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Saturday, November 4, 2006

   Nuttin' But a chicken wang... A survey I took... Now u know how bored I am...

NameAnimatious... >.<
BirthdayJuly 19th
Hair Colorbrown
Eye Colorrbown
Favorite FoodMac 'n cheese... Ribs... Pizza (NY not Dominos)
Favorite DrinkMinute Maid Lemonade, Limeade, and Fruit Punch... and soda
Favorite SubjectArt... Anime... everything else sucks...
Favorite Color(s)Blue
Game SystemGame cube, PS1, PS2, GBA SP, GBA, GBA Micro, and I want Nintendo DS...
Favorite Animal(s)Doggies! and monkies. We're related to 'em ya know.
HobbiesDrawing. Watching TV, play video games, and eat... and sleep
ObsessionsOMG! None really... Except drawing...
Favorite MusicK-Pop/Rock and J-Pop/Rock, and some western (like R&B, etc.)
Favorite WeatherWarm or Cool
Favorite SeasonSummer
Favorite Country=D I wanna say US of A, then I wanna say Japan... I don't know Jap. thayt well, so we'll stick with Amer.
Favorite anime/mangaHeh... Naruto, Kare Kano, GTO, SuperGALS!, Trinity Blood, Bleach, Eureka 7, FMA, Lain, Ghost Stories, And a whole lot more I don't remember!
Favorite non-anime showsGhost Bosters, some Korean Dramas like 'Full House' and 'My Lovely Sam-Soon'
Favorite music bandsOrange Range, Fall Out Boy, Rain, Sowelu, and A LOT more...
Favorite type of moviecomedy, and... well, yea... comedy. (and anime)
Favorite MovieScary Movie 2, Mostly all of Miyazaki's works, and...
Favorite computer games (or internet)None that I know of...
Favorite Video GamesBurn Out!!! I love crashing cars into stuff!
What kind of guy/girl youy like?Do I like? Hmm... A guy I can relate to I guess... I haden't really thought of it that much...
Do you like yourself?Yes... and no... and Yes... Total: Yes
Do you find yourself attractive?LOL! WTF! How should I know! If I'm me, yeah, but I'm me, so that means I know if I'm attractive or not, when I actually don't know if I am ot not! << Uhm...
Dream in lifeTo walk the moon! No, to actually show my anime skills to tha world! And have my Bunnie pals help me out, even If they hate me...
Who do you love?Me... and others I guess ^^
Who do you hate?Everyone who doesn't... Nope... I'm all good... ^^


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   Instant Japanese... 45 minutes a day; In 6 weeks, you'll speak Japanese... *scuffs*

Ha! As if! I had these flash cards and next to 'em it said not to lose 'em but use 'em. What do u think I did! I still have the other 5 week flashcards, but that 1 week... *sighs* I had to postpone my Jap. learnings... dammit... I have the Teach Yourself book with me now, and I'm trying to see if they have a site I can go to for these types of dilemmas. I don't speak proper english... I don't like it, and I don't wanna...
My moms like, it should be 'this type of dilemma', but I'm like, 'Me no wanna!'... Well, actually I just said I don't speak proper english.
It's November and It's raining. Why is it raining?! I don't like it when It rains and it's cold... It's November and It's raining. A man is still painting. And let me tell you, he is VERY old... like mold...

That was stupid I know... But I'm bored, eating fig newtons, it's 1:31 PM and It's raining...
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies don't know anything, and yet they are smarter than Animatious...

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Friday, November 3, 2006

   Now I have a new keyboard... the $1.50+ Japanese store...

~Yesterday I spent about 3 hours total drawing and inking and coloring this pic. I drew. It's my first Group pic. and i'm pretty satisfied with it. It features Hikari, Takane, Angelic, Saori, and Ino( a chick I drew a while back. she's got brown hair and yellow highlights). I posted up yesterday, so I hope it is a good pic to the rest of Otaku... ^^

~Today I went to the Mall, and There was a store my mom told me about. It was a Jap. store, and it had everything in there $1.50+. It was so cool! I got headphones, 2 set plastic erasers (they look funny, cuz they have funny faces) a Cute Pig rice bowl, and blue Happy Balloon chopsticks... It was so cool! When I get more money, I'm gonna go and buy a whole lot of stuff in there. the store actually had some Jap. people in there too (and like, 1 american hehe). I knew they were Jap. cuz of the way the talked... "Nani-san" "Koni-sumthin'" (not Konnichiwa)... I got mad cuz I wanted to know what the produces said and what the jpa. ppl were saying! >.< It made me wanna learn jap even more. They didn't have any 'special'paper, but I didn't expect them to. Though they did have some Jap. Calligraphy books and papers... The store was called Daiso Japan or just Daiso.

That's about it! PLA!
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies want more and more!...

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Thursday, November 2, 2006

>.< OMG! WTF!

~I'm gettng pssed off cuz my "i" button won't work rght... see?!!!
I have to press on it hard in order to get an 'i'. That is really annoying...

As u can see, i have a new BG... I think it's the cutest chibi wallpaper of FMA when looking through pages 1 and 2. XD Al is cute and so is ed! ^^ I can't hear my BG Music. Can u? It's supposed to be FMA's 4th op. Rewrite, but i can't hear it. That's why this post is called "OMG!WTF!"... I am frustrated becuz of that and the i button... dam u!

( )_( )
(")_(") Let's all pray for the Bunnies in Heaven...

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Wednesday, November 1, 2006

My teeth will rot, and when they do, I'll just get new ones... and the cycle goes on and on...

