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Sunday, October 29, 2006

   >.< Grr....

~Today I got a 36 colored pencil set, a super fine pen, and My mom went to Wendy's and I wanted a drink and fries, but she said no, and I was like, I have money, so that was 2 dollars taken away... >.< I want sumting from Unique Anime but I don't know If I can afford it...
~Yay me! I drew a pic and I am nowing going to Post it up! >.< I was really happy with the results but I regret ever drawing it... The reason for that is becuz I submitted a pic. and the new one is not as good as this one. >.< My mom agreed... Yesterday was the last day to submit it too... >.< grr...

( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies say Happy Birthday to Katrina...
10:31PM Sat.

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Friday, October 27, 2006

   Oh yea! about 160 people have been to my site (DX but only 30 have signed my GB)

~Does anyone know how to beat Hades in KH chain of memories? (I know you know!>.<) I drew Sasuke from a wallpaper but it wasn't coming out the way i wanted it to so I just mad a little Sasuke instead. I'll post that up later and a ny first Sasuke pic. from a poster later too.
~For din din we are having Spagetti... and so... (it's like, 8:07PM now)
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies bid you a-do.

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   (='.'=) Uhm... I was out today w/friends and I dreamt a dream last night. O.O ooh...

~Right now it's 7:44PM and I am watching Dirty Jobs on Discovery Channel.
~I was with my friends Audrey and Christie and we were near a parke and saw these two boys that looked like Christie's bro. and maybe Shane. When we clarified that it was Paul (Pablo, christie's bro.) and Shane, Audrey, Christie, and me started running the opposite way... Then around the house Shane popped up and that totally scared me! >.< Then Shane was like, why did we run and stuff, and we sid that it was Audrey's idea...
~Last night I had a dream about the Anime Contest, because I was nervous I guess... It was about me in these art gallery and i saw these really good drawings w/hella hard details I couldn't copy... I think they were annoucing the winners and I didn't win... I didn't feel abything though... It was a weird dream...
~I keep on saying SUKI SUKI and this morning, Shane asked me what it meant, and i was like, i don't know, but i did know i just didn't know... Luckly I had my Jap.-Eng. dictionary w/me. He wanted me to look sumthin up but i'll try and keep this post cussy free...(i don't know about hella tho...)

Yume no naka e Yume no naka e
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies say "Happy Birthday" to Animatious' friend Katrina...

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Thursday, October 26, 2006

   Library Submission... Now I can see y people love KH.

~I told my mom to submit 1 ori and she didn't! Instead, she submitted 1 ori and 1 fan! It was the Ed pic I did. I don't think I posted it up be4 (well i did but It didn't come out right). I'll post it up later. The 1 ori I wanted to submit was the Ami Watanabe pic, with her hands and her in a blue dress... Anywho, There are cash prizes so ^^. 1st prize winner wins $50, 2nd prize winner wins $25, and 3rd prize winner wins $15 and other prizes.
My mom is baggin' on Lil' Wayne in the video Stuntin' Like My Daddy. She said that Lil' Wayne looks so ugly, that he makes her doo doo look cute (...) and then she said that Lil' Wayne is so ugly that when he was born his mother slapped him back in her tummy(...no comment) I know my mom was just jokin' but still... she said sumthin' else but i'm too lazy to type it...

That's about it... I'ma eat some ribs now...
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies Just Wanna Have Fun...

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   Hey my friends... I was out today... NO! There's no more 1/2 days...

~NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There's no more half days! DX or not until 2 weeks from now, or sumthin' like that. Grr.... I liked the half days...
~Me, Katie, Audrey, and Christie hung out today ^^. (yay! i wasn't bored!) We went to Shane's house to pick him up, but his mom said he couldn't come yet, so we went to Katie's house. Katie has 2 cute little dogs!^-^ One I think is either 1 or 2 y-old and the other was born on Feb. My dog Shadow is 2, and Audrey's dog is 1. Both our dogs are blck labs and have a b-day in october, but my dog is (maybe) mixed with great dane.
~We were at this park and Katie was acting like she was on crack... it waz funny. She called here BF on my cell and said "I'm high" and then hung up. It was funny... heh heh heh.. Then Derrick (her BF) called my cell back.
"Hello" Bri Bri says...
"Hello? Whise this?" Derrick answers...
bri bri: This is Katie's friend, Bri bri... Here Katie! heh heh...
Katie: Hello? Oh hey... heheh...
Then Katie gets that face when she laughs but then gets a straight face that sorta freaks me out... so she hangs up my cell and gives it back. I ask what he said to her and she was like:
Katie: He said why did i call him and say 'im high' and in a figgin' parent/teacher confrense. I'm like, okay, don't get all mad at me though...
It was funny... But then as we were going across the street, we saw a little boy about 2 years old crying. He was all alone and Katie was asking who he was and did he know anybody and he was saying "Stephany..." and "Ya ya..." (ya ya is Jahira's nick name...) and so me and Audrey went to a house on the right but no one answered and we went to the house on the left and this kid named LA answered (his real name is Angelis) and Audrey was like, do u know this little kid? and he went to the little kid and Katie said LA do you know him, and LA said yeah, and took him in his house... Me, Katie, Audrey and Christie thought it was jacked up that a 2 year old kid was left out side bare foot in the cold. He was crying and ppl were just going past him... Christie said that some dude was driving and slowed down to the kid then drove away... I thought that was messed up...
~Any ways, that was my day... Now Im trying to make a synopsis for my manga... >.< it's so hard because i don't know what to make a manga about. so far it has to do with a girl losing her memories and trying to regain them... >.<

( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies just wanna have fun...

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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

   What I want, You might have it. What I need, you know I ain't got it. Do Wop, bop bop do wop... Are u being watched?

~These I wish I had and know I won't get until X-mas or my 14th B-DAY... >.< so sad... *'s mean What i might/will be getting... so sad...
Adobe paint shop (they don't have it anywheres' so i might just get adobe photoshop w/paintshop in it)*
mp3 player/Ipod mini (doesn't matter since they're both the same)
art materials... like pastels and markers so i can learn how to color with 'em with a book i checked out but put back in the library)
uhmm... candy*
my own comp!
a DS*
I wanted Burn Out3 for Nintendo DS, but i put Pokemon Sapphire instead becuz I wanted to trade pokemon w/my emerald... dammit!
Non-boredness. Me boredy bored bored.

Have you heard XZIBITS new song called Concentrate? It's got this old chinese man on there saying "yam mu ling cing cu" or sumthing like that. I can sorta tell thier chinese w/the ying yang gong and even tho jap. and chin. (oh yea. Chin was a real person who took over the parts of China... and named it after himself i think... all i know is that the dudes name was Chin) have similar characters, i sorta get the conclusion that its chin. becuz of the chicks clothing (i don't think chin. ppl wear kimonos... if they do, sry) and the gong and the language the elder asian man was saying...

That's about it. God! This game is so frustrating! I keep playing it becuz i started it. KH and other games are just weird like that. Sora looks ok, but u kinda lose the effect with those gigantic shoes! I was always wondering where Le kun's avi came from. When i was playing KH i saw it and was like "Oh!" ( I know I'm slow and i except that, just don't point it out, k? I haven't played KH be4 or not very much.)
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies tease Animatious. "Ha ha! Animatious ur slow!"
"Die you horrid bunnie!"
( )_( )
(")_(") Abuse! Abuse! *A bunnie can never die and that's why it will rule the world*

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   My back hurts! >.< grr... O yea... KH help... The K sideways *tilts to left* looks like a Jap. character for fire i think...

~DX My friends didn't get me today! >.< Maybe it was because Katie was too upset that her BF couldn't come on our bus like he said he would... i dunno.
~Hey, I have a brownie mix and a danish! Mmmm... cream cheese danish...
~Right now i'm playing Kingdom Hearts on my SP. I'm in Olympus sumthn' and battling Hades... which is taking forever! If anyone knows how to beat him after Sora callenges him, plz tell me and/or any other game tips or websites either by PM or by comments (PMs for REALLY LONG game tips ^-^)
~My back hurts. I didn't do anything to it, it just hurts and it annoys me so much.
~C'mon Sora! Beat that watchamacallits a**!!! >.< or least end quickly so I can save this and switch to micro so i can charge my SP...!
~On about.com, i went and looked on how to make a manga and it gave me all these things and so i'ma use 'em so that i don't just make it and trash it becuz i don't like the storyline...
OKay... that's it, PEACE! LOVE! & ANIME! PLA!
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies love Jack Skellington...

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

   (Gasp) Why?! My pictures are...are... *faint*...

~I went and checked up on my portfolio, and my drawings are still coming up crappy. It's like I need to learn how to take better pics., or I need a better edit... Anywho, I am boreds nows ands wants to eat sumthin'. I am hungy... yes hungy. not hungry, hungy. Or would it be hungie? anyways, it's a little babyish. I am gonna go now so peace outs!
Me can't wait to see the Next Naruto^-^!
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies go beddie bye bye...

