*
Kakashi thinks..."..."
Gaara thinks..."I'm going to kill you now"
Yuki thinks...*ties tie evilly*
Shigure thinks..."Can you cook?"
Hatsuharu thinks...White version: "..."
Kyo thinks...*glares*
Akito thinks..."MWA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!" (uh...)
Tohru...Gets squished by Gaara's sand

I like this pic... ^^
( )_( )
(")_(") Getting better...

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   Yume no naka e... Yume no naka e... Another Quizzy!

What do the boys of Fruits basket and Naruto think of you? (girls only surprise at the end for Tohru haters!!) Thanx for 175 hit by Soji
You look like...
Naruto thinks..."RAMEN"
Sasuke thinks..."I hate you."
Kakashi thinks..."She's good"
Gaara thinks...*squishes you with sand*
Yuki thinks..."Hi!" *evil looking smile that is supposed to be cute*
Shigure thinks..."Come. I need inspiration. I'm writing a novel, you know!"
Hatsuharu thinks...White version: "Hi!" *bows*
Akito thinks..."MWA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!" (uh...)
Tohru...Attempts to commit suicide (Kyo told her it was good for her health)...succeeds

( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies still tipsy...
Just putting in random names...

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Wednesday, November 8, 2006

   The comment trick worked! YAY!

Just put < h6 > and < u > and u have this
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XD Kool... I figured it out all on my own! ^^ Me so proud of myself since I know i have issues...
Then u need the end (/)thingy...
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Anywho! Clock on my comp. says 5:34PM and I am trying to cum up with a manga synopsis for a title called Love me Hate me or sumthin' like that... Maybe Rebel Soul(s)... or Psychic Gaurdian... me no know... anyways, I need to go change my avi since I want to.. I have this FMA theme for now, but I need to com up with another theme... hm... maybe Inuyasha.. or Naruto (if they have a Naruto theme song)...
Okies! PLA!
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunies are still recovering from hang over...
Tipsy tipsy

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   Love me hate me... sounds like a manga... >>

^^ I think it's catchy...

Sounds like a dramatic manga right? =D Ain't no way i'll be able to do that...

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^I felt bored to I typed up that...

I wish It was snowing instead of raining. When I got off the bus, it started rainin' and It annoyed me...
Tomorrow marks the end of 1st quarter ^^... 3 more to go and hopefully i'll be in 9th grade *knocks on wood* No jinx!!!
~A few weeks ago, Marvin asked me why girls always come up with an excuse when they don't wanna go out with sum one... << hehe I sorta laughed at it... I was trying to tell him that a girl usually doesn't ecpect it or they don't know u so they might cum up with an answer like that... Other times it's just sumthin' that happens or they don't want a simple "no", cuz sum guys might ax them y and thats the "why"... or sumthin' like that... (Me will ax u that now... what would u say if a guy/girl axed u out?)
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Hmm... Marvin said that I was quiet (which is true), but he said he doesn't mess with quiet ppl cuz they are scary... In other words.. U could be quiet one day and if sum1 really pisses u off, u become really scary... I guess that happened to him ^^ I'm passive/aggressive I guess is how u'd say it... I dunno...

PLA! I'm gonna do more... stuff...
( )_( )
(")_(") "I can see us holdin' hands..."
Tipsy Tipsy... see...

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Tuesday, November 7, 2006

   First It was Animatious; So lively and fun. Now It's Bri Bri; So innnocent and nice to everyone...

What do the boys of Fruits basket and Naruto think of you? (girls only surprise at the end for Tohru haters!!) Thanx for 175 hit by Soji
You look like...
Naruto thinks...*begins singing "Ninja of the Night"*
Sasuke thinks...*Begins singing "Ninja of the Night"*
Kakashi thinks..."She sucks..."
Gaara thinks...*super glares*
Yuki thinks...*ties tie evilly*
Shigure thinks..."Can you cook?"
Hatsuharu thinks...Black version: "Hey, your kinda cute! Wanna go in the back room?" *wink, wink*
Akito thinks...*glares*
Tohru...Gets squished by Gaara"s sand

How can you be so mean?...
( )_( )
(")_(") This is a bunnies hang-over...
Yes, even bunnies wanna have a little "fun"...

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   Oh yea! I'm smarter than Naruto! ^^ But every1 else is just hatin'...

What do the boys of Fruits basket and Naruto think of you? (girls only surprise at the end for Tohru haters!!) Thanx for 175 hit by Soji
You look like...
Naruto thinks..."Shes...so smart!" *holds head*
Sasuke thinks..."Leave me alone you freak!!!"
Kakashi thinks..."She"s good"
Gaara thinks..."I"m going to kill you now"
Yuki thinks...*ties tie evilly*
Shigure thinks...*wolf wistle*
Hatsuharu thinks...Black version: F u!! *attacks you*
Kyo thinks...*glares*
Akito thinks...*glares*
Tohru...Kills all children and small animals with her evil smile

( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies too tipsy to talk...

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   O.O There was a fight today ^^ and I laughed when the

~I'm sorry, but I LIVE for drama at a school... I don't promote it or advise (did I speel it right?) that anyone fight when bad drama comes in, but what happened today was... << hard to describe...
What happened
~Like I said be4... I don't wanna see fights and yet they seem to have more reasons to come to skool. First it was the bus.
Yvette and friends were talking 'bout this chick and about fighting her. I got confused 'cuz I had no idea whose fight it was. Was it Yvette's or Jahira's? Well, Yvette (at lunch) wound up fighting this girl named Daisha. For the rest of the day everyone was talking about, if you were in the 8th grade lunch.
They were pushing Mr. Davis (the vice princ) away when he tried stopping them. They fell in the boys bathroom I think too. When Mr. Jacobs (sum concilor) told every1 to sit down, he was all like, "In all my teaching carrer, I have never seen a fight like that..." Yeah right! While he and Davis were talking, like 2 other ppl and me were laughing... I can't help it.
I laugh at the most inappropiate times, I know, but when ppl yell and get mad at you, I laugh. No 1's come up to me yet, but if they did, I bet u I'd lmao. Yvette said that she actually had permission to fight so... I think this dude named Valson was the whole reason for this. He's Jahira's BF (and ugly too) >.>...
anywho, thats about it... I want sum instant ramen...

Me so happy! I was finally able to hear FMA's Rewrite (full length) on my sitey! I found the problem... 'Downloading data'... I never gave it time to load up. when the song was over, by the time I got back from walkin' my dog, I was so excited to hear it, but sad cuz it ended and wouldn't come back... So I refrewshed it and WHAM-O! ^^ XD I am so excited that I just can't hide it or contain for that matter! I totally need to get a MP3 player...

( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies too tipsy to talk...

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Sunday, November 5, 2006

   Austin Powers... Broklyn Style Pizza I know doesn't taste like NY, but I still wanted to eat it...

~I am watching Austin Powers... the one where he loses his 'mojo'. Hehehe... It's funny... I've seen it a dozen times and yet I haven't laughed at it... now I am... ^^ Mini Me is funny.

In my Cutie Pig rice bowl, I ate noodles and chicken... Mmmm... It was good... and slippery >.< YAY! My dog is gonna get a bath tomorrow! (He stinks DX)I had homework and didn't do it cuz 1, I was lazy, and 2, It was hard to do. Dam parents wanting homework in Social Studies...

( )_( )
(")_(") 222 visited... ^^ Thats more than my other username...

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