SO... how was ur Halloween? I didn't really trick or treat cuz I haden't planned on it. Audrey's mom gave us some bags, but Katie didn't use her's... It was hella cold last night too! >.< When I went back home my hands were red! Well, not red red, but hot pink red... u know! It hurt just washing my hands in warm water... I had the worst luck too! My friend Megan came on our bus and she was gonna halloween with us but then my friend audrey left when we were goin down this hill near a park... I was the only one who new this cuz me and audrey were behind every1. Audrey said she was going home and I told Katie. Katie was like, are u serious!? I'm like, yea... then katie gets pissed at Megan cuz katie thought that audrey left cuz marvin (audreys ex) and megan were flirting... I'm like, but y would she care? she said she didn't like marvin anymore... anywho, Megan said "so" and that really pissed katie off. "that's my friend ur taking about! when my friends feeling are hurt I wanna know y!" or sumthin' like that... Megan didn't know that audrey left and didn't know what katie was talkin about. so here we have a pissed off katie, a crying and "confused" megan, and me, not wanting to do much of anything.
Megan asks me to take her to katies place and then i do and try and find katie. I see marvin and his 2 other friends and he's asking me wat happened and i tell him, and then he tells me where katie and them are. I find them like 10 min. later, and katie even more pissed cuz she might get grounded.
crying megan+ katie+ megan coming here in the first place= Grounded... or sumthin like that.
(katie didn't get grounded and audrey doesn't like marvin and only left cuz he was there)
In the end, it was a most interesting halloween if u were there, and it was yummy too...
no bunnies. they went on vacation

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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

   OMG! I remember the anime on AZN!!

The anime was called the adventures of Narue... The girls name, who is actually an alien, is Nanase... Oh, yeah! Go me! >.< no...
( )_( )
Oh yea! It's Halloween! I want lots of candy. I'm going as the best costume ever!...
^^ Me.
I think me and friends are actually gonna scare peoples... I hope so, cuz I know it'll be funny and fun.
On my Porti I submitted Hikari the Chibi. i want a lollipop now...
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies are smart... Y=MX+B.... See?!

I don't like algebra... I just got how to get an X intercept and we went over for like, 3 days... I just now get it... sorta... in 24 hours, I'll forget.

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Monday, October 30, 2006

   Halloween is tomorrow! I also got a Chobits poster...

Me and friends are gonna go and hide behind stuff and scary people! >.< It's gonna be funny. What am I gonna be? Me of course! I don't feel like dressing up this year, and plus, I'm sorta used to trick-or-treating in FL at my Grandparents house. I might go with my friends but we'll have to wait and see.
~~Ok! a bunnie wants to know!
( )_( )
(")_(") What will you bunnies be for Halloween...?

Yesterday I got a Chobits poster and I have never even watched the anime or read the manga... I only got it becuz it kept reappearing and I got a glipse of the manga. All I know is that it has to do with computers... I think...

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   Chibi's are cute, oh yes they are! ^-^ An AZN Anime...

~I drew a nice pic. yesterday and so I'll post it up.

An Anime on AZN

~I saw a show on AZN and it was all in Japanese! Of course there was english captions, but I just didn't feel like reading it and was wishing that the anime was dubbed in eng. I was sorta annoyed by the voices, but that's only because I think I'm just used to hearing my own language in an anime. But I haven't given up on the anime though! I can't wait to see the next ep. and from the looks of it, It seems as though the anime that I was watching was the 1st ep. or the 2nd ep. (or maybe the 3rd)... Uhm... the show is called... crap... I forgot. It had to do with a girl from another planet and who has brown hair and purple eyes and is sorta a loner. It's partly because she's and "alien" even tho she is. The guy who likes her is Kazu-Chan (that's all I could remember...) and he has Purple hair and Green eyes. He's sort of a coward but an ok guy... He and the Naku or Naru (I forget!) go on a date (in the next ep.) and sum1 tries to get her to confess that she's an alien. If you have an idea, PLZ tell me what this anime is called... >.< I might not watch it tomorrow becuz i don't like mushy stuff... it's not that mushy but still... >.<
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies have no comment...

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Sunday, October 29, 2006

   >.< What happens to Hyuuga Hinata? That's a BIG Frog...

~I am planning my manga out now and have no idea what it's called! >.< I guess I'll just have to make it and think about it later. Maybe I'll call it "Hikari" or sumthin' else... what about HAK? Hikari Angelic and Kiyoshi... eww.. no... uhmm... yea, into more pressing matters...

~Naruto Vol. 11. Yesterday I went to the book store to see what was going on with Hinata, since the condition states have only been about Lee and Sasuke... *relieving sigh* Hinata's ok... I wouldn't say she's my fav. character, just funny to watch... or is that with Sakura?... Hmm... Anyways, When Naruto and Neji finally fight, sum ppl start saying things about Naruto and Kiba's thinkin' yea, I thought too, but underestimate him and you'll be in for a suprise... or sumthin' like that... I didn't really read it, just flipped through it becuz I wanted to know what happened to Hinata since she had like 10 min. to live or sumthin'.
I did happen to see sum parts where Naruto summons the frog and the frogs like, no ones been able to summon him in a long time or sumthin like that...

( )_( )
(")_(") That's a BIG frog....

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   Already! Yay! *Hikari Deguchi*

~Oh yea! Hikari Deguchi has 2 comments and 5 votes! >.< All the other pics. are now getting pushed aside! O.O no, wait... that won't be acceptable... >.< grr... I really wish I could submit Hikari to my library but... >.< I can't now and I am totally pissed! >.< ^^ On the other hand, I can't wait to draw another pic of Hikari. Oh, sum info about that... You know Babe from my Porti right? That's basically who Hikari is, except modified! ^^ That's fun to do, but complicated, cuz now I have a new character rather than the same one I started out with. Well, anywho. This post was mainly about Hikari Deguchi and stuff...
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies just wanna have fun...

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