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   Uhm... ^-^

~I went out yesterday with like... 1...2... uhm... 7-8 of my friends... I think they (2 or of my friends) picked me up at 4 and i didn't get home 'til like 6.. but even though it was only 2 hours, it was cold and we went on my friends' trampalin... uhm... what else? Anyways, I went out with my friends and it was both tiring and fun.
Shane (uhm... yea, you know it would be one of my frineds) got left behind at the skool when me and katie and marvin were all in the woods. We ran and tried to hide from Shane, and there was a big bush, so we hid behind that, but he saw us behind it, so... Katie was all tired and stuff, and then shane was eating chocolate crackers bears in front of us, and throwing them at katie and stuff...
Then we like, went and got some other peoples and stuff... It was fun, funny, and dramatic. (Shane got kick it the balls by Katie on accident, and went over by a ditch and stuff and Katie went to go say sorry but he called be a b*tch and Katie was all pissed at him,and was like, don't even think about talking to me tomorrow then) Then today when we went out, he was giving her all these candy stuff and I said he was suckin' up to her. But on the bus he was explaining why he called he a b*tch.
~Hmm... yea, that happened today w/him suckin' up and explaining stuff and since today was a half day, we left my place at 1 and i came beack home at 4, so my feet hella hurt. We went on Katie's tramploline and jumped cuz it was cold, but only me, shane, and Audrey were on it. Katie didn't want to... >.< I think we're all gonna go back outside but i don't know. Tomorrow and Thursday is a 1/2 day too so today might repeat itself... mmm, pringles...
~OKIE DOKIE! I'm boreds nows...
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies are sleepy...

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Sunday, October 22, 2006

   The Ghost Detective... >.

Chapter One: My first case!

It was raining really hard yesterday, and it still was today. I didn’t know what to do if I couldn’t go to Takane’s house. It was so frustrating, that I had to write a poem saying what rain does to me and my free time.

Why does it rain?
All night and day;
Even when the sun’s up shining its rays.
When will it stop?
Today or tomorrow?
It’s like someone’s crying
With so much sorrow.
Don’t cry don’t cry.
Oh please don’t cry.
If you continue,
My free time will die.
Please rain, Just this once,
Stop raining for me…?
If you do, I’ll help you,
So please?
Please rain, don’t cry.
It’ll be okay.
But if I help you,
Make the rain go away…

I was so bored I came up with this poem. I looked at it for about 10 seconds and then smiled because I sucked at making poems. Most people don’t agree, but I don’t care what people think.
Ring! Ring!
That was our house phone, and it seems like my mom has another case to go to. Both Mom and Dad are heard out the door, and I’m left alone at home. What was I going to do for the rest of the day? I was totally bored and had nothing to entertain me with except for the TV but nothing interesting is on ,on Sundays. It was still pouring outside and I was fed up with it. I was just about to get up and yell at the sky to stop the rain when I tripped and fell on some clothes on the floor. I stayed on the floor trying hard to remember something. After about a minute and a half, I realized that the clothes on floor weren’t there before.
“How did they get out of my drawer?” I said puzzled.
Then all of a sudden, a knock on my window. I went towards the window and looked out of it. Nothing. I didn’t see anything. Maybe the neighborhood kids were pulling a little trick. Either way, they knew if they did I’d make their lives a living hell. As I was thinking about the kids, I heard a knock on my door. I got up and ran towards it, but in the process, I feel down the stairs and landed on my butt. Yeah, nice way to impress somebody if you wanted to make a good one. I got up and walked towards the door, opened it and saw that, again, nobody was there.
“Something definitely is going up. Someone is playing tricks on me and if I find them, so help me-” as I was threatening the air, I wound up tripping a banana. Wait. A banana?! Okay, I knew I was a klutz but falling 3 times in just a few minutes all together seemed really weird to me. I scratched my head in confusion. What was going on? First the window, the stairs, and then the banana. W, S, B. The first initials of those words, and they seemed so familiar to me. I knew a Wilson B., Wesley B., and some other W’s. Hmm… So far I tripped on my clothes, my toes or just the stairs and a banana. C, T, S, B. Yeah, there wasn’t a connection. When stuff like that happens, the first thing you do is see if they mean anything. None of them seemed like something I could figure out. The only guess I had was that all of this was a haunting. My house isn’t haunted at all, but when stuff like this happens to us, we think it’s someone contacting me.
Most ghosts that I have helped have sent spiritual messages across the planet saying how they passed on, or that I was the only way to help them pass on. At first it was flattering, but now it’s annoying, because all the spirits want to come to me in search of a way to move on. I get these cases every now and then, but still… Oh yeah, my first case, sorry.
Anyways, I hadn’t helped any ghosts ever, but I do talk to them when I’m bored. The only problem with that is that sometimes they won’t shut up.

I'm not done so... >.<
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies are cutie pies... Yup... I like pies.